Life in "Cloud", this is a warm heart tutoring course in the question box

Author:Renmin University of China Time:2022.06.18

New Media Center of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee

School -produced

Can the school open overnight self -study room? The end of the final paper is really incomplete.

Open! Remember to follow the notice!

In the end, I decided to give up the game, it's really sad

Shooting, there is an input to have output, let it go naturally, just gain something ~

In the evening, there is an urgent matter to consult. Will you disturb the teacher's rest when you call?

It's okay, the teacher is a night owl

Thank you teacher, seeing the questioning box is really cured

Thank you Bao, two -way cure!

When the graduation season, the final season, and the school seasons

Encountered a sudden outbreak

Normal study and life on campus have more uncertainty

However, people have their own own

A good place to relieve troubles and solve problems

The small box of warm people, resistance to epidemic seeing true feelings

The "anonymous question box" of each college (academy) became

The "relief grocery store" that people often patronize

"Answer to answer", "Affordable to take orders"

"Heart Warm Counseling Course in the question box"

Behind the question box, there is a group of staying in the school for more than a month

Counselor who has been online and comes online for nearly 24 hours

They are rushing on the front line of solving problems for students. Calling, while meeting, duty on duty, and answering the large and small questions from the backstage ...

When you encounter difficulties, you can talk online at any time. Convenient, efficient, and youthful information feedback new channels, the first time they answered the questions of students, they also conveyed the two -way healing of teachers and students, bringing "little luck" in life under the epidemic.


Give the uncertainty in the epidemic

Eat a heart pill

"The complicated and severe epidemic situation cannot be determined by the situation of tomorrow, but today's questions will be able to get the teacher's reply" "Teachers answered in time to me for certainty ..."

The first response was the general evaluation of the students' asking boxes. "Is there no problem with the supply of materials in school supermarkets?" It is also an information channel that can get authoritative answers.

In the anonymous question box opened by each college, it seems that the most keywords and key themes seem to occupy the majority of keywords and key themes.而这些吐槽类的问题,往往是“答主”关心的学生心里话,也正是通过为“匿名人”抽丝剥茧,疏解情绪,回归问题本质,引导理性看待,并将问答互动公布出来,更多Students understand the school and understand everyone around us who pay for each other silently.


"Thank you, two -way cure"

Under the epidemic, the noise of the summer interweaves the uneasiness of the final exam week, and it is also mixed with a hint of anxiety in the graduation season.

In the question box, many students poured their confusion in anonymous way, and there were many blunt opinions. Every time he encounters the proposal, the counselor will organize it in time and feedback to the departments and units responsible for the corresponding affairs. The introduction of many heart -warming measures is inspired by the effective suggestions in the question box. Under the "anonymous", the true views of the students expressed their students also made the school really take into account the inner feelings of the classmates and the impact on different groups before formulating measures.

Liangyan said that the three winter warmth, asked the counselor's patience and care in the box, passed to the students in front of the screen, turned into a good medicine for "relieve worries", and also received positive feedback from the students.

The question box is simply a treasure. I usually have introverted, and I do n’t have the teacher ’s WeChat. I basically do n’t dare to communicate with the teacher. I always ask the team leader to ask questions. The anonymity of the question box gave me the courage to communicate directly with the teacher.

Once in the middle of the night, I was in a bad mood. I turned the circle of friends and turned to the teacher's question box. With the mentality of trying to see the question box, I talked about my recent psychological state. I did not expect that in less than five minutes, the teacher replied. Touched, the teachers are really hard! I hope the epidemic will be dispersed as soon as possible, and the teacher should pay attention to the body ~

"There is no you and me in the school, only us!" This is an answer that touches the heart in the "Feng Zi" asked box. In this "epidemic", everyone is moving forward to protect the safety of the campus. The heartwarming response and careful companionship are in their eyes, and they have a lot of warm two -way warmth in the box.


Respond in time, not only ask the question box

"Feng Zi Tsai", "Alien Mailbox", "Academy through traffic", "Warm Nations Guan Miao Miao House", "Mingde Er's small mailbox", "faith management hear you", "public management rights" ... The anonymous question box has been opened one after another, and the IP image of the college and the academy is the ingenious person and listener of the students.

Collect the difficulties of the students in time, and provide accurate and comprehensive answers in a timely manner, not only in the question box. Each college has launched various characteristic and rich and diverse teacher -student interactive communication mechanisms: the “Little Horn Questions+Big Specs” of the School of Environment, the "epidemic" of the law school war, the laborer college "Labor Studential Talk" counselor tea The School of Statistics "Teacher Wang's Longmen Array", the School of Economics "Liu Shouying and his students", the School of Journalism "Teacher and Student Exchange Talking Week" ...

In the "cloud" space face to face, talk about the joy of life, interpret the prevention and control policy of the epidemic, and resolve emotional pressure. The teachers stationed in the office were reassuring, and the teachers did not sleep all night to serve students' professionalism. Even when meeting the clouds, the students still felt that they were accompanied by themselves.

Every problem under the epidemic is the real difficulties and real needs of individuals. Teaching management, logistics services, campus safety, student activities ... In the communication group of the teachers of the school and the school departments, the daily Actively actively issues all kinds of students from various colleges. The orders will be done. Educational affairs, education, logistics, defense and other departments respond in a timely manner to solve them in a timely manner. The "Epidemic Prevention Q & QA" launched on the day of the day is to organize the daily question and answer to provide more students with more comprehensive and convenient information acquisition channels. Every question is the voice of the students

Each answer is the true feelings of the teacher

Not afraid of difficulties, all Zhizhi Chengcheng

Teachers and students' two -way support and trust each other

Support the Great Wall of the People's Congress

I believe we can definitely be in vibrant summer

Revera the virus!

An "Heart" through traffic

Psychological partners walk with you all the way

The volunteer service project of the "Heart" direct car is launched by the Party Committee and the Department of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences. Psychological knowledge and psychological skills. When you ask for a request through the "Heart" TAPE box, the volunteers will respond to the information classified.

An "Heart" is through the traffic, and psychological partners are walking along with you

Scan the two -dimensional code or click the link to enter the "Heart" to pass the TAPE question box. You can speak in the question box, you can also leave an mailbox in the question box, or make an appointment for Coffee Talk. Volunteers will be with you all the way ~

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