South China University of Technology 2022 undergraduate enrollment constitution

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.17

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 In accordance with the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China Education Law, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education and the "Articles of Association of South China University of Technology", this charter is formulated in accordance with the actual reality of the undergraduate admissions work of South China University of Technology.

Article 2 The admissions work of South China University of Technology follows strict procedures, fair competition, fair selection, openness and transparency, and takes the results of the college entrance examination as the main basis.

Article 3 The enrollment work of South China University of Technology is supervised by the disciplinary inspection and supervision department, candidates, parents and all sectors of society.

Chapter 2 School Overview

Article 4 The Chinese name of the school is South China University of Technology, referred to as South China Polytechnic; the English name is South China University of Technology, and English abbreviations are scut.

Article 5 The national standard code of the school is 10561.

Article 6 The school is a university directly under the Ministry of Education and the national "double first -class" construction university. The type of school running is a state -owned public.

Article 7 The school has Wushan Campus, University Town Campus, and Guangzhou International Campus. No. 777.

Article 8 Students with a student status with South China University of Science and Technology will reach the requirements of their graduation requirements within the prescribed period and issue a bachelor's degree in South China University of Technology; those who meet the degree awarding conditions, and issue a bachelor's degree certificate for general higher education undergraduate graduates.

Chapter III Organizations and Responsibilities

Article 9 The school establishes an enrollment work leadership group consisting of the principals of the school, the leadership of the school, and the head of the relevant departments, and is fully responsible for the undergraduate enrollment work of the whole school.

Article 10 The school establishs a undergraduate enrollment committee to make consultation and suggestions on the formulation of enrollment plans, determining admissions policies and rules, and major matters of decision -making enrollment, and supervise the undergraduate admissions work.

Article 11 The Admissions Office of South China University of Technology is a permanent working institution and is responsible for the daily work of undergraduate enrollment.

Article 12 The Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervisory Division shall be re -supervised by the undergraduate admissions work, and shall be responsible for investigation and treatment of suspected violation of discipline and regulations.

Chapter 4 Plan and Admission

Article 13 In accordance with the guidance of relevant national policies and the actual situation of the school, the school considers the development status of the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities, and the same municipality) in accordance with the factors of the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities, and the same below). The statistical analysis of the situation, the employment quality of graduates and the goal of graduates, and other statistical analysis, compile the undergraduate sub -professional enrollment plan of the year, will be announced by the provincial enrollment examination institutions to the society.

Article 14 The school uses 1%of the total number of enrollment plans as the reserved plan, which is mainly used to regulate the imbalance of the unbalanced students in various places and resolve the admission of candidates with the same score.

Article 15 Candidates must be complete and authentic, and may be required to supplement or retreat to file materials that do not meet the requirements. Those who are not qualified for political ideological and moral assessment will not be admitted.

Article 16 In principle, the school implements the "Guiding Opinions of the Medical Examination Work of General College Admissions" issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation and the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health The notice of the employment physical examination project to maintain the hepatitis B surface antigen carriers enrolled and employment rights "and other relevant requirements. Specific requirements for physical health are implemented in accordance with the "General Table of South China University of Science and Technology in 2022 undergraduate enrollment majors", and those who fail the medical examination will not be admitted. After the enrollment, the physical examination review (color blindness, weak color and other color sensing evaluations are subject to the results of the college entrance examination examination). Those who are not qualified for review are canceled or processed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school.

Article 17 The school determines the requirements of the academic level examination and the requirements of the provinces in accordance with the actual situation of the school and the requirements of the provinces based on the actual situation of the school.

Article 18 Candidates who are admitted to the three majors of architecture, urban and rural planning, and landscape garden must be sketched after entering the school. Those with unqualified sketching results refer to the school's admission score lines and candidates' college entrance examination volunteers at the students of the school in that year, and in accordance with the admission requirements in accordance with the principle of high scores and low scores, they are transferred to the new major. Do not agree that the school arrangement will cancel the qualifications of admission.

Article 19 In the school's undergraduate foreign language teaching, non -foreign language majors mainly use English teaching. Undergraduate English levels must meet the school's training requirements to graduate. Candidates of non -English language should be carefully reported.

Article 20 The school will negotiate the proportion of candidates' files based on the number of enrollment plans for the provincial source of the birth source and the distribution of students. In accordance with the batch of volunteer files in order, in principle, it is controlled within 120%of the number of enrollment plans in each province; in accordance with the batches of parallel volunteer files, in principle, it is controlled within 105%of the number of enrollment plans in each province. After the general class candidates are transferred, those who obey the adjustment and meet the professional admission requirements without retreating. Non -parallel volunteer batch is preferred to admit the first volunteer candidate. If the first volunteer file is insufficient, the candidates are admitted from high to low in order in order. specialized.

Article 21 The school acknowledges that the provincial admissions examination institutions determine that the college entrance examination scores of candidates who comply with the education of the Ministry of Education, with a maximum bonus of not more than 20 points. The school does not accumulate points for candidates who obtain various policy extra points during admission. All college entrance examination bonus items and scores are not suitable for enrollment projects that do not arrange sub -professional admissions programs.

