When the start of school, children should do this

Author:Smart Life News Time:2022.08.24

How to smoothly connect "Xiaosheng Chu" and "Early Significant"

The summer is about to end. I believe that many students are unwilling to sleep at night, and they are unwilling to start in the morning. They are immersed in TV shows, online games, stadium competitions, and shopping.

The high school entrance examination and college entrance examination have been reforming. Before the start of the school, what preparations should be made at the beginning of Xiao Sheng and the beginning of the elevation, and how to regulate the body and mind during the countdown? On August 22, our reporter interviewed relevant professionals in Taiyuan City, combined with the characteristics of students' psychological development and the laws of studying and living, to make comprehensive and scientific guidance.

How to do a good job in school psychology

The new semester starts to "accept the heart" from "heart" and cannot brake rapidly

"The holidays are easy and pleasant, the school is tight and high pressure, and the students may have various psychological problems under the huge contrast. For example, for some students, the schedule of adapting to school will feel painful. Large, even anxiety and depression. "Li Jing, the attending doctor of the Department of Spiritual Health Department of Bethune Hospital in Shanxi.

How to help students adjust various psychological problems in the early days of school, Li Jing believes that parents and students need to work together.

Li Jing suggested that parents must first realize that "acceptance" cannot brake rapidly, and to guide their children scientifically and reasonably. Before the start of school, a major problem faced by children was the adjustment of the schedule. Parents are the role models of children. In order to allow children to develop a regular schedule, parents can consciously maintain normal life rules and strict schedules, and supervise to help students adjust their schedules in a gradual way, reduce the sudden change of school -running, and the psychology of children's psychology to children. Intellectual.

"Before the start of school, parents and children can communicate more emotional exchanges, talk about the harvest of the holidays, and talk about the concerns of the school. Listen carefully when the child shares, does not criticize, do not interrupt, and understand the child's psychological feelings with an open and inclusive attitude. The negative emotions that the child may appear expressed understanding and appeased, and encouraged the child to slowly 'return to the state of learning. "Li Jing said that from a relaxed and happy holiday atmosphere, he entered a tense learning state. Children are easily psychologically psychologically. Digestion causes the phenomenon of discomfort, so parents should allow their children to have a brief adaptation process. Parents try not to nagnate their children. Some children even have greater resistance to the start of school under the parents' nagging.

The school is about to start, and some students are still in a carefree life in the summer vacation. There may be low learning efficiency, low mood, and anxiety. Students should realize that the appearance of negative emotions is normal, actively face up and make self -adjustment. "When emotional fluctuations occur, you need to suggest yourself. All emotional reactions are normal, temporary, and can be changed after adjustment. Accept your various emotional reactions, do not be controlled by emotions." Li Jing said, facing facing, facing facing For the anxiety of school, students can take the initiative to find parents, teachers or good friends to talk about, telling their uneasiness, or appropriate exercise, and to vent their negative emotions through sweat. "During the holidays, some students have become accustomed to the use of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers, which can be described as' machines without leaving their hands. Students should consciously control the frequency of electronic products, actively formulate new semester plans, and determine new goals. Every day, give yourself a little positive psychological suggestion that he will be more powerful to adapt to the new semester. "Li Jing said.

How to do a good job


In addition to doing a good job, actively organize teachers to learn new curriculum standards

Before the start of the school, the scientific formulation plan of various schools in Taiyuan City, thoroughly deployed, accurately made policies, and took multiple measures. From epidemic prevention and control to teaching arrangements, logistics services, and health monitoring of teachers and students, we made every effort to make all kinds of starting preparations.

Students' safety is the first. The safety investigation of classrooms, function rooms, offices, and campuses is a must -have before school. Teachers 'book, student book, teaching plan, learning laptop, teaching and research laptop, reading laptop, work records, work records and other teaching utensils are prepared. Teachers' arrangements, admission arrangements for all grades are the regular work of the school before the start of school.

