Reality recruitment of employment to escort the "maximum people's livelihood" -An Gansu Communist Youth League multiple measures and promote the employment and entrepreneurship of college students

Author:New Gansu Time:2022.08.19

New Gansu • Gansu Daily Reporter Shi Dandan Zhou Feng'an

Employment is the biggest livelihood. Since the beginning of this year, the Communist Party Committee has taken college graduates, especially low -income family graduates of general colleges, as key groups, and implements the "Communist Youth League to promote employment actions of college students", and solidly promote special recruitment, employment classrooms, pairing assistance, internship trainees and other services , Effectively promote the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, contribute to the employment of our province.

Hold special recruitment to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship

On March 6 this year, the "Spring Wind Action" and the fifth "Youth Recruitment Fair" of the Gansu Communist Youth League in 2022 officially launched in the human resources market of Gansu Province. More than 1,100 employers in Shanghai, Tianjin, Gansu, and other provinces provide 63,000 employment positions, driving 77 recruitment activities in the municipal and county -level league committees.

Recruitment fair. Photo by Shi Dandan, a reporter from Gansu · Gansu Daily

At the same time, the Communist Youth League of the Communist Party of China recruits the "Thousands of Schools and Wangang · Employment, and the Employment has come to" comprehensive, science and engineering, teachers, and vocational colleges. 4531; mobilize the Youth Federation members and members of the Youth Enterprise Association to carry out the "Thousands of Universities, Wangang · Youth Federation/Youth Enterprise Association to send jobs and direct vehicles"; promptly release recruitment post information through the new media matrix of the group to provide normalized online online Serve.

In addition to entrepreneurship and employment, entrepreneurship is also a choice. Strive for financial support, hold an entrepreneurial contest, and issue discount loans ... The Communist Youth League will play the advantages of the "double innovation" of the Communist Youth League service to stimulate the vitality of the youth. , Used to support young entrepreneurship.

In addition, the Communist Party Committee also incorporated the youth entrepreneurial assistance work into the province's "millions" entrepreneurial leading project, strive for 3.84 million yuan in special funds, organized the province's youth innovation and entrepreneurship competition and youth entrepreneurial training camp, attracting 218 outstanding entrepreneurial projects Participate; hold the "Challenge Cup" Gansu University Student Entrepreneurship Program Competition, with 3,926 entries, and 23,000 college students. At the same time, coordinate multi -party resources, increase the investment of youth entrepreneurial guarantee loans, and issue a total of 620 unpaid discount loans and 65 million yuan.

Pay attention to key groups, accurate pairing assistance

As he graduated, Ma Hao, a graduate of Lanzhou University of Technology, found his favorite job and successfully signed the contract.

"I repeatedly touched the wall when I first started looking for a job. I really don't know what to do. Later, the school league commissioned the teacher who helped me to help me to guide the anxiety. I also invited me to join the employment ability to improve the group group. I recommend a lot of job resources. Thanks to the teachers of the Youth League Committee, "Ma Hao said.

The Youth League Committee of Lanzhou Institute of Technology organized employment and entrepreneurship training. (Photo confidence in the Youth League Committee of Lanzhou Institute of Technology)

At the beginning of the promotion of college students' employment work, Gansu Communist Youth League used low -income family students in general institutions as key assistance groups, with their hearts, accurate efforts, and directed policies to effectively help the employment of students in difficulties.

Wang Wenxia, ​​deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of Lanzhou University of Technology, introduced: "The Youth League Committee of the School establishes a key group account with the Youth League branch to find out the employment intention of the students, and provides employment guidance, recommending job information, modifying job search resumes, focusing on employment progress, continuous follow -up Comprehensive employment services such as counseling. "

The Youth League Committee of Lanzhou University of Science and Technology organized a pairing assistance through the group cadres, to learn more about the family conditions of key groups, professional expertise, and employment intention, etc., to establish and improve the "one person, one policy" assistance account, and carry out solidly on a face -to -face communication, one employment guidance consultation The "six one" accurate services of a career planning, etc., enhance the precision and effectiveness of assistance work, and make the group branch a force to find and reliable for low -income family graduates of general colleges and universities.

According to reports, since this year, a total of 997 cadres in our province have paired with 3928 2022 and 2023 colleges and universities to help 2,494 graduates successfully employment.

Policy interpretation, career planning, rights protection consultation, legal aid ... In order to further enhance the success of graduates' job hunting, the Youth League Provincial Party Committee invites employment instructor, lawyer and employees to conduct live lectures through the live broadcast platform; more than 20 people from Lanzhou Jiaotong University The full -time group has launched 14 employment guidance courses. During the epidemic period, the graduation student line "companion" symposium was carried out to ensure the "continuous line" of employment services.

Deepen the internship trainee, extend the service chain

"The 'Yangfan Program' provides me with a platform that enters social practice in advance, so that I can contact my job earlier, reserve my work experience for entering the society, and strengthen my employment goals. The foundation has been established. "In July 2020, Chen Lingyun was an internship of the Party Construction Department of the Party Committee of the State Grid Wuwei Power Supply Company as the" Sailing Program "of the province's internship.

Chen Lingyun at work. (Photo confession in the respondent)

In order to help college students familiarize with the real work environment, clarify the career direction, reserve work experience, and improve the socialization and comprehensive employment capabilities, the Communist Party Committee implements the "sail plan" of college students' internships, relying on the provincial, city, and county -level party and government agencies and in Gan central enterprises, provincial state -owned enterprises, private enterprises and other units provide internship trainee platforms for college students. As of August 12, a total of 4,321 government and corporate internships were released, and 15,533 resumes were received. Since its launch in 2019, the "Yangfan Plan" has participated from the initial enterprises and institutions directly under the provincial party committee of the League to the provincial party committee to more and more institutions and enterprises and institutions. It provides a platform for growth and integration into the society for college students, and also provides the opportunity to understand their hometown for college students in Gansu. It helps them to devote their hometown to build their hometown after school, and to build a happy and beautiful new Gansu.

In addition, focusing on the main battlefield of rural rejuvenation, the Provincial Party Committee organized the county and district Youth League Committee to play the advantage of the "source of students" to provide 232 social practice positions for college students, and effectively help college students to improve their socialization and comprehensive employment capabilities. At the same time, the implementation of college students' volunteer service western plans and encouraging college graduates to conduct volunteer services at the grassroots level. The implementation scale of 1022-2023 is 1140, and it has established an important platform for college graduates to serve employment and exercise growth at the grassroots level.

It is understood that the Communist Party Committee will continue to put the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in a more prominent position, consolidate assistance measures, strengthen work coordination, and promote more high -quality employment in the realization of college graduates.

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