School of Art Design | Classmates, graduated, what about your files?

Author:Jiangsu Engineering Vocational Time:2022.06.17

Classmates, graduated, what about your file?

From the "graduation season" to "employment season", for graduates, whether it is employment, entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship, it will face the problem of transfer. So, what is the function of files? Where did your file go? What should I do if the file is lost?

Next, Xiaobian will answer one by one

1. What is a graduate file?

Graduate files are text record materials for students' family conditions, academic performance, physical condition, etc., and are important basis for employers to select and employ graduates. I was called a student file in school, and I was called a personnel file after graduation. Generally speaking, it is a record of personal experience and the basis for personnel management and services.

2. What is the use of graduate files?

In addition to the inspection of the hired personnel, the file is also a voucher for maintaining the personal rights and welfare of the students. It is necessary to use it to join the party, retirement, etc., so everyone must not care!

What are the materials in the graduate file?

In the archives, there are mainly college graduates registration forms, academic transcripts, all reward and punishment materials during school, and volunteer books and other materials for the party.

Note: In 2022, the "Employment Certificate for Employment Employment Registration for the College Graduates of ordinary colleges and universities in the country" and "National Graduate Graduate Employment Certificate" (hereinafter collectively referred to as employment registration certificate) for the last year (hereinafter referred to as employment registration); Certificate, cancel the employment certificate supplementary office, and change the procedures, and no longer use the employment registration certificate as the necessary materials for the formalities such as the recruitment, settlement, and archives receiving transfer of college graduates.

4. What are the archives after graduating from fresh graduates?

After graduating from fresh graduates, the files can be sent to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the Source Site, and to your unit (your unit requires archives management authority) to entrust public employment and talent service agencies for management.

If you work, and the work unit has archives management authority: you can send the file to your unit.

If you work, the work unit has no file management authority:

1. The human resources market where the unit is located can be entrusted to manage.

2. The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau that can be sent to the source of the birthplace can be managed.

5. Graduate students are inconsistent with the place where the household registration is located. Which one should be filled in the file mailing address?

In university graduates who are employed or employed by non -public units, when the source of the sources and the household registration of the graduation is inconsistent, the archives will generally mail the file management service institution where the household registration is located. If you work in institutions and state -owned enterprises and institutions, they will be mailed to work units.

6. Can archives be stored in non -household registration places?

In addition to oversized cities, personnel files of employment colleges and universities in non -public units can be stored in the personnel file management service agency of mobile personnel or employment places. Specific policies in large cities can consult the local people's social department. For college graduates who have employed institutions and state -owned enterprises and institutions, the archives are kept by the institutions and institutions where graduates are located.

7. What kind of institutions can store graduate files?

The public employment and talent service agencies belonging to the human -social department of the county level (including the county level), as well as institutions authorized by the human resources and social security departments to manage the personnel archives of mobile personnel, can keep it in the universities that are not employed in non -public units and have not employed schools who have not left school. Graduate file.

Graduates who have employed institutions and state -owned enterprises and institutions are kept by their units.

8. Can graduates keep the files by themselves?


Relevant departments have clearly stipulated that individuals are strictly prohibited to keep their own personnel files.

9. Does the graduate file storage charge charge?

No collection.

From January 1, 2015, the purpose of collecting personnel relations and archives storage fees, inspection fees, certification fees, and archives transfer fees have been canceled.

10. I did n’t find a job when I graduated. How long can the files save in school?

If there is no suitable work unit for the time being, the files can usually be stored in school for 2 years. Two years later, the archives will be kept by the school's public service agency where your household registration is located. You need to consult the institution in time and apply for archives.

Eleven, what if the book is successful, what should I do?

The archives can be issued to the school you are about to study for student status archives.

12. If you should join the army, what should I do?

Fresh graduates are enlisted in the army and applied to the household registration place, and the archives are transferred to the Talent Exchange Center where the household registration is located; if it is applied at the school, the archives can be temporarily retained at the talent center of the school or school. After joining the army, the previous student status files will be transferred to the army and put into the recruits file.

Thirteen, self -employed after graduation, what should I do?

If you start your own business after graduation, you need to provide the household registration information to the school. The school will transfer the files to the human resources public service agency where the household registration is located, and then you can apply for personal entrustment archives.

Fourteen, choose to study abroad after graduation, what should I do?

If you choose to study abroad after graduation, there are two types of archives:

First, the school can transfer the archives to the human resources public service agency where the household registration is located, and at the same time go through the personal archiving procedures;

The second is that you can consult the study abroad service center of the Ministry of Education and apply for archives entrustment.

15. What should I do if I am admitted to the village official of college students?

If you are admitted to college student village officials after graduation, during the contract period, the archives will be transferred from the school to the human resources public service agency where the village officials are located. 16. What should I do if the file is lost?

Situation 1: I have graduated for many years, I have never cared about the files, and I do n’t know where my file is. Don't panic first, your file should be found in this situation. If you have not graduated for more than 2 years, then return to school to ask the corresponding file leader; if you graduate for more than 2 years, go to your student and Social Affairs Bureau for inquiries (you can call the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, you can ask the staff to help the staff to help Query, you only need to provide your ID number).

Situation 2: The file is lost during the file or in my own hands. This situation is basically the loss of the file, and can only be made up for archives. First of all, you need to apply for a file loss certificate in your unit; then, follow the materials required by the file to make up for the school.

Seventeen, where are the archives management service agency inquiring?

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released information on the personnel archives management service agency of the mobile personnel of the local human -social department. Employers and college graduates can log in: Personal file management service agency information/query mobile personnel file management service agency information.

18. One picture takes you to understand what are the precautions for graduates transfer?

Personnel archives are compatible

The content of personnel files involves many aspects such as personal skills. Personnel files belong to the secrets of the party and the country. No one may leak and preserve personnel file materials privately, and cannot provide services unconditionally to the society. Even individuals who are in archives management institutions cannot consult their own personnel files.

Attach importance to files

Even if you are in a hurry, you must take your own files seriously. You must pay close attention to where the files come from and where to go like this. We must use the file in the future to do it; it is both serving ourselves and convenient for others.

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