What should I do if my child feels nervous and anxious?| Special attention

Author:China Education News Time:2022.08.25

The new semester is about to start,

Did these situations appear?

What about your child?

Faint brain



That's right, this is the manifestation of the opening syndrome!

"Study Syndrome" is not a disease diagnosis.

However, many children are indeed after school just started

It is easy to show the above problems.

How to help children actively respond to the new semester,

What about the study and life of the new semester better?

Let's take a look with Xiaobian ~

Is the "starting school syndrome" harmful?

The "starting school syndrome" generally lasts for a period of time, which has a different degree of impact on the normal study and life of the child. Caused a big impact.

However, if the symptoms are heavier or the symptoms continue to exist, it may affect the health of the child, which will cause children to be unable to adhere to their studies, or develop into a physical formal disorder, adaptation disorder, long -term anxiety, etc. Therefore Also seek professional physician help.

Parents need to be reminded that if the child has a "school syndrome" and does not need to be too nervous, a balanced mentality should be maintained to increase the child's security, so as not to pass their anxiety and nervousness to the child, aggravate the child's anxiety, and actively help the child to carry out the child to carry out Positive guidance and adjustment of living habits.

What are the performances of the "Starting School Syndrome"?

"Starting School Syndrome" in

The performance of each child is different

Xiao Bian is here to summarize it for you

Three more common performances

And sorted the corresponding countermeasures

If your child has performed abnormally recently

You can see

Are these issues reflected in children?

Performance 1: Do not want to go to school to cause physical discomfort

Every time the new semester is coming, there will be a group of children who do not want to go to school. Their clinical characteristics are different, but most of them have the phenomenon of mood low, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, etc. Symptoms such as panic and frequent urination.

Editor's support: physical symptoms originated from psychological causes

In fact, many students will have some unsuitable situations at the beginning of the new semester, just like many adults do not want to go to work after long vacation. These are the external performance of people's panic and unconfident. When people face some unpleasant and dangerous things, negative emotions will be manifested as some physical symptoms and will last for a period of time.

Generally speaking, children's psychological problems may come from parents, families, or classmates, schools. For example, some are because of poor academic performance, some are not handled by classmates, and even some younger children are unwilling to go to school because the school's food is not good. In short, first figure out what the child is afraid of and does not want to go to school, and then he can guide the symptoms.

Performance two: refuse to get out of a cheerful holiday

"The cheerful summer vacation is over. I can't accept it." Xiao Liang, who was in the second year of the second year, often felt uncomfortable and even had insomnia. "The rhythm of life in the summer vacation is very slow, especially when my parents go to work during the day. If there is no one at home, I can play for a full day, and I can watch TV and play games at night. I am too comfortable."

Editor's support: Parents should help their children bring back their hearts as soon as possible

Some children are too relaxed during the holidays, which requires parents to help their children accept their minds in time and restore their learning status in school. For children who do not want to go to school, parents must first let their children understand that schooling cannot escape, and it is impossible not to go to school.

Secondly, it is necessary to help children adjust the schedule and gradually reduce the time of entertainment. Do not arrange activities that are easy to cause excitement after nine o'clock in the evening, and transfer children's interests from TV series and online games.

Furthermore, parents should take the lead in creating a good living environment for their children, allowing children to enter the learning state at home, and make the child's heart "gather" back.

Performance three: Fall and fear of going to school

"My family Tingting is a representative of the class in the class. The academic performance has always been good, but now I don't want to go to school for life!" According to Tingting's mother, Tingting will study this year, but in recent days I don't want to read a book, I am afraid of starting school, and I don't even want to go out. "In the end, I learned that the parents repeatedly asked that it turned out that Tingting was not ideal because there was a final exam in the last semester, and I was worried about being laughed at by my classmates."

Experts support: Parents should let their children understand that good grades cannot represent everything

Some children with outstanding academic performance often put more pressure on themselves, and hope that they will become the best and pursue perfection. Therefore, some children often show a regretful mentality when they start school, because they are worried that too little time to study during the holidays will be compared by other students, so that anxiety will appear.

For such children, parents must first give them confidence, not to increase pressure and provide a relatively easy environment. At the same time, it is necessary to make children understand that the quality of grades cannot represent everything, and failure is not terrible.

Do these six things to help children easily meet the new semester

Welcome to the new semester

Increase attention to children's inner world

Some children have psychological problems. How do parents ask, and they can't ask why, but when facing a psychologist, the child will reveal his heart. This is mainly because the child thinks that it will cause criticism and other consequences after communicating with the parents, so he is unwilling to tell the parents.

For this situation, parents need to abandon the shelf and make friends with their children. Do not avoid all kinds of compulsory and punitive words and behaviors. Parents can also find relatives who have a common language to help with their children. Ask less, do more guidance questions

In addition to some children unwilling to communicate with parents, there are also children who do not know where the problem is. For example, parents often quarrel, which will have a subtle effect on the child's psychology. At this time, parents should ask "why" and do more guidance questions.

Reduce entertainment activities, review knowledge, and gradually increase exercise

During the holidays, children are excessively relaxed, with more entertainment activities, and less brain activity, making it difficult for children to calm down. Before and after school, parents need to pay attention to reducing their children's entertainment time, especially the time of electronic products. They are replaced by handmade and puzzle games, helping their children to calm down, turning their brains and concentrated attention.

For children with few outdoor sports, parents also need to gradually take their children to perform outdoor sports to avoid unwelling children's discomfort to children after school.

Encourage children to develop learning plans

Parents can formulate a new semester plan with their children, and complete the "channel conversion" work from holidays to start in discussion, which books to read the new semester of the new semester, who as the benchmark, which subject scores are needed, how parents cooperate, etc. The content is included in the learning plan to help children establish confidence and eliminate the loss of loss after the holidays.

As parents, they may wish to develop their own family plans and learning plans, and buy some masterpieces, history, characters, inspirational books, etc. to read with their children. Noodles also make children feel the learning atmosphere of the family.

Consultation with children to resolve

Parents should patiently inquire and listen to the pain and difficulties of their children's complaints, express sincerity and understanding of their children, and repeatedly divert and encourage them, and avoid all kinds of compulsory and punitive words and behaviors.

Seeking the help of a doctor

If there is still no effect, you can find a professional psychologist for psychological counseling.

After reading the above small suggestions,

Parents know what to do!

Quickly inspiring,

Welcome the new semester with children!

This article is comprehensive from | People's Daily Health, Capital Education, China Education News WeChat, etc.

Editor in charge | Du Runnan

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