Cultivation of the new era of love for patriotism and love of Xinjiang | Extraordinary ten years • Xinjiang Corps

Author:China Education News Time:2022.08.24

Cultivate the new era of the love of patriotism and love to serve as dedication

Zhang Chuanhui

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the education system of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as the Corps) has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, implemented the important exposition of General Secretary Jinping's education on education, and fully and accurately implemented the party's governance of the party in the new era. Xinjiang's strategy, firmly twisting the general goal of Xinjiang's work, focusing on the responsibilities and mission of the Corps, implementing the fundamental tasks of Lide Shushu people, adhering to the characteristics of "educating people with the spiritual spirit of the Populus euphratica, serving the sterling of Xingjiang", and promoting historic achievements in educational undertakings to achieve historic achievements 2. Change of pattern changes. As of the end of 2021, the Corps currently had 635 schools at all levels, 577,500 students, and 52,200 faculty members, an increase of 17.81%, 12.39%, and 16.37%from 2012. The gross enrollment rate of preschool education was 98.6%, the consolidation rate of nine -year compulsory education was 99.03%, and the gross enrollment rate of high school education was 98.4%, an increase of 21.6%, 4.96%, and 9.37%from 2012.

Always insist on strengthening the party's comprehensive leadership of education as a fundamental guarantee. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party committee of the Corps has attached great importance to education, and has held the military regiment education conference, vocational education conference, basic education reform promotion meeting, college party building and ideological and political work conference, etc. Contact students to talk about politics or situation reports for teachers and students. The Corps and the divisions have successively established the party committee's education work leadership group to form a working pattern of implementing the party's leadership to the end, horizontal to edge, and full coverage. The university adheres to and improves the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee. The primary and secondary schools and kindergartens have established and further promoted the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party organization. The strong position of party leadership. The military regiment education system has always adhered to the tone of the party's masters strictly, and carried out the party's mass line education practice activities solidly. Education and party history learning special education, etc., the spirit of party members and teachers of the education system has been sublimated, and the soul is baptized. Furthermore has resolutely defend the "two establishment" and adhere to the "two maintenance" ideology and consciousness.

Always take the new era of border people who cultivate patriotism and Xinjiang as the fundamental task. We take the effectiveness of Lideshu as the fundamental criteria for testing all work, and adhere to the use of the spirit of the Corps, the spirit of the euphratica, and the spirit of the veteran. The Corps focused on polishing the young people's growth into the background color of the Corps, took the initiative to integrate the spiritual education of the Corps into all aspects of the education field, and carried out "one province, one policy, one policy, political and political courses, the spirit of the military group into the construction of ideological and political courses" The spirit of the Corps and the spirit of the Populus Popularity inspired a group of college students to offer the Xinjiang and take root in the Corps. During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the general undergraduate colleges of the Corps sent 49,700 professionals, and the rate of graduates reached 65.01%. We regard the "prescribed actions" of the compulsory education stage of the Chinese nation's community consciousness education, and we vigorously promote the popularization of the national general language and text education. In 2018, the Corps realized all the schools and the national language teaching of all courses. Carry out the "National Unity Family", "three -in, two -in -one and one dating" and national unity and progress. A magnificent and magnificent picture of unity and harmony. We actively build a "Three Essentials Education" pattern. The School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Tarim University and Shihezi University has been selected as pilot universities and pilot departments of the comprehensive reform of the "Three All -Education" in the country; Promote the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in large and middle schools, with a team with strong ideological and political work, and the level of ideological and political work has been significantly improved. We have comprehensively strengthened and improved school sports, aesthetic education, and labor education in the new era.

