Visiting Jingchu Good Teacher (48) | Her 29 years of "reduced burden and increase efficiency", and the classroom classroom specializes in "learning difficulties"

Author:Hubei Provincial Department of Time:2022.08.25

"Teacher Zhang, my wrong question set this week has been sorted out." "Teacher Zhang, is there a problem with the answer to this question?" In the summer, in the office of Zhuo Daoquan Middle School in Wuhan, Zhang Chunhui, an English teacher who prepared lessons semester, was often interrupted by the news from the students.

Students report their homework progress every week, not too much homework. On the contrary, Zhang Chunhui's assignment is famous for "less and fine". She competes every week to make students develop the habit of "frequent" learning without "long" learning. For 29 years, Zhang Chunhui has been exploring "burden reduction and efficiency" and achieved significant results. Before the "double reduction" policy was introduced, her class was famous for "learning English happily and easily achieved results". She was also known as the reputation of "specializing in learning difficulties."

Zhang Chunhui

Fall in love with English self -made teaching aids incarnation "origami teacher"

Zhang Chunhui firmly believes that "interest is the best teacher". The first step to teach students is to make them fall in love with English.

At first, the teaching equipment was not advanced. In order to improve the vividness of the classroom, Zhang Chunhui made a lot of teaching aids with cardboard, carton and other materials, and used the cognitive psychology of junior high school students. When learning the letters and phonetic symbols, Zhang Chunhui used a card paper to paint the word card. When talking about the tense, she made a large paper shell clock, moved the pointer to the problem, and examined the students' mastery.

"I have done the most interesting teaching aids is a multi -layer turntable, which is a bit like the type of shopping mall raffle. Students rotate the turntable, and they will draw two types of words, and then in groups. 'Like, it can make students full of challenges. "Zhang Chunhui said. In addition, she will make various characters' headdress props, and send students to wear it on her head to do role -play interaction. The experience of making teaching aids for many years made colleagues laugh and stated that Teacher Zhang was like a "origami teacher".

In recent years, Zhang Chunhui has also actively adapted to the development of the times. More and more use of multimedia methods such as video, audio, PPT courseware and other multimedia methods. It saves the trouble of making teaching aids, but Zhang Chunhui does not have the convenience of copying the courseware directly. She said: "Preparation of lessons must be prepared for learning. It is necessary to adjust the courseware according to the students' circumstances so that they are willing to learn and learn well."

Zhang Chunhui share English teaching experience

"I am most afraid of teaching English to teach‘ dumb English ’. Students ca n’t say, how can they be interested in English?” Zhang Chunhui also thought about it for this.

Two or three minutes before each English class, she will give the podium to the students for a brief "duty report". The report is unlimited and unlimited, as long as you need to share the people and things around you in English. "Once the theme is limited, the students are not interested, just want them to speak freely." Zhang Chunhui said that she also encouraged students to integrate new learning knowledge in the "Duty Day Report", such as learning the "past style". What I encountered last weekend.

Ten minutes during the class was also used by Zhang Chunhui. Her post -school students can not learn, but they must speak English with each other. In order to urge students, every time she "English class", she will join the students.

Rao Yuhan, who graduated from Zhang Chunhui in 2009, is currently engaged in semiconductor -related work in Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore. She said: "I rarely heard that there were all English lectures in junior high school at that time, but Teacher Zhang was trying at that time, and continued the English environment until the class, which helped my English learning."

Falling in love with the classroom is both a kitchen and a stage

Use interest to lead students into the door of English discipline, and then retain them with wonderful class.

"There are bananas, ice cream, milk and mixer on the podium. The teacher poured all the ingredients into the mixer. After a while, a cup of banana milkshakes were ready. The students drank the sweet milkshake, and they raised their hands and wanted Try to the stage ... "Zhang Chunhui's last graduate student, who is currently studying in Wuchang Experimental Middle School, Hubei Province, and describes a class in the second day of the second day.

That text was about "how to make banana milkshakes", the core knowledge points and key sentence patterns are in the production link, so Zhang Chunhui simply brought the ingredients and tools to the podium. We took the stage to try, the milkshake was done, and the knowledge points were remembered.

Zhang Chunhui took the fruit to class

Do it in middle school and do it in school. Zhang Chunhui's classroom is ever -changing. In addition to allowing students to practice, self -editing dialogue performance methods, game methods, and competition methods are her usual techniques. "We often do role -playing in the classroom. For example, the eighth unit of the seventh grade is the eighth unit of learning, and the road signs are designed in the classroom, and the classroom is turned into a large neighborhood. Students play customers and bosses. "Zhang Chunhui said.

Students love to watch variety shows, and Zhang Chunhui introduced some of the game competitions into classrooms. After learning the wrong sentences, she divided the class of classmates into four groups to perform the "passing game" to see which group can "pass" the sentence to the end of the team, and the wrong group will be wrong. Remember very deeply.

