Mo Rang the hero is useless

Author:Shuangya Mountain Release Time:2022.06.18

In 2022, graduates of freshmen in the Mainland exceeded 10 million for the first time, with unprecedented scale, and topics about employment often occupied the hot search list. Not long ago, two batches of Chaoyang in Beijing announced the publicity of the 2022 examinations of civil servants. Judging from the public list, most of them graduate from prestigious universities. Among them, the attractive employees of the urban management law enforcement positions in the street have obtained a doctorate degree in Peking University. Its specialty is "particle physics and nuclear physics", and employment issues are gradually covered with job applicants who have academic qualifications. Its core problem is that the current job market cake is not enough. The employment demand of young people cannot be met. The speed of survival and development of enterprises is far less than the growth rate of college graduates caused by expansion, which has led to a group of employed people "waiting to be fed" or even talent mismatch.

The number of data statistics and reports about the size of the fresh graduates of colleges and universities every year is as many as possible. However, few data and news are concerned about how many new jobs in my country each year. Misplays. Although everyone has autonomous choice of career and their own career selection concepts, this is no longer an individual case: 70,000 highly educated in the takeaway brothers, graduated from prestigious schools to do housekeeping, sanitation, front -line workers, "high education and low education low "Employment" has become a common phenomenon. In recent years, under the impact of the epidemic, the uncertainty of my country's employment environment has increased, and the more the employment pressure has increased, the more the willingness to apply for college students is to stabilize. Large factories have also appeared in disguise layoffs. Many job seekers have seen the high risk and high pressure behind these positions, and they are more stable. The objective environment has made the preparation more and more sought after.

Employment and talent are the relationship between two -way choice, and it is also a relationship that promotes each other. In Germany, all graduates with university degrees have almost no need to worry about when looking for a job: in recent years, the demand for high -quality talents in the German employment market has reached a record level. From 2001 to 2019 More than 52 million, the total number of nearly 100 million people. At the same time, graduates who have received higher education are better than other educated employment. When a highly educated talent in society starts to take more sense of security as the primary consideration and gradually become the orientation of social values, the vitality and innovation of the entire society will be easily suppressed, and where does the source of social wealth come from? Cultural creativity, technological innovation, and how the economic productive forces have surged? Since the reform and opening up, we have spent great efforts to cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit, market spirit, and entrepreneur spirit. It is more likely to lead to the mismatch of talents and waste of educational resources, further affect the mentality of young people, and affect the employment environment. Today, China is shifting from investment -driven economy to consumer leading economy, and gradually upgrading from the world's manufacturing workshop to service carrier. This requires a steady stream of high -skilled talents. Such an employment trend will also lead to the loss of talents to a certain extent. With the National Science Foundation of China, with the development of science and technology and the progress of society, academic research has also appeared in many new directions. Chinese students who have obtained doctoral degrees choose to continue their studies in the United States.

Perhaps we should change the expression, from "the number of fresh graduates in China exceeds market demand" to "China's market throughput cannot meet the scale of employment graduates that year by year". Reduce 1.15 million people, the first industry decreases by 1.13 million, and the secondary industry decreases by 860,000 yuan. The third industry increases by 7.83 million. Therefore Driven by leading enterprises, the state should increase its efforts to stabilize enterprises, expand positions, absorb the employment of graduates, and create a good business environment and business environment for cultivating entrepreneurs and supporting entrepreneurs. To achieve systematic innovation, including technological innovation, management innovation, institutional innovation, and organizational form of organizations in various industries, to promote the development of new format forms. At the same time, we must also enhance the security of basic guarantee outside the civil servant system. Enterprises have innovation and vitality in the market. Create more free and open development space for young people to truly break the situation for employment and achieve the true significance of "doing their best and learning" education and employment. (Single cool)

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