Always take the people's expectations for high -quality education as the goal. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Education of the Corps has adhered to the people's main body, developed education centered on the people, continuously improved the quality of education, and promoted the development of education. The Corps continued to promote preschool education to popularize the safety and quality of inclusive safety, implemented the three -year three -year action plan for three -phase preschool education, promoted the pilot work of "Anji Games", and overcome the tendency of "primary school". The Corps deepen the reform of compulsory education and teaching, comprehensively improve the quality of compulsory education, innovate school running models, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education. In November 2018, the compulsory education was basically balanced in the entire region of the Corps, becoming the second provincial unit that has been determined by the national assessment and identification in the western region. It has been two years in advance compared to the memorandum of memo signed by the Ministry of Education in 2011. High -quality balanced development has taken a solid step. The Corps launched a new round of high school reforms, doing a real general high school alliance, actively exploring the construction of ordinary high school characteristic schools, and creating a number of special brand schools. The Corps promoted the construction of a modern vocational education system, accelerated the standardization construction of vocational colleges, and carried out pilots for joint training of high -vocational education and undergraduate education; launched the Corps of high -level high -level vocational colleges and professional construction, and high -quality secondary vocational schools and brand majors ( Group) Construction; Optimize the professional layout. Among them, more than 70%of higher vocational colleges are related majors in strategic emerging industries and modern service industries. In 2021, the number of students from the Corps exceeded 30,000 for the first time, an increase of nearly 5 times from 2012.兵团推进高等教育内涵式发展,调整优化学科专业结构,理工农医教育类学生数比例到2021年提高至71.01%;实施本科教育振兴行动计划,持续加强“新工科、新农科、新医科、 The construction of new liberal arts; comprehensively implementing the various work of "co -construction of the tribe" Shihezi University and the "Provincial and Minimalties" Tarim University, and the construction of first -class disciplines has taken a solid step. The Corps fully won the battle against poverty in education. Students were settled in the compulsory education stage of poor families in the poverty -stricken families, and they were dynamically cleared by dropping out of school. They carried out vocational skills training for more than 100,000 employees and the masses, and explored effective ways to block the intergenerational transmission of poverty. The military regiment education establishes a sound student funding system from preschool education to higher education to ensure that each child does not drop out of school due to family economic difficulties. Always take deepening reforms as the source of education development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Corps has taken the opportunity to deepen reform, focusing on important areas and key links, and solved some long -term bottlenecks that restrict the development of education. We have introduced the guiding documents and related supporting documents of education evaluation reform, basic education, vocational education, higher education, educational supervision, sports and aesthetic education system reform. We strive to improve the functions of the "political" of the military regiment's education, and undertake 55 educational administrative powers awarded by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, of which 35 are decentralized. We actively promote the reform of educational evaluation, carry out the cleanup of ten "no" and "prohibition" of educational evaluation reforms, and include education evaluation reform into the Corps of the Corps to perform education duties in the division and the annual performance assessment of the year. We have taken the reform of the system of establishing, position, cadre management and performance assessment and distribution system as a traction. We continue to promote the deepening reform of basic education, and further stimulate the vitality of primary and secondary schools. We have implemented the "double reduction" policy of compulsory education. As of now, the off -campus training institutions of the Corps have been reduced by 98.75%; compulsory education schools have comprehensively carried out after -school services, student participation rates were 94.26%, and student academic burdens were effectively reduced. The Corps issued the implementation plan and supporting documents of the vocational education reform, set up a joint meeting of the Vocational Education Work of the Corps to make a general deployment of vocational education reform. The Corps deepen the reform of the higher education system and mechanism, set autonomy to recruit (employment) posts from colleges and universities, deepen the reform of the titles of teachers in colleges and universities, and promote the reform of universities "decentralizing service".

Always take the quality and level of education in weak areas as the focus of work. The Corps giving full play to the role of educational foundation, leading, and overall role, promoting high -quality resources to expand towards the South Xinjiang Teachers 'City, educated investment towards Nanjiang Teachers' City, and educated talents gathered to Nanjiang Teachers City. During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the investment in the South Xinjiang Division of the Corps increased from 2.391 billion yuan in 2016 to 4.323 billion yuan, an increase of 80.8%. The Corps made great efforts to run the University of Tarim, set up Xinjiang School of Political Science and Law, and moved south to develop the Corps Xingxin Vocational and Technical College. The new Tiemen Pass Vocational and Technical College and the Tarim Vocational and Technical College. The enrollment plan of the Corps was 361.6%from 2017, and the number of students reached 41,800, an increase of 199.28%over 2017. The Corps continued to strengthen the construction of the Teachers' Teachers of the South Xinjiang Division. In the past ten years, 7,156 teachers were sent to primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the South Xinjiang Division. 7,600 were selected to teach to the four prefectures in the four places in the southern Xinjiang. The Corps also made every effort to promote the integration of military land education. The military school school recruited local students to reach 90,800, and the 620 military land pairs of schools (kindergartens) were paired with mutual assistance.

Always take improvement of the construction level of teachers as the first resource for high -quality education. Teachers are the foundation of Li Education and the Source of Promoting Education. They are the backbone of education. The Corps has always adhered to the construction of the teacher team as an important basic work, focusing on the entrance clearance, training quality, and treatment guarantee. The Corps highlights political standards, comprehensively strengthens the ideological and political education of teachers and the construction of teachers' morality, and regards the morality of teachers as the first criterion for the construction of teachers. Special Action of Moral Master. The Corps promoted the implementation of the special post plan. During the "13th Five -Year Plan" period, 3723 teachers were recruited, and the retention rate reached 71.42%. The Corps vigorously organized the training of national, military regiments, divisions, schools, and schools (kindergartens) to train more than 90,000 teachers. The Corps vigorously establishes a teacher's honor system, implements the policy subsidy policy of teachers' living subsidy for the concentrated and continuous group, establish a long -term linkage mechanism for primary and secondary school teachers, and fully realize the average salary income level of compulsory education teachers. A sense of happiness and sense of gain is significantly enhanced. In the future, we will be guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implement the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of establishing the people, and carry out in -depth awareness of the Chinese nation community consciousness. Education, accelerate the high -quality development of education, promote the modernization of education, do a good job of education that the people are satisfied with, vigorously cultivate socialist builders and successors who are patriotic, love, and dedicated, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

The author is the party secretary and director of the Education Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

Figure ①: Third Division Tumukuk City 53 Regiment Primary Purple Society organizes aesthetic education activities.

Figure ②: Students, young teachers, and Wei Deyou of the Ninth Division of 161 Division held the flag -raising ceremony.

Figure ③: Shihezi City organized students to go to Liaoning Province to carry out hand -pull summer camp activities.

Figure ④: a scene of Shihezi City. Photo Conferring in the Education Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

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Several sayings of Xinjiang Corps Education for ten years

The article is selected from | China Education News August 11, 2022

Editor in charge | Du Runnan


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