"The school conducted the work training of the class teacher, requiring the class teacher to organize the first class meeting; to carry out student behavior standard development education at the beginning of the school, to help students 'switching mode' as soon as possible, and to start the new semester in the best state." Taiyuan City City City. "Taiyuan City Liu Huiwen, head of the Causeway Bay Campus of Nanhai Middle School. The school actively organizes teachers to learn the new curriculum standards for version 2022, study the new semester textbooks, and prepare lessons in advance; Teacher Ren design design the lesson plan for one week, conduct small rise and early connection education for students, and conduct training in the "dynamic and static" bipolar classroom model training of various subjects. "In the summer, the school carried out campus environmental maintenance, nursing, and reconstruction, including the reconstruction of student water dispensers, the maintenance of the playground, the transformation of the student toilet, the replacement of the student table and stool, the adjustment of the classroom, the maintenance of the electronic education equipment. The end of the end is ended in the week before the start of school. "Said Yan Hongwu, vice president of Zhongfu College of Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City.

Yan Hongwu said that regular work needs to be done step by step every year. This year's key tasks are to arrange the starting grade teachers. The new curriculum standards are implemented from this semester. Good new curriculum spirit.

For the students who are promoted to the first year this year, Yan Hongwu suggested that students should be prepared for the ideological preparation of middle schools, and there are more courses in middle schools than in the primary school curriculum category. The schedule of middle school is different from elementary school. Students should adapt to adjustment as soon as possible. And don't panic in the face of the reform of the middle school entrance examination. Everyone is on the same running line. "After the start of school, the school will actively respond to the policy of reform of the middle school entrance examination, strictly grasp the quality of teaching, continuously improve the comprehensive quality evaluation system of students, help students develop in an all -round way, and seize the opportunities in the challenge." express. In response to the enrollment of the first grade in the 2022 grade, entered the mountain middle school to carry out a series of activities, and launched the "Taiyuan City Entering Middle School" APP to launch a Xiaosheng primary connection micro -course compilation. Online courses help students adapt to advancement in advance. student

Xiao Shengchu faces three major changes experts to put forward high -efficiency learning suggestions in the first day

"Xiaosheng faces the three major changes in learning methods, learning capacity, and learning methods. Students from passive to independent planning, from focusing on small 3 subjects to taking into account 12 subjects, from focusing on local links to all links. Challenge. "Guo Junfeng, the head of the self -study research group of primary and secondary school students in the country, said.

At the elementary school stage, due to the small and simple learning content, and the students are young, in order to complete the learning tasks, teaching teachers generally do a sufficient preparation in the classroom, and handle the nanny -style discipline. The students are basically passive followers. At the middle of the middle school, the subjects are large and large, and each teacher has limited time. In order to complete the learning task teacher, teachers usually directly hit the test sites to strengthen training. Guo Junfeng believes that if you want to learn efficiently, you must consciously follow the independent planning from passive to independent planning. You can obey the teacher's suggestion, scientifically plan independently, and reasonably arrange time, subject content and learning. "Everyone focused on the number of words in primary school, and the junior high school had to take 12 subjects for the middle school entrance examination, with a full score of 850 points. (Among them 60 points, 50 points for geography and biology, 15 points for information technology, 15 points for physical and chemical students) eventually the theory of total score, so it must not be allowed to draw points, "Guo Junfeng said.

Guo Junfeng put forward the high -efficiency learning suggestions from the first year of the first year: First, the foundation is consolidated -the foundation does not lose points. There are contents that should be known in various subjects in middle schools. It may be the formula of the concept, the word grammar, and the experimental appliances and processes ... This is the basic knowledge. Basic knowledge is mainly strengthened in early reading, before class, and before bedtime. The smallest unit of learning is to solve single questions, and its basic ability includes questions, analysis, expression, and summary ability. The foundation is not solid, and the grid is difficult. The second is training thinking -difficulty can break through. After the exam, there will always be difficulties in the scores. The problem is not in the examination room. In the classroom and practice before the exam, the problem cannot be broken mainly because the thinking training is not in place. Thinking training is logical thinking training. It is the core value of a test question. You must pay special attention to the logical thinking map of the painting. The logical thinking map can be a process or a framework, which contains methods and tools. The third is to develop habits -it will no longer be wrong. When analyzing the test papers, the most unacceptable thing is that the questions they meet are wrong. We usually let the pan -care, find a step under a step. Does the student dare to say that I have not concentrated on doing the questions and did not take the question carefully ... There is an attitude question, which stems from cognition, but it is more unscientific to develop bad habits. Be strictly required to improve their habits.

