Is the "God Beast" ready to start?

Author:Lanzhou News Network Time:2022.08.25

In the past few days, many parents have received a notice from the school, and the children are about to "return to the cage." It ’s been more than a month after being trapped at home. How does the children feel in the last free time? Are you preparing for school? In this regard, the reporter visited some students and parents and came to hear their claims together.

Children playing on Yuzhonglang Street


Do a good job of personal protection and get close to nature


"The school was starting immediately, and we asked friends to take the children to Yinglang Street and the west camping site of Guantangou. The child has been nesting at home some time ago, less exercise, and generally low resistance. It shows extremely strong curiosity, and it will inevitably run more and turn around, so that the body can also exercise. "Wang Bing's family lives in Qilihe District, and the child's Quanquan school will go to junior high school. Although the epidemic allows children to have a home, he entertains and study. "In addition to studying online at home, Mom and Dad also took me to see the scenery nearby. I was about to start. I was in a good mood. I hope to see my classmates earlier!" Quan Quan said happily.


"It's shallow on the paper", "Reading Wanjuan Books is better to travel thousands of miles", taking children to go around, and will gain a wider and direct knowledge than in the book. Wang Yun, who lives in Anning District, told reporters that school is about to start. The Xinglongshan Scenic Area has been opened normally, so she took her child to visit, which is also equivalent to "letting the wind". "Ask me when I encounter a question that I do n’t know when playing, and I will explain patiently. The more children see, the wider you know. Bringing the child to see the natural scenery, let him know that in addition to his own life circle, there are many more Other scenery. "


Wang Rui, who lives in Yuhua Home, Qilihe District, is always concerned about the news of the epidemic prevention and control, because his child is about to become the first grade of Qilihe Elementary School. "In a special period, some places can take children, such as outdoor and nature. We took the children to Xinglong Mountain, let him breathe fresh air, relax, and prepare to start a new life of a elementary school student." Wang Rui said, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when playing, when you play, when you play, when you play, when you play, when you play, when you play, when you play, They all pay attention to self -protection. Whether they are shopping in the park or playing in the scenic area, they will wear masks and wash their hands and disinfect children at any time to protect everyone's health and safety.


So, what work can the school do after returning to the school? Liu Wenguo, principal of Health Road Primary School in Qilihe District, said that the children may have irregular schedules during their homes. After the school starts, the school will help the children to adjust the schedule and spend the easing period. I hope that students can adjust their schedule and mental state to enter the campus with a fuller spirit.


How to adapt to psychological experts after returning to school


After the epidemic, what problems will the students encounter when they return to school? In this regard, the reporter interviewed two psychotherapists Wang Tao and Zhang Lei, the Second People's Hospital of Gansu Province, the Gansu Provincial Mental Health Center, and the Ping An Gansu Psychological Crisis Intervention and Research Center. Wang Tao told reporters that due to the impact of the epidemic, the learning process may be a bit fast after school. If the students are not adapted, they can gradually keep up with the learning process through the following methods.


First, develop good learning habits, including pre -class previews, timely checking the lack of missing, and learning to integrate knowledge points. Good habits can improve students' learning ability and self -management ability, and make the brain's thinking clear, convenient for memory and grasp. Second, perceive and accept your anxiety in learning. Worrying that you can't keep up with your learning progress after returning to school, it is a normal reaction to cause anxiety. This emotion is not necessarily a bad thing, because the appropriate anxiety under pressure can often promote the state of awakening the brain, thereby improving learning efficiency. At the same time, other students may also face similar situations, because the impact of the epidemic on everyone is the same. Third, learning can be used as a target event for emotional adjustment.


In addition, test anxiety refers to a series of physical reactions and psychological changes that students show their tests. These changes can occur before, exams, and after the exam. If these reactions and changes are moderate, we can mobilize our positive state. It is manifested as more concentrated and better memory, and the reaction is more agile, which is conducive to good results. However, excessive and persistent anxiety reactions will damage the various functions of the body and psychology. It is manifested as irritability, irritability, restless sitting, decreased memory, insomnia, etc., may also be rapid breathing, accelerated heart rate, sweating, dizziness, frequent urination, etc. Physical performance. If you have test anxiety that affects your body and state, students can try to adjust from the following aspects.

First, observe and describe, this is the first step in adjusting anxiety. Students need to know when and in which environment will show test anxiety, specific physical reactions and ideas related to it? What are the consequences and endings of anxiety? Second, check the facts. In many cases, test anxiety is a kind of worry and fear of future uncertainty. It can analyze whether the inner ideas meet the actual situation to change the degree of worry and fear. After examining ideas and facts, the anxiety may change. Third, focus on the present. When the students are aware of the possibilities of the future, they can gently remind themselves to return to this moment. The meditation of mindfulness is to focus on the current process, and you can practice more to help yourself pay attention to the present. Fourth, it is important to maintain good sleep and eating habits.


As long as the above points are achieved, everyone can adapt to school life smoothly.


So, how do students deal with interpersonal communication or adaptation after returning to school? Through clinical cases, Zhang Lei summarized several aspects:


First, take the initiative to communicate, passionately and sincere to associate with others. Frankly expressing your own opinions and attitudes, others can better understand you or your behavior pattern and thinking habits, so that others are easier to experience it. Second, learn to listen, understand and respect. Not only must learn to be an expression, but also a listener. In the process of interacting with students, we must understand and respect each other. The premise of others respecting us is that we must learn to respect each other. Third, learn tolerance and understanding. Students are in the growth stage, and parents or teachers are inevitable when dealing with problems. They must learn to consider problems from the perspective of the other party, understand each other, and avoid misunderstanding or even contradictions. Fourth, learn to control emotions. When communicating with teachers and classmates poorly, learn to control yourself and avoid accidentally speaking. When you feel that you are angry, you must learn to stop immediately, learn to take a step back, or leave the scene or transfer your attention to do some other things to calm yourself down.


In the end, the two psychotherapists also reminded parents that anxiety is a more likely emotional response that young children in schools, and the impact of the epidemic, children's anxiety may be more obvious. After returning to school, learning tasks and test pressure will further increase the bad emotions of children. Therefore, parents must first understand these emotional reactions, understand that this is normal and reasonable, and the way they should deal with stress. Secondly, to create a good family decompression atmosphere, to prevent questions such as the test results of the children's examinations when they go home, they should encourage children to talk about some feelings and experiences in school. Parents' emotional stability is a better psychological support for children. Parents should learn how to control or regulate their emotions to achieve the role of teaching and teaching.


Lanzhou Daily All -Media Reporter Hua Xiaojing Su Xiao

Source: Lanzhou Evening News (copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact delete)

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