83 universities cancel this major!

Author:Ji Pao Education Time:2022.08.11

Recently, the topic of#83 universities canceled public business management#on the Weibo hot search list, reading over 100 million times.

In the past five years, not only the public business management majors have been revoked by many schools, but also a number of other majors have also been revoked by multiple schools. Specific content, let's learn together ~

Why is the public business management major canceled?

According to reports, most of the reasons for the withdrawal of colleges and universities are "insufficient source of students, low teaching quality, and poor employment quality."

When talking about the reasons, some college teachers pointed out: "It is mainly that this major is large, complete, empty, unique, and the core competitiveness of the main course is not strong. The students trained in the end lack unique professional skills, lack of clear clearing of clearly. Employment direction."

After seeing the relevant content, netizens are mainly divided into the following situations:

1. "A circle"

@ylc1112: I read this major

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