deal!A batch of kindergartens in Wuhan opened the park in September

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.17

Recently, many parents leave a message in Wuhan City City

The planning progress of the planning kindergarten at the door of the consultation family is the latest reply from the relevant departments


Picture source Visual China. (It has nothing to do with graphics)


Netizen: The opening time of the ideal stars Kindergarten?

Municipal Education Bureau: The opening time of the ideal star -light kindergarten is: September 2022. The nature of the garden commissioned by the garden. Its charging standards are: 600 yuan/month in education fees, and 5 months of semester are charged.

02 Netizens: Is Vanke Jinyu International Kindergarten determined to open the park?

Hanyang District: Vanke Jinyu International Community Supporting Kindergarten will be enrolled in the park in September this year after the decoration is completed.

03 Netizens: When will Linghu Yaju Kindergarten start recruitment?

Hongshan District: Linghu Yaju Community will open a public kindergarten. It is expected to be put into use in September 2022. The specific situation is based on the progress of the project. The Hongshan District Education Bureau will strive to promote the construction of kindergarten and strive to open the park on time.

04 Netizen: When will Dongfeng Phoenix Phase II Kindergarten start class?

Wuhan Economic Development Zone: Dongfeng Phoenix supports kindergarten (6 and 12 classes), has entered the bidding stage. It is expected that the supporting kindergarten decoration project will be constructed in the third quarter of 2022. Essence According to the spirit of the "Municipal People's Government on Further Strengthening the Construction and Management of Supporting Kindergartens in Residential Areas" (Military Regulations [2017] No. 63), the two parks are held as public or inclusive private kindergartens, 6 classes and 12 classes in scale, and 12 classes in class. Essence

05 Netizens: There are too few public kindergartens in Panlong City. Can there be public kindergarten planning?

Huangpi District: It is understood that the construction of Panlong City Second Kindergarten has entered the compensation stage of demolition. Construction started in the second half of this year. At the same time, a number of supporting kindergartens in new communities will be recovered. This fall is expected to be opened for public parks this fall. Admissions.

06 Netizen: When will the first phase of the Optics Valley Innovation and the Elite of the Elix recruit in kindergarten?

Donghu High -tech Zone: It is understood that the kindergarten is preparing to renovate, and enrollment is expected to begin next spring.

07 Netizen: Shimao Longwan has been delivered for more than a year. When will the supporting kindergarten be built?

Caidian District: The World Trade Longwan plans to build a 12 -class kindergarten. It is planned to start construction in the second half of 2022. In 2022, the rough construction will be completed to the Education Department of Caidian District without compensation. After the renovation, after the renovation and the acceptance, the Education Bureau of Caidian District plans to run it into a public park.

08 Netizen: The opening time of the Park of Shengguanshangcheng Kindergarten in the Economic Development Zone?

Wuhan Economic Development Zone: Metro Shengguan Shangcheng supporting kindergarten was transferred to the Economic Development Zone Economic Bureau in March 2022. After the transfer of the Economic Development Zone Education Bureau, it immediately organized the construction unit to conduct a research and evaluation of the park's decoration and education equipment projects, and determined the reciprocity of the research. It is planned to start around October 2022. In the spring of 2023, it meets the conditions for opening the park. When the park is opened and the nature of the park, it needs to be decided after the Education Bureau's Education Bureau based on the research of nearby residents.

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Produced by the Yangtze River Daily: Wuhan City Message Board Integration: Dai Rong Editor: Dai Rong Cao Xinyi School Division: Wang Bei

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