How to do a good job of initial increase


Carry out an entry and connection education to quickly respond to "new" start school

In order to do a good job in the education work of the new students' new students and ensure the smooth development of other work at the beginning of the school, Taiyuan City's first -year senior high school group held a working meeting of the 2022 Grade Senior Senior Team. At the meeting, Zhang Dajun, the principal of Taiyuan City, said that this year is the first year of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in Shanxi, and it is also the year of the school's new curriculum. Facing the requirements of the new college entrance examination, all people entering the mountain must actively change their thinking and innovate Management, let education return to true. By improving the curriculum construction, the implementation of star courses, providing rich, systematic, diverse, and scientific curriculum structures to meet the learning needs of students at different levels; "Centers", carry out inquiry and interactive teaching. Organize the reform of the new college entrance examination and the reform of the new curriculum, comprehensively promote quality education, promote the comprehensive development of students, and help improve the quality of school education. "In order to make high school students better adapt to high school life, familiarize themselves with the school as soon as possible, understand the reform of the new college entrance examination, and at the same time enhance their career planning awareness, establish the goal of struggle, and the school has carried out ten days of admission education activities." Taiyuan City advances Guo Yongwei, director of the teaching and research office of Shanzhong School.

On August 17, at the playground of entering the mountain middle school in Taiyuan City, the students were wearing camouflage clothes and conducted military quality training under the guidance of the instructor. They hope to cultivate team consciousness through military training and enhance the concept of class groups.

After the military training, all freshmen conducted school history courses in the lecture hall, and visited the Zhao Zongfu Memorial Hall, School History Museum, Aerospace Science and Technology Education Base and Lares Planning Center in the school. Lay the foundation. Wang Ruijun, director of the high school academic affairs, conducted the interpretation of the implementation plan of the new college entrance examination enrollment reform and high school teaching guidance for the new college entrance examination reform. Give students more choices. At the same time, students who teach level 2022 should "abide by the school discipline and plan the three -year goal."

In this start of school, Taiyuan City Jinshan Middle School responded rapidly on students' further studies, and a series of activities carried out for freshmen would eat "Xinxin Wan". The school's high -level high school education discipline also effectively helped students adapt to high school subjects as soon as possible, and was well received by parents and students.


Reject "I am only a high school" thought to do a career plan in advance

"After the new college entrance examination policy is implemented in our province, the students of the first year of high school have different learning methods compared to previous years. The '3+1+2' model attaches more importance to the development of students 'personality and attaches importance to the cultivation of students' self -learning ability. This requires Senior college students must be prepared when entering the school. "Wu Qilong, a well -known expert in the college entrance examination of the country, said.

Wu Qilong suggested that students in the first year of high school must first correct their learning attitudes, and their learning attitudes determine their academic performance. If you always use the mentality of "I am in high school" to cover up your laziness, even if you reach the senior year, you may not be nervous. Do not take the initiative, do not pay enough attention to the foundation, and listen carefully to class, etc., are caused by incompetent learning attitude. To correct the attitude is to face up to study, step by step, and prepare for long -term efforts. Secondly, we must standardize learning behaviors. Time schedule is the most important problem for high school students. The time arrangement is reasonable, and the learning efficiency will naturally be high; the time arrangement will be unreasonable, it seems very hard but it has little effect. Whether it is after -school homework or preview review, it must be completed in the specified period of time. This can not only focus on attention, but also improve learning efficiency. Finally, improve learning ability. Entering high school, students can no longer rely on memory and do questions. Instead, they must learn to learn and learn to reflect on summary. In addition, in the first year of high school, students must pass the foundation first. The stronger the foundation, the higher the house can be built. "Students in high school can learn about their career planning in advance. Everything is too late to enter the school. While students improve their learning ability, they can also make full use of the '3+1+2' mode. The school's professional requirement, do a good job of self -choice, "Wu Qilong said.

Wu Qilong believes that parents also need to learn about the form of college entrance examinations with their children, understanding, universities, majors, and even the career where the university is in the future. The reform of the new college entrance examination allows each child to have more choices and enjoy more opportunities for life. In this context, students are advised to strengthen their career planning and education. Parents and students can ask professional instructor teachers to guide them, organically combine national needs, individual ambitions, and their own hobbies, and improve their ability to choose their selection courses, test subjects, apply for professionalism and future development. Reporter Wang Meiru Tian Yongwen/Photo

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