The employment rate has not reached 60%for 3 years. Which majors have been "bright red"?

Author:China Youth Daily Client Time:2022.08.05

Recently, the Anhui Provincial People's Government issued the "Notice of Deepening the Implementation Plan for the Innovation and Development of the Disciplines of University Disciplines (2022-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The notice proposes that the scale of disciplinary enrollment scale with insufficient social needs and low implementation rates of employment, and a professional suspension of enrollment with a professional implementation of employment for 3 consecutive years. According to the "Daily Economic News" report, the "Anhui University of Undergraduate Professional Layout and Requirements Analysis Report (2021)" shows that law, finance (international finance), information engineering and other majors often "light red lights".

Optimizing the professional layout of colleges and universities, the revocation of majors that cannot meet the needs of social changes and employment rates are too low. It is a common phenomenon in the field of higher education in recent years. The results of the undergraduate major of general colleges and universities announced by the Ministry of Education's 2021 school show that in addition to the 31 new undergraduate majors, some universities' public utility management, information management and information systems have been revoked, involving 804 professional cloth points. This approach is in line with the rules of talent training, and can guide colleges and universities to centrally educate resources, cultivate characteristics and advantages, and the practice of Anhui Province is also in line with such a development trend.

As the number of undergraduate enrollment in colleges and universities has steadily increased, many majors that meet the needs of market talents will emerge. For example, in the newly opened majors, many names include elements such as "intelligence" and "intelligence", which is closely related to the broad development prospects of artificial intelligence at the moment. In some traditional industries, the demand for employment is tightened, the number of talent training has become saturated, and the scale of professional enrollment scale will also become the norm. Before being revoked, the education authorities will issue warnings in advance, so that students can also remind students to make career planning and fill in their volunteers carefully.

In 2011, the Ministry of Education issued a notice that the employment rate was less than 60%for two consecutive years. In the actual operation process, some specialties will implement the exit mechanism for some majors with low employment rates and more cloth points in various places to gradually reduce the number of professionals. But determining professional staying by employment rate will make people worry, will it strengthen the orientation of evaluation of professionalism at the employment rate? Whether the employment rate can accurately reflect the supply and demand status of the employment market has certain controversy.

Under the impact of the epidemic, the downward pressure on the economy has increased, and the employment situation is more severe. According to reports, the employment situation of some college students is not optimistic. The employment goal implementation rate is higher than 60%, and there are some difficulties. Secondly, a series of issues such as the adjustment of professional enrollment, and the post adjustment of the original faculty and staff will put a certain pressure on the school's work. In addition, many universities have revealed that the employment rate is chaotic, and the employment rate is determined by the high and low employment rate. It may make some universities continue to chase the high employment rate, and even fake it for this reason.

The professional adjustment of colleges and universities is a conventional action to adapt to social development. Of course, the employment rate is very important, but it is also necessary to comprehensively evaluate the market demand, employment environment and professional characteristics. In recent years, many people have also discovered that popular and unpopular majors are relative. The employment rate in the short term may not reflect the needs of future industry development. In some application -oriented disciplines, the scale of professional enrollment must keep up with the employment market, and some basic disciplines, such as biochemical ring materials, are self -evident to the importance of national and social development. Therefore Instead, it is necessary to give corresponding policy support.

The employment rate cannot fully reflect the prospects of professional development, nor can it measure the quality of school running in colleges and universities. Some majors are suspended from enrollment. It is not purely a problem with students' employment. Some majors are more suitable for opening at the graduate stage. There is no need to recruit undergraduates. In addition, some majors that have been revoked may not be in line with the development positioning of colleges and universities, and it does not mean that this major opened by all universities is not good. For example, finance or law majors, in some distinctive financial, political and legal colleges, also have a high degree of social recognition.

In the past period, the random, repeated and chaotic colleges' professional settings reflect the blind and utilitarian development concepts of some colleges and universities. Depending on the needs of the times, and the actual situation of school running, the professional adjustment is the correction of this school -running philosophy, but during the implementation process, it cannot be said to increase, stop, stop. Just as universities are adding majors today, we need to strictly demonstrate and evaluate talent training programs, teachers, and teaching conditions. In the same way, in addition to the revocation of certain majors, in addition to referring to the employment rate, the education department can also listen to the suggestions of the human -social department and the industry development authority, allow professional counterpart enterprises and social survey agencies to participate, carefully study and judge professional goes to go to professional goals. Keep.

Written article/Bai Yipeng

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