"Golden Class" teacher insisted on hand -writing books, students rushed to sit in the first row in class

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.12

Extrameliest reporter Xiao Yang

Intern Ren Xiaolin

Correspondent Cheng Shengjun Deng Han Yu Cao Ming

Video editing Xiao Yang

"Can we solve this problem with the method of learning? Classmates concentrate their energy and look at my calculation process ..." This summer, Professor Xingli of Hubei Business Institute led young teachers and students to prepare online in September. National college student mathematical modeling competition.

Professor Wu Xingli is the director of the Mathematics Teaching and Research Office of the Artificial Intelligence Institute of Hubei Institute of Trade and Trade. After 18 years of teaching, she has worked hard and insisted on hand -writing books to let her students fall in love with mathematics. She took the initiative to "report" her recent situation. A few days ago, Xingli was recommended by the school as a candidate for "Jingchu Good Teacher".

Professor Wu Xingli gave the students class

Allergic to chalk

Still insisting on handwriting

In the era when multimedia teaching has been popular, Xingli has always adhered to the teachings of the board. Teacher Wu's description is like a printed body. Writing a blackboard is also neat and orderly, which is pleasing to the eye.

Professor Wu Xingli gave the students class

"I also often use PPT teaching, but as long as I involve calculation and deduction, I mainly focus on book teaching, so that students can easily understand and integrate." Teacher Xingli said that it is necessary for students to consider the best way to teach them. She also often starts from the perspective of the student. Thinking about how to improve the fun of mathematics classrooms can make students like to learn and gain. Such a classroom is the "gold class" she requires herself.

Teacher Xi has long undertaken the teaching tasks of public mathematics in the school, such as "High Mathematics", "Linear Algebra", "Probability and Mathematical Statistics", and "Reunion Function" and other courses. In teaching work, she constantly explores new teaching methods, from "inspiration teaching mode" to "independent cooperation inquiry teaching mode", from "student passively accepting" to "student active research", fully mobilizing students' learning interest and interest Putty, the seemingly boring high -counting courses have become easy to understand under her clear teaching.

"Teacher Xun's teaching focus is outstanding. I was originally a little afraid of learning mathematics. Essence

"During the epidemic period, the online lesson of Teacher Xi also opened the country." Level 19 Li Yuanyuan, a classmate of the School of Economics, said that even if it was a online teaching, Mr. Xi insisted on using the handwritten board We can hear and learn, "Teachers' lessons, more than half of the high numbers."

Zhang Shuyu, who was admitted to the graduate student of Huazhong Agricultural University, still remembers the classroom of Teacher Xi: "Teacher Tong has been allergic to chalk for a while. The classmates advised her to teach with PPT, but she insisted on putting on her fingers. We present an intuitive problem of solving the problem. "" Teacher Wu often said that now I can ask me in the office, "Zhang Shuyu said. The confidence. "

Professor Wu Xingli gave the students class

Student graduated for 18 years

Still gratitude to the teacher

Liu Caizhi is the first student taught by Mr. Xingli. It has been 18 years. When it comes to Teacher Wu, Liu Caizhi has been deeply felt. When I was in college, due to the poverty in the family, my mother still suffered from cerebral infarction. Liu Caizhi's economic situation was very bad. From the middle of the middle, he started working and earning living expenses and tuition fees. At the class, Mr. Xi found that I did not buy a textbook and immediately sent me a copy. So far I remember this. "After knowing Liu Caizhi, Mr. Xi often called him to go to the house for dinner, care and encourage him, and encourage him. Liu Caizhi said that he could go to the teacher's house for dinner when he was in college, which made him feel very warm. It was the encouragement and care of Teacher Xie. He persisted, graduated smoothly, and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship.

"After graduation, our relationship is more like sister and brother." Liu Caizhi said that since ten years of graduation, he has been in contact with Teacher Xi, and gets along with his sister and brother. After graduating, starting a business in Wuhan and Xi'an, I often contacted Teacher Xi to talk to her about the recent situation and listen to the teacher's opinions. It is a teacher and student, a sister, and a friend. Teacher Wu used a sincerity to change the students to sincerely grateful and admired.

