Working in state -owned enterprises, knowing which rules can go further?

Author:Forever Worry -Free Student Ed Time:2022.08.25

Future Wuyou Workplace Tutor


Entering state -owned enterprises need to have a facial features, so friends who can enter state -owned enterprises may wish to have some confidence in themselves and believe that they can take the path they choose well.

State -owned enterprises, institutions, and enterprises outside the system are slightly different, so everyone needs to adjust their mentality.

First of all, you must clarify your expectations for future development, which type of personnel you belong to (judgment from resources, human connections, career, etc.)

The first category: only to stabilize.

Then adhere to a principle: obedient photos, do not need to study the reasons behind the leadership tasks too much.

Two categories: partners who are required to develop. Then the following points hope to help:


Smart people are more popular

That is to learn to hide in front of colleagues, and to learn to show their faces in front of leaders, to maintain a balanced mentality, and always remind yourself what is the most important.

01 Eye diligence is fast, but not everything has to fight and do everything, but to choose strategically, what should be done.

02 Learn to refuse, hiding in front of colleagues is to better reject others: "Oh, sorry, this matter is too difficult, I won't do it", so that I can put more energy on more important things.

03 In front of the leader, he showed his face and keeps quality and quantity to do a good job of leadership. Even if you just buy a small thing like a coffee, you can do not only 99 points if you can do 100 points.


Do not care about "names"

The year -end evaluation and promotion of professional titles are all procedural. If a person hangs the "promotion of the promotion" on the face, the utilitarianity is too heavy. Instead of you as a leader, will you promote such people? So this heart, we must let it hide first, making ourselves harmless.


Loyal people are more liked by leaders

Leaders like "ourselves", but in the early stage, we couldn't judge and choose who to be our leadership, so we will not involve the so -called "standing team" in the early stage. What we have to do is to obey your leadership, obey your leadership, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, obey your obedience, to obey your Arrangement of leaders.


Respect leadership

Do not refute leaders in person, oppose leaders, do not quarrel with leaders in person.

For example, help everyone better understand:

Both Xiao A and Little B are college students who have only graduated to enter this state -owned enterprise. Xiao A's ability is stronger than Little B. It is a school bully and is relatively high; the little B's ability is slightly weaker and the pressure is strong.

At work, Xiao A often brings his own suggestions on the work arranged by the leader, hoping to adopt the leader; Little B is basically how the leader arranges him how to do it; if you are the leader, who will you promotes?

Some people may say that you must choose A, because he has the courage to make suggestions and think about ....., but the fact is that the leader will promote B. Why? Because the leader wants B's "loyalty".

This is the cruelty of facts. The leader promotes you many times not because of your ability, but that you are the person he can use and available, and what is available and available -obedient people.

The reason why the 01 leader can be the leader must have mastered the information you don't know. Since he has made a decision, don't question the leader's decision, just implement it carefully.

02 The ability of the subordinates to be strong and strong, the leader does not care, what is concerned about whether there is something to do. If the leader wants to promote you, even if you are not capable, you will empower you.


Should be thick, don't "face"

01 Many people look down on people who want to shoot horses, but there are many ways to survive in the system, and everyone can find a way that suits them. So evaluate things and treat things more dimension, not black or white. It is necessary to break the restraint of the "justice, clear high" and other rules, and the head must be flexible.

02 Use a small gift to pull into the distance: observing what the superiors like, and occasionally with a small thing such as coffee and cup of tea, such as coffee and cup of tea, you can pull in and leadership.

03 Speaking: Talk less, don't say not to say, don't know what to say, right or not, you can say that you can say good.


Don't expose your family at will

Regardless of whether your family situation is good or not, it is disguised as a general well -off family (do not worry about houses at home, parents do not have to worry about pension).

why? Because there is a relationship, the senior management has long known that there is no need to show up at the grassroots level to avoid tree enemies; if it doesn't matter or poverty, you can avoid others always bullying you, giving you countless pots and countless small shoes; so It is safer to set up "listening to the leadership and doing things seriously".


Don't make friends with colleagues

Don't make friends with colleagues, don't make friends with colleagues, and talk about it three times, especially the gossip of others, the gossip of the leader, and the vomiting of your own family. Please don't complain and complain everywhere; Talk about stars and TV series.


Raise your hand, be a grateful person

Help people want to help, here is a point that others care about instead of doing bad things or laborious.

At the same time, learn to invite others to help, help some small, and then you can give it back to each other in the name of "thanks" and pull into the relationship between each other.


Don't borrow money to colleagues and superiors

Once the entanglement of money between people will make a lot of things taste, so do not borrow money for superiors, which is why everyone does not expose their family situation at will.


Quietly establish your own network resources

Don't look at any person of the light unit. On the surface, you have to be happy with anyone, with a smile on your face, and laying a good mass; Be a farmer to carefully guard the one -acre three -pointer he established. Except for the above ten o'clock, I think that some skills to enter state -owned enterprises need to practice for a long time, which can help everyone walk faster:

First, document writing ability. The minutes of the meeting, important speeches of the leaders, the final report of the middle -aged middle age, etc., are inseparable from this ability. You can improve your writing ability through attention, news, and public examinations.

Second, logical ability. Those who have good mouth and good expression ability can get more opportunities. Many people think that they can be improved by their eloquence and expression of expression skills. In fact, the ability to express ability is logical ability. Therefore, it is necessary to improve logic ability. Logic ability.

Third, calligraphy. Although they are all electronic office now, I have to admit that the good words written by writing increase their personal brilliant opportunities, so hurry up and practice good words.

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