National Development and Reform Commission: Advanced the introduction of more efforts to support college graduates entrepreneurial employment policy

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.16

Cover Journalist Dai Rui

On August 16, the National Development and Reform Commission held a period of routine press conference in August. In response to the recent situation of young people's employment pressure, Yuan Da, the director of the National Economic Comprehensive Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at the press conference that the National Development and Reform Commission will guide the local government to implement entrepreneurship and support employment and support college graduates to start a 15 -Phase. On the basis of the list, we have introduced greater efforts to support college graduates' entrepreneurial employment policies according to local conditions, solidly promote entrepreneurship to drive special employment actions to implement and create more high -quality employment opportunities.

Yuan Da, Director of the National Economic Comprehensive Department of the National Development and Reform Commission

Yuan Da pointed out that since this year, the employment of youth groups has faced greater pressure. Comprehensive analysis, this is the result of multiple factors such as total and structure, periodicness and seasonality. The total number of youth employment this year is relatively large. Only college graduates reached 10.76 million, an increase of 1.67 million from last year, a record high. The impact of the epidemic, some places and industry market entities encountered temporary difficulties, and the employment capacity decreased. Some companies had reduced recruits. In addition, the current college graduates were concentrated. The difficulty of job hunting makes the youth unemployment rate increase. At the same time, the structural contradictions of employment continued to appear, and the problems of talent supply and demand in some fields still need to be resolved.

He pointed out that since this year, various regions and departments have launched a series of policies and measures to strive to create more employment opportunities for young groups such as college graduates. For example, the employment of enterprises to absorb college graduates will be motivated, accelerates the progress of civil servants and public institutions, and broaden market -oriented social employment channels, and so on.

Yuan Da said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work together with relevant departments to implement policies such as stable economy, stabilizing market entities, and stabilizing jobs. Make every effort to employment of young groups such as college graduates.

The first is to study and launch a group of pragmatic management measures to support entrepreneurial employment. Accelerate the implementation of a solid policy of stabilizing the economy, and continue to improve the driving force of economic development on employment. Hurf the implementation of the spirit of "Notice on Further Doing a Better Employment and Entrepreneurship Work and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates", and guide the localities to implement entrepreneurship to drive employment and support college graduates to entrepreneurship and employment. College graduates' entrepreneurial employment policy, solidly promote entrepreneurship to drive special employment actions to implement their landing, and create more high -quality employment opportunities. At the same time, focus on strengthening employment guidance services, continue to deepen the integration of production and education, promote the construction of public training bases, and help carry out large -scale vocational training.

The second is to speed up a batch of pain points to restrict entrepreneurship and employment. In conjunction with the relevant parties, the support system for the entrepreneurial employment policy of colleges and universities will do everything possible to develop market -oriented employment channels. Widely solicited the demands of reform in the employment of local entrepreneurship, focused on key card points, and deployed and implemented a number of reform measures for cracked pain points. Promote the implementation of the task of deployed comprehensive innovation reform, help local coordination to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the reform process, and strive to achieve early results.

The third is to plan a group of key activities for entrepreneurship to drive employment. Prepare the dual -innovation activity week, focus on promoting entrepreneurship and employment of college graduates, and further enrich the form, content, and key activities of the activity week. Actively coordinate relevant parties to run a series of activities such as "Internet+" college student innovation and entrepreneurship competition, "Maker China" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, to spread innovation and entrepreneurship culture, cultivate an atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, enhance innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities, expand entrepreneurship and employment space Essence

The fourth is to promote a typical experience of a group of entrepreneurship to drive employment. Strengthen the interpretation of dual -innovation related policies, and timely sort out and summarize, publicize and promote the experience and practice of various places to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Give play to the role of the Double Innovation Demonstration Base Alliance, and organize a series of experience exchanges for entrepreneurship to drive employment to promote mutual learning and mutual learning and connecting entrepreneurial employment resources in various places.

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