Take up for career education

Author:Banyue talk about new media Time:2022.08.26

After the college entrance examination, how to fill in volunteers and choose a career direction is a question that every high school graduate needs to think about. In order to take less detours in the future, the lesson (also known as career education) for career should be supplemented. During the interview, the reporter found that despite the vigorous progress of the policy, the school still faces difficulties such as lack of teachers, less resources, and no standards, and career education needs to be accelerated urgently.

Career education, the "compulsory course" of the new college entrance examination reform

In 2019, the "Guidance Opinions on Promoting the Reform of General High School Education in the New Era" issued by the General Office of the State Council, it is clear that ordinary high school schools should guide students through discipline teaching, opening guidance courses, organizing lectures, and professional experience experience.

In recent years, various places have also continued to promote high school career education. Chongqing City requires that high school schools are equipped with a full -time education teacher in the career planning and education. The three -year career course in high school is not less than 4 credits, of which specialized courses are not less than 1 credits. In Shanghai West Middle School, each freshman was equipped with a "career mentor" at the time of registration, guiding students to discover their interests in a certain professional field, and through academic forum, academic inquiry day, academic festival, etc. Students find their own direction.

The reform of the new college entrance examination has also become a direct promoter of career education. Ou Jian, the principal of Southwest University Affiliated Middle School, pointed out that the reform of the new college entrance examination has given students full of free choice, and high school students will also face professional directions early. Understanding what your interests are and where your career direction is a compulsory course for every candidate in the background of the new college entrance examination.

"In the past, many high school students only started considering their future career planning when they filled in the college entrance examination. Due to the lack of understanding, some candidates rely on the major when choosing a professional, and even which one is good." Ou Jian said.

High school schools are responsible for the education responsibilities of students' career planning. On the eve of the college entrance examination, Chongqing and Central China held the "Career Planning Practice Experience Activities", and more than 400 high school students entered Chongqing Medical University. "How to be a good doctor" "What can we do for patients" ... Everyone's questions were answered one by one. After participating in the experience activities, many students said that they realized the greatness of medical care and strengthened their aspirations to study medicine.

Middle school students participate in vocational experience activities at Chongqing Medical University

Career education class is facing "three ways"

Former national policies advocated, the reform of the new college entrance examination was promoted, and the importance of career education became more prominent. However, during the interview, the reporter discovered that the current high school school still faces many practical difficulties when carrying out career planning and education.

The first is the shortage of professional teachers. At present, high schools in various places generally lack full -time career education teachers. Most of the schools' practice is to ask psychological teachers or ideological and political teachers and career education courses. Taking a township high school in Wuling Mountain as an example, there is only one full -time psychological teacher in the school, which is difficult to serve as a career education course for the whole school. The principal said: "What is left is some feelings and enthusiastic teachers who want to get in time and worry about it."

In order to solve the problem of lack of hands in the career education class, some high school schools proposed that the class teachers and teachers of various subjects assumed the duties of some career education. However, in practice, it is found that the most familiar to teachers in these majors is the teacher industry, and I don't know much about other industries.

The second is the lack of curriculum carrier, and the clever woman is difficult to cook without rice. Many teachers in the frontline of many career classes have reported that career education class is still in the "three -none" state that can be relying on, free of textbooks, and no standards. This is also one of the important reasons for some schools that have not been able to offer special hours. Under the conductor of the exam -oriented education, "courses that do not take the college entrance examination" such as college entrance examinations such as college entrance examinations can often be rely on and even squeezed out of the course list.

"We tried this course last semester. Most of the teachers obtained information from the Internet to make PPTs to watch it for students. I dare not talk about the unfamiliar content and worry about misleading students." The academic director of the district's county high school told the reporter half -monthly that in view of the poor results of the class and instead of the teachers' enthusiasm, the career education class in the new semester may be difficult to continue.

The third is the lack of curriculum resources, making the curriculum single, most of the dragonflies. The reporter's observation found that the most common and most common form of career education activities in high schools in various places are collective lectures on students. The form is relatively single and the interaction is relatively insufficient. Teachers often can only talk about dragonflies and generalized. The effect of career education is limited.

Develop resources inside and outside the school, make career education "live"

"High school stage is a critical period for the formation of students' world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and it is also the critical period for students to choose the direction of future life development." Wan Yong, director of the Chinese Education Development Society's career planning and guidance special committee. Students broaden their horizons and their ability to enhance their career planning, and eventually laid the foundation for students' future career and lifelong happiness.

In response to the reality of the current shortage of education teachers, accelerating training and completing the team of teachers have become a top priority. Wan Yong suggested that on the one hand, selection of outstanding university graduates from college's psychology, education, philosophy and other disciplines, or introducing in -service teachers with a background of career education related research; Wait for the enthusiastic people of society to form a team of professional education teachers in a combination of part -time job. Student parents are one of the important career education resources. "Parents of students from all walks of life have different career experiences. This is a valuable wealth for the school's career education, and it can also make up for the lack of school teachers to a certain extent." Zhang Jian, a teacher in Chongqing No. 1 Middle School, said , The school has opened a "parental course" since 2015, inviting parents from different occupations such as construction engineers, etiquette trainers, and traffic police to tell the school to tell career stories and carry out professional experience activities. It has also promoted the cooperation and support of more parents for school career education.

The effective development of career education is inseparable from the development and construction of curriculum resources. Experts believe that career education courses have the characteristics of comprehensive, practical, and experiential, and need to build a multi -dimensional three -dimensional curriculum model of "on -school+outside school". In addition to conducting workplace simulation, career debates, and career communities in the school, you can also use off -campus research travel, visiting, practical experience, volunteer activities and other forms to make career education "live".

"At present, the resources of the career can still be relatively lacking, and the school's docking is not smooth enough." Ou Jian suggested to accelerate the construction and comprehensive utilization of the career experience venue, and support the school to build a career experience venue adapted to local conditions. Make full use of public places such as the existing urban planning halls, museums, science and technology museums, etc., and guide universities, vocational education centers, and high -tech industrial parks to the public during the winter and summer vacations. Support the pattern of career education.

Source: "Half Moon Talk" 2022, Issue 15

Reporter Banyue Talk: Ke Gaoyang | Editor: Yuan Bixia

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