Interview with students | Kuang Wei: The end of the relationship is wide and harvested a different scene

Author:Guangdong Israel Institute of Time:2022.08.12

The choice outside the plan can also gain unexpected scenery. Affected by the epidemic, Kuang Wei, a student of undergraduate offer, holding McGill University, University of London, University of London, and University of Sydney, could not go abroad to study abroad according to the original plan. Students.

Even if the original plan was blocked, Kuang Wei still actively responded to changes, looking for more possibilities, and gradually approached his goal of "want to be a scientist". How did he have a wide relationship at the beginning? What is the experience of studying? Let us listen to his story together.

Grade 2021 Grade Chemical Engineering undergraduates Kuang Wei

Graduation Middle School:

Chongqing Bashu Middle School John Carroll Program

I have obtained the undergraduate offer before:

McGill University, University of London, University of Sydney, etc.

Why do you choose Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology?

As a student of science and engineering, I have a natural curiosity and intimacy about a pure science and engineering school. Throughout the world's top colleges and universities, such as MIT (MIT (MIT), ETH (Zurich Federal Institute of Technology), IC (Imperial Institute of Technology), and the "base camp" Technion, all of which are all exceptions. The ground stimulates my longing for this class of institutions.

I have identified my studies and professional directions very early. Although affected by the epidemic, I have to choose to transfer from foreign universities to study in China, but studying abroad is still my goal. Therefore, I am eager to have a full English teaching environment. Both teachers and classmates from all over the world have undoubtedly provided me with an excellent learning environment. I can integrate into different cultures, feel the atmosphere of internationalization, and cultivate my "world citizen" pattern in cultural intercourse.

Professor Aaron CIECHANOVER and students

I was sure that my interest was in chemistry. Therefore, I took college courses in advance and participated in various academic competitions in high school. When I saw Professor Aaron Ciechanover, a Nobel Prize winner, as a special envoy to serve as a special envoy, I was even more popular and visited by this school.

Curious about Israel and Jewish people, and the pursuit of pure science and engineering disciplines and colleges, prompted me to choose widely.

What is the experience of studying in Guang, especially compared with the original classmates studying in other universities?

My professional is chemical engineering. Regardless of professional or grade, learning and life can basically be summarized by "busy" and "enrichment".

This is a science and engineering school, and it is also the top global science and engineering school from Israeli Institute of Technology. It is true that the curriculum design here is the same as the world -class science and engineering school. It matches its course difficulty and academic pressure. I think the difficulties faced in the early stage are mainly language understanding and expression, as well as the learning thinking mode that adapts to the West. Compared with other classmates, I have a certain "advantage" in the previous language adaptation, but after more than a semester baptism, the English of students is generally improved.

Kuang Wei's mentor Professor Xu Peng

In addition, most of the students from the college entrance examination may not adapt to high -intensity autonomous learning, thinking that they can get high scores with the arrangement of the teacher. In Guangyi, not only requires daily discipline summary, but often goes to the teacher's Office Hour to ask the leftover questions in the classroom, but also needs to form a study team to supervise and study and discuss issues with the students. In the process of constantly breaking myself, my various abilities have greatly improved. In terms of English, I can gradually "啃" English textbooks without the help of the translation tools, and talk with teachers in English; in terms of curriculum expression, I can prepare for the presentation, calmly deal with the teachers and classmates from the teachers and classmates calmly. Questions; in terms of curriculum learning, I can independently archite the knowledge framework of a discipline and share my learning experience with my students ...

When I came to Guangyi, my other obvious feeling was to get strong help from teachers and schools. My English communication teacher Constance Van Horne is one of the teachers who love everyone. In the spare time, the teacher will help me consider the resume and encourage me to apply for the laboratory of the professor; she also share my life history with me, tell me interest, talk about life, talk about ideals, and let me gradually clarify my plan. The school also provides us with many opportunities to enter the laboratory, allowing us to contact scientific research at close range. I still remember the jumping when I successfully joined the instructor experimental group at the time, which was a kind of excitement and joy that was closer to my dream.

Kuang Wei's English teacher Dr. Constance Van Horne

Overall, when I am studying, I think the most important thing is the sense of faith. When I do the questions late at night to grab the cheeks, I am puzzled, and give up almost, I will calm down for the first time, calm my mood, think about my original intention and purpose, and think about my lofty ideals and a better future. After calming, I will actively find measures to solve problems. Another way I learn to solve the problem is to seek help from others. "The stone of his mountains can attack jade." Everyone viewed unique insights. Therefore, I often ask teachers, classmates, and seniors. Through the advice, guidance and efforts of others, I can always get the answer to the "question". Kuang Wei (right) participated in the Volunteer Volunteer Campaign in 2022

What are your college studies and future planning?

I have always believed that self -discipline and planning are the key to success. At a specific stage, it is an indispensable process to have a clear and clear cognition and set the corresponding goals. In college, I will wait for every course. In my opinion, learning should not be guided by scores, but to ensure that you can use what you have learned in the subsequent scientific research work. Of course, scores are very important, but the foundation can be consolidated to build upper buildings. In order to achieve my goal, I will actively participate in the wide range of academic research activities. Fortunately, I was recognized by the mentor in my freshman year and successfully entered the experimental group I was interested in. However, entering the experimental group is just the beginning of the road of scientific research. Next, you need to explore, find the research direction of interest, and continue to learn and study.

As for the four -year study plan of college, I plan to prepare the corresponding standardized examination in the first summer of my freshman summer and strive to get the expected scores in the last semester of my sophomore year. Sophomores, actively study in the experimental group to further explore their research interests; participate in the summer exchange project of the Israeli Institute of Technology. In my junior year, I planned to participate in the school's overseas university exchange projects according to my research interests. Before the junior summer vacation, I could make certain progress in scientific research, and began to prepare for the relevant matters of language examinations and graduate applications. During the senior year, in addition to maintaining normal academic requirements, I hope to devote myself to the tutor's experimental group, conduct my own research research, and prepare for the graduate career.

In the future, I hope to go to college studies I have dreamed of. "Become a scientist" is my dream when I was a child. Fortunately, I still yearn for this profession to be full of longing and hoping. From an early age, my father advised me to "be down -to -earth and serve the world." At a young age, looking at my father's resolute eyes, and with a tender tone, I should have made this promise. When I came to Guangyi, I felt that I was close to my goal again. As my mentor Professor Xu Peng said: The goal that you are worth pursuing are the sea of ​​stars, not the hills in front of you. Do Small. Looking forward to his transformation in the next four years!

Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology independent enrollment

With the approval of the Ministry of Education, Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology continues to provide admission opportunities for mainland Chinese students who meet the requirements of independent enrollment this year to alleviate the problems of studying students from studying abroad under the influence of the new coronary pneumonia. This year's independent enrollment registration deadline is August 18.

As the only Chinese and foreign cooperative universities in China, Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology fully introduced the high -quality teachers and teaching resources of the Israeli Institute of Technology, providing students with a solid academic research environment and a good international exchange atmosphere, and for their future jobs or overseas studies Lay a deep foundation.

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