Article 22 The school is admitted from high to low according to the principle of priority of submission scores, respecting the professional volunteers filled by candidates, and no professional volunteer levels are set up. When the results of the college entrance examination are the same, they are sorted in accordance with the principles of the provinces, and the provinces who are prioritized for the province with no clear sorting principles; when the cultural results of the college entrance examination are still the same, according to the science "science mathematics-science comprehensive-Chinese-foreign language", liberal arts, liberal arts "Chinese-text-liberal arts mathematics-foreign language" and college entrance examination comprehensive reform of the province "Mathematics-Chinese-Foreign Language-Foreign Language-Selective Examination Subject Score". When the professional plan is not full, candidates who fail to meet the professional volunteers and obey the adjustment of the major according to the college entrance examination score from high to low -key to candidates to meet the admission requirements; It may not meet the admission requirements, and in principle, the admission is not allowed.

Article 23 The school implements the "score clear" admission method in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. According to the principle of priority, there is no professional volunteer -level difference.

Article 24 The school's state instructed minority minority preparatory classes are admitted to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the provincial admissions examination institutions. In principle, the cultural results of the college entrance examination are not lower than the school's general class in the province To set up the general enrollment of this class, the first batch of admission control score lines of the undergraduate is used as a reference. The provinces that comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination and the combined undergraduate batches shall be according to the relevant provincial education administrative department or the undergraduate batches determined by the relevant provincial education administrative department or the undergraduate batches The score line is for reference.) The ethnic minority candidates within 80 points are selected for admission.

The training location at the preparatory course is South China University of Technology. The training time is one year.

Article 25: The school's national special plan is admitted to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the provincial enrollment examination institutions. In principle, the candidates' admission scores are not lower than the first batch of undergraduate admission control score lines (comprehensive reform of college entrance examinations, merging undergraduate batch province Perform the undergraduate batches determined by the relevant provincial education administrative department or the enrollment examination institution). When the internal source of the same batch is insufficient, it is implemented in accordance with the relevant work regulations of the Ministry of Education.

Article 26 The school will strictly review the admitted freshmen, and students who do not meet the enrollment conditions or illegally will cancel their qualifications; if they are suspected of illegal crimes, they will be transferred to the judicial authorities in accordance with the law.

Article 27 Enrollment of strong base plans, comprehensive evaluation, foreign language guarantee, university special plan, art majors, high -level sports team, sports training majors, guarantee admission of outstanding athletes and overseas Chinese Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students The school's relevant regulations of the year were implemented. The specific measures shall be formulated by the relevant enrollment work of the school in accordance with the relevant enrollment work of the Ministry of Education and the State Sports Administration. For details, you can check it on the school undergraduate admissions network.

Chapter 5 Charging Standards

Article 28 Tuition fee and accommodation fee charging standard:

(1) Tuition fees for science and engineering foreign languages: 6850 yuan/student · academic year (where, the National Demonstration Software Institute of Software Engineering is 6850 yuan/student · school year, 3-4 grades 16,000 yuan/student · school year);

(2) Tuition fees for liberal arts: 6060 yuan/student · school year;

(3) Tuition fees for non -theoretical art majors: 10,000 yuan/student · school year;

(4) Tuition fees for medical majors: 7660 yuan/student · school year;

(5) Professional tuition fees belonging to Guangzhou International Campus: 95,000 yuan/student year (starting from level 2021);

(6) Accommodation fee: 600 ~ 1600 yuan/student · school year.

The specific charging standards listed above are subject to school information disclosure.

Chapter 6 Inconsistent and Guarantee Mechanism

Article 29 The school has established a sound student funding system for "awards, assistance, loan, replenishment, minus, diligence, and repayment" to provide solid guarantees for students of family economic difficulties and inspire outstanding students to achieve greater progress.

Chapter 7 Affiliated

Article 30 The major of professional enrollment, and the specific training and diversion scheme shall be separately stipulated by the school.

Article 31 After the announcement of this articles of association, if the national laws and regulations and the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education and other relevant policies are announced, the national laws and regulations and the relevant policies of the higher level shall prevail.

Article 32 The Undergraduate Admissions Network of South China University of Science and Technology ( is the school's official enrollment information platform. The relevant information of the school enrollment will be released through this website as soon as possible.

Article 33 This charter is explained by the Admissions Office of South China University of Technology.

Admissions Office of South China University of Science and Technology: Room 111, North Block, North of Tu, Wushan Campus, Wushan Campus, Wushan University, Wushan University, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Postal code: 510641

Enrollment consultation phone: 020-87110737

Enrollment fax: 020-87111502

Undergraduate enrollment network:

Admissions email: [email protected]

Admissions WeChat public account: South China University of Technology Admissions Office (SCUT_ZSB) student funding hotline: 020-87110693

Supervision Telephone (Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Supervision Office): 020-87110195

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