Ordinary people, how much anxiety do you memorize for others today?

Author:Read Reading Time:2022.08.16

Read Reading Jun Tongxia Dictionary has been launched 1952/2000 words

Today is the 3229th day of intensive reading Jun to accompany you for life -long growth



I heard the book a few days ago and heard a very interesting point of view.

During the exam, the anxiety you bear is not only from your own, but also from others.

For example, the expectations of parents and teachers, competition between classmates ...

If you think about it, this is really the case.

As soon as I go to school, as soon as I get to the exam, I will start inexplicable nervousness and fear, especially after contacting the outside world.

As soon as I hear my parents and teachers instruct me to work hard, I will be uneasy in my heart, like drums;

As soon as you see that the classmates eat and rest, they will be crazy, and their hearts will be stalk, as if they are blocked with stones.

There is no way, in order to make yourself feel better, then I can only learn whatever others learn, and I do whatever others do.

In this way, any psychological comfort can be a little psychological.

At the beginning, I didn't think there was any problem with such a performance, because everyone did this.

In this way, until graduation.

There are fewer exams and less follow -up learning, but the uncomfortableness in my heart is far from over, but there is a trend of intense.

Specific performance in two aspects: work and love.

After graduating for a few years, seeing others or promoting salary increases, or falling in love, or trying to learn self -growth, I can't worry, it is impossible.

Although he didn't follow the trend as blindly in school, he couldn't help but make up with everyone to buy this and buy it.

There is only one reason. When you see the success of others, when others work hard, it is really too stressful.

Obviously everyone graduated in the same year, but as a result, you went straight up in the workplace, and the sailing was smooth;

Obviously everyone talks and laughs together, but as a result, your wife and young son are pregnant and buy a car and buy a house;

Obviously everyone was synchronized at first, but after a few years, you rushed forward.

How can such a comparison, such a life not make people sad? How can it not make people pain? How can you not make people anxious?


Imposed anxiety

If this is only the case, maybe it is still tolerated; unfortunately this is an era of anxiety and panic.

Countless people are holding all kinds of tools to make anxiety and give birth to anxiety.

There was an article that burst into the circle of friends:

There are many sentences that cause and deepen your anxiety.

for example:

"There will be no peers who move forward at a uniform speed. You either ride a dust or be left far away."

"Even if you stay in place, you grow slowly, which is a regression."

After watching it at the beginning, I felt that the whole person was about to explode. It was full of the success of others and their ordinary people, the shining of others and their humbleness.

In addition, after a short time later, a hot speech of Zhang Quanling was brushed: "When the times abandon you, you won't even say goodbye":

"For me, greater fear comes from you know that the world is changing, it becomes so fast, it becomes so pervasive, and enters all aspects of you. But you don't know how it has changed."

Now, the hearts of the whole person are tightened.

Even if I know this anxiety is imposed to me, I still can't help but take the initiative and move forward.

After all, who wants to be the one who is abandoned by the times and being abandoned by his peers?

At a very young age, we have been educated to be a person who has a good life, and we must not live a life -free life.

But what is the best way?

My environment tells me that the test is that the exam is high in the school, and it is better than others in society.

Simply put, it is always in front of others. Everything is good and has always been good.

Refine again, just two words: genius.

Because only the genius can always be the leader and overwhelm everything.

But how can there be so many days in this world?

We are not genius, we are born and ordinary, is it necessary to be forcibly bundled for a lifetime by the anxiety of "not as good as others"?


Normal anxiety

In the final analysis, it is still a "child of someone else's family".

From school to society, we are all eager to become the "children of other people's homes" who are worthy of praise and worthy of learning in people's mouths.

As if, we will have a good life and a meaningful life.

But we forgot that "other children's children" will also have their own unhappiness, their own troubles, and their anxiety.

Even if it is a genius, it is impossible to go smoothly all the time.

Anxiety is a normal existence.

Young people are anxiety for academic academic, middle -aged people are anxious for their livelihood, and the elderly are anxious for their juniors.

This is something that everyone exists from ancient times to the present, and every era will experience.

Why bother to exaggerate it, or even self -imprisonment?

You know, everyone has their own lives, their own rhythm, and they all need to complete their own current.

In our time zone, we are carrying the corresponding anxiety and running hard.

Perhaps I am really not as good as others, but it does not mean that I will be forcibly added an anxiety by the outside world.

Because everyone in the world has its own development zone. Some people are in front of me, and some people are behind me. It seems that there are first, and in fact we all move on time in our own lives.

When we get into the trouble of anxiety, let ourselves think and focus what is anxious.Just like Zhou Yijun said in "Round Table", the antonyms of anxiety are specific.

She gave an example of a college college.

You said that you are anxious because of the college, then you have to say which universities and majors you want to take?What preparation do you need to make this idea?

When you talk about specific, you will not be too anxious.

Because you know the methods and paths, when you step on the specific path step by step, there is not so much anxiety.

Finally, give you a famous saying that I like very much and encourage the monarch.

Since there are black spots on the sun, things in the world are even more impossible.——Berechevsky

- END -

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