From "Following" to "Leading"!my country's education science and technology development is stable and strong

Author:Look at the think tank Time:2022.08.12

The Watch Think Tank and Feixiang Planet Artificial Intelligence Research Institute jointly released the "China Education Technology Global Competitive Development Report (2022)".

The report is based on the era of deep integration of education and science and technology. It focuses on the development of my country's education technology in the world's competitiveness in the five dimensions of policies and mechanisms, market environment, scientific and technological talents, capital investment, and scientific and technological innovation.

The report believes that policy and mechanisms are the basic prerequisites for the development of education science and technology. The market environment is the basic condition for the development of education science and technology. Scientific and technological talents are the fundamental elements of education science and technology development. Fund investment is a key guarantee for the development of education science and technology. R & D and innovation is the development of education science and technology development. core content.

Through comparison of the implementation of educational science and technology strategies in various countries, evaluating the education science and technology market environment of various countries, analyzing the competitiveness of global education science and technology talents, studying the current status of the development of global education science and technology funds, summarizing the overall innovation ecosystem of education science and technology, and the transformation of scientific research innovation achievements, the report believes: my country The development of education technology has strong global competitiveness, has changed from "following" to "running", and is in the "leading" position in some areas.

On the one hand, this report clarifies the strategy of my country's education science and technology development in various countries around the world. It provides strong facts and data support for the top -level design of my country's scientific research development and application, which helps to grasp the future opportunities at the policy level and combine national conditions. Effectively promote the high -quality development of education with education informatization; on the other hand, provide global and professional understanding for companies with competitive education in the field of education technology in my country, helping them to rely on the unique competitive advantages of my country's education technology and grasp the rare development opportunity period , Continuously promote global layout.

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The score of the small test of Lhasa is planned to be announced at 10:00 tomorrow, click to check the points!

Source: Lhasa EducationAnnouncement announced in 2022 Tibet Tibet Junior High School (School) Admissions Examination resultsIn 2022, the online evaluation of the Tibet Tibet (School) Admissions Examin

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