Jiangsu Xinyi to build a well -developed labor education course

Author:China Education News Time:2022.08.22

In order to allow students to enter nature and gain skills in labor, recently, teachers of teachers in the Central Primary School of Malingshan Town, Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province lead the students to the labor practice base to guide students to experience, observe, and explore in the field of nature Essence This is the school's active implementation of the "double reduction" policy, deepening classroom reform, and actively exploring the innovative practice of labor education.

In order to further implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan and Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)", Xinyi Education System actively implements the "double reduction" policy, deepen classroom reform, actively explore labor education, and give full play to the function of practical activities to educate people's functions. Create a well -developed labor education course, allowing students to learn and grow healthy in labor.

At the Youth Science Popularization Base in the Gangtou Town Community Education Center in Xinyi City, the person in charge of the labor course of the Central Elementary School of Gangtou Town invited the planting expert Zhang Shaojun to plant the relevant knowledge of the student popular scope and organic vegetables, and opened a unique extra -curricular labor for the students. course. The school integrates the "succulent culture" with the subject education, leading students to draw succulent plants, write succulent plants, sell succulent plants, etc., and integrate knowledge and practice.

"The school aims to cultivate children's correct values ​​and good labor quality with the integration of" Labor and Labor, with Labor and Body, Education and Education, Education and Education. Let the labor education be empowered the 'double reduction', and promote the "double reduction 'landing campus, and it is implemented." Zhou Qishan, president of the Central Primary School of Gangtou Town, Xinyi City, said.

Select the selection, soil cultivation, seedlings, management, and harvest to students to create independently. Xinyi Donghua Middle School has created a number of labor society that is suitable for students' age characteristics. Thinking, understanding, expressing, cooperating, hands -on and so on. The school also moved the classroom to the field, allowing students to participate in the specific labor process, guide students to establish a correct view of learning, and cultivate students' spirit of hard work.

"We encourage primary and secondary schools to create labor courses with local characteristics according to the actual situation of the school, so that labor education and discipline classrooms, activity classrooms, and family education classrooms are organically combined. The movement is happy to promote the comprehensive and healthy development of students. "Li Chengjuan, secretary of the party committee and director of the Xinyi Municipal Education Bureau. (Special correspondent Zhao Jian)

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