Wu Xingli is a good teacher and friend of the students. She not only helps them in her studies, but also do their best in life to solve problems for students.

Student thanks Teacher Xi for his help

Cao Mengting, who has graduated for more than ten years, has contacted a number of teachers in the school, and finally found Xi Xingli, just to express her deep gratitude to the teacher's teachings again.

"In the classroom, Teacher Wu is very careful. She will go around the field for a week to observe the problem of the problem of each student. I was" stared "by her at this time." Cao Mengting had complained about his unsuccessful college entrance examination. Teacher Xi formulated a college plan for Cao Mengting and inspired all the way. "In the three years of university, the most places I have been in the Lake Merchants Library." Later, Cao Mengting was successfully admitted to Hubei University of Technology and finally admitted to Shenzhen University graduate students. After graduating from graduate school, Cao Mengting devoted himself to the cross -border e -commerce industry and had his own team and office building. "It was the encouragement of Teacher Xi to strengthen my confidence in continuing to study. I did not repeat the regret of the college entrance examination.

Liu Yan, a counselor of the School of Economics, said, "Teacher Tong told me the classmates brought in the class, 'As long as you go to the library to learn high, come to me to check in." The classmates gradually changed from "do not love to learn" to "I want to learn." Teacher Xi encourages students to check in and learn high numbers

"I have been standing for so many years, and now I have seen the students who have developed well, and they still have a sense of accomplishment in their hearts." Being able to have a positive impact on students and help them realize their value of life.

Mathematical knowledge

Integrate with curriculum ideology and politics

In addition to the busy teaching work, Xi Xingli actively carried out curriculum reform exploration, focused on integrating mathematical knowledge with curriculum ideology and politics, and applied advanced smart education technology to classrooms. In her classroom, there is no seemingly exquisite problem -solving skills and tender "chicken soup". At the time, Xingli let students realize that "life is like a continuous curve. The median theorem of the calculus thinking, the rigorous and scientific median theorem ... she has never talked about the wonderfulness of the number, but instead penetrates it in the teaching process subtly.

Considering that after students studying mathematics curriculum, they cannot learn to use. After repeated research and research, Wu Xingli combines the boring linear algebra with advanced computer programming languages. The interest in learning can help them apply theoretical knowledge to practice. The course was approved by provincial first -class courses in 2021. At the same time, she instructed students to participate in the National College Student Mathematics Modeling Competition and the National College Student Mathematics Competition to win more than ten national, provincial and ministerial awards.

The students guided by Teacher Xi have won many prizes

Give full play to the role of party members

Lead young teachers to grow

As a party member, Xing Xingli bravely picked up the beams and selfless dedication, giving full play to the pioneering and modeling role of party members, and has been rated as an outstanding Communist Party member of the school for many years. She serves as the director of the college's mathematics teaching and research office, actively carry out teaching and research activities and management, in accordance with the requirements of the school, formulates, modify and improve the school's public mathematics course teaching outline, organize teaching competitions and observation teaching within the teaching and research room, carefully explore teaching methods, help young young Teachers are constantly improving teaching levels.

She has worked hard for many years in education, and has also achieved fruitful results: the director of the Hubei Provincial Industry and Applied Mathematics Society, who has won the second prize of the school youth teacher teaching competition, and was rated as the school's "Excellent Communist Party Member", "Advanced Individual" and "A -Class Backbone Teacher". He presided over or participated in 5 school teaching reform programs, published more than ten papers at domestic and foreign academic journals and important academic conferences, and 5 editors and editors.

Teacher Xi was rated as the school's "Excellent Communist Party Member"

"From the 18th year of teaching, I keep in mind the mission of teaching and educating people. On the teaching path, I hope I will always love and love the students' hearts of the students, and use a little light to illuminate the students." Xing Xingli said.

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