Zhuo Daoquan Middle School President Liu Heping said: "Some teachers are very exciting for public classes, and they usually return to the bland. But Mr. Zhang's class will always see different things." Liu. "Every time he entered Zhang Chunhui's class, he couldn't help but hear the get out of class in one breath." She is always full of spirit on the podium, and the students' participation is very high. Each class seems to be in a public class. "

"I can't help me. I will not be able to do it by my own conclusion that the conclusions that allow students to summarize themselves; Junior high school students are the age of playing and active, and the classrooms that can make them all overwhelmed are the most efficient classrooms. It only takes thirty minutes to fall in love with homework to complete her homework

No matter how wonderful the class is, the homework after class is essential. As early as the "double reduction" policy was introduced, Zhang Chunhui's family assignments were famous for their family homework. It only took about half an hour a day, and the writing homework accounted for only half.

"Please make an English -looking finding notice after going back, it can be long or short, but to be serious." "Who can use English with English? We will guess tomorrow." Zhang Chunhui attaches great importance to the flexible design of the homework, layered layered arrangement, layered layout The homework allows each student to gain progress through different degrees of homework exercises. "Some students can write 100 words in a finding notice, but some students can only write twenty or thirty. As long as they can see progress, I will praise it." Zhang Chunhui said that there is no "learning difficulties in his eyes Students who are only temporarily lagging behind to help students grow up a little bit, as if waiting for flowers.

In the winter and summer vacation, Zhang Chunhui also adhered to the hierarchical design. She hopes that students can adhere to "frequent" instead of "long" learning. It takes half an hour to learn every day, which is much better than the assault for four or five hours to practice.

"Teacher Zhang has arranged a lot of interesting experiences, such as reading English books and movies, making English dubbing, writing English reading notes, etc., and it is not boring at all." Zeng Haoshiang said that he was most impressed by one year's winter vacation. Teacher Zhang asked Students have made their own groups and self -ranked English dramas. After the start of school, there is a class for each group to perform.

Student's hearing book

So, what should I do if I ca n’t learn English? Zhang Chunhui's method is to use the early English self -study every two sections of the week -each listening to 20 sentences, each 5 points, and 90 points is counted as a pass. The reporter looked at a student's listening book at random and noticed that the student scored 85 points for the first time. Progress, come on "; 90 points in the third time, Zhang Chunhui wrote a big" great ".

Every time he dictates, Zhang Chunhui will be approved in the morning. So as soon as she arrived in her office, a student came to ask who got the full score and collectively picked the wrong. Zhang Chunhui is also willing to see students compete with each other, and ask everyone to write a wrong question, not only records the wrong questions, but also to analyze the cause of the error. "These wrong questions are given to the warmth before the exam, which is better than blind. It's more important to brush the question. "

Although there are few homework, Zhang Chunhui's English scores in class are very outstanding. At each large -scale examination, Zhang Chunhui's English scores brought in the forefront of Hongshan District were stable. In 2021, the middle school entrance examination scored nearly 106 points, and the excellent rate reached 89%.

Fall in love with the teacher lying down and changing the job and engraving in the heart of the student

Students' "burden reduction and efficiency" means that the teacher has to pay more effort. Principal Liu Jingjing commented on Zhang Chunhui, a good teacher who was full of teaching. The students even called Zhang Chunhui as the "three good teachers" -a good teacher, a good mother, and a good friend.

Rao Yuhan, a student in 2009, recalled that in February of that year, Mr. Zhang had a serious fracture of the pelvis due to an unexpected injury. The doctor told her to lie down at least two months. As the middle school entrance examination, the students were panicked. Unexpectedly, only 40 days later, Teacher Zhang appeared on the campus under the help of his family. "The students cheered collectively, and there were tears."

"Teacher Zhang couldn't rest assured that she could do her body, but she couldn't do it." Rao Yuhan said, Mr. Zhang endured his pain and took a class in class. She placed a lounge chair in the office, and she had to go back to lie down in get out of class. Lying up to correct homework, lying down for students to counsel.

Action is a silent language. Zhang Chunhui's spirit deeply influenced students, one by one, becoming more sensible, and the class has independent management and learning well. In the middle school entrance examination, the whole class was 100%over the provincial key line.

In 2009, the Chutian Metropolis Daily reported Zhang Chunhui before the high school entrance examination

"Teacher Zhang is the head teacher. She not only cares about our English results, but also encourages us to participate in various activities and requires us to develop in an all -round way. My classmates are developing well now. Great factory. "Rao Yuhan said. In addition to the epidemic in the past two years, she returns to Wuhan every year in the winter and summer vacations.

The 2021 student Zeng Haoshiang also believed that Teacher Zhang was particularly amiable and encouraged everyone to innovate. "We prepare a birthday surprise for Teacher Zhang every year, pull the classroom curtains up, the blackboard is full of blessings and verses, and when the teacher enters the classroom and gives the cake." Zeng Haoshiang said.

Over the past 29 years, we have taken each class seriously and treat each student seriously to make students grow easily and happily. Zhang Chunhui has become the "Chunhui" that illuminates the way of students' life.

(Part of the picture is provided by the respondent)

Information source: Chutian Metropolis Daily · Jimomo News

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