Yu Yingjie: In the future, higher education classroom attributes will be changed

Author:China Education Network Time:2022.08.05


"Online education has substantially become an important part of higher education, and even at some moment is the most important part." In an interview with this magazine, Professor Yu Yijie of Tsinghua University said.

In mid -2012, Mu class developed rapidly worldwide. A few months later, in May 2013, the two top universities in China began to build courses. Yu Yanjie is one of the earliest batch of crabs who eat crabs. In his words, "Mu class is the paradise of a teacher who is brave." In 2013, Tsinghua released his first Mu class "Circuit Circuit Principle, he is the person in charge of this course.

In early 2020, under the epidemic, colleges and universities opened large -scale online teaching. Yu Yanjie served as the team leader of the online teaching guidance experts of Tsinghua University, and took the initiative to change from the initial "forced innovation" to the later. He said, "After this 'epidemic' went."

In March of this year, the National Higher Education Smart Education Platform was released.

After ten years, the three stages of online education

"China Education Network": Mu classes have been proposed in 2012, and it has been 10 years. Do you think that in the past ten years, what is the biggest change for online education for higher education?

Yu Yanjie: Mu class first appeared, and it was not a drama to grab the classroom. Its main purpose is to serve social learners outside the university and promote fair education.

In the past ten years, online education, which is based on Mu class, has two aspects of higher education. There are two aspects of the biggest change.

The first change, the concept of "student -centered" gradually became deeply rooted in people's hearts. In the past, the concept of "student -centric" only stayed in the minds and articles of educators, but now I believe at least 20%to 30%of teachers recognize this concept. The reason why I think is closely related to the construction of Mu class resources pushed by the government and the Ministry of Education. At the end of 2020, the World Morgeon Conference released a set of data: "As of October 2020, there were more than 30 main course platforms in my country, and the number of launching macarolic classes had 34,000. The number of people in the school has grown to 150 million people at the school.

A large number of basic courses for moody classes forced front -line teachers to change the basic education concept. Teachers had to think about how to better attract students to participate in the classroom, which promoted the transformation of the concept of "student -centric".

The second change, the teaching method of "student -centered" was implemented. With the change of education concepts, many teaching methods have been implemented. In 2008, the overturning class was proposed, but for many years, it was "unknown to the deep girlfriend." But when teachers realize that they need to change their concepts and need to design classrooms centered on students, they will take the initiative to learn and apply some new teaching methods. At this time, the original logical and step -by -step teaching methods are no longer applicable. Instead, it is a kind of teaching method that is constantly interrupted, real -time interaction that can directly solve students 'confusion and stimulate students' classrooms. This is the biggest change brought about online education to domestic higher education teaching.

"China Education Network": In 2013, my country issued the world's first Mu course, which is the "Circuit Principle" you are responsible for. From that time, what stages do you think the online education of higher education has gone through?

Yu Yanjie: Overall, the development of higher education online teaching can be divided into three stages in the past ten years.

In the first stage (2012 ~ 2015), the construction stage of Mu class resources. The online education at this stage is in the growth period of growth. In fact, everyone is still different from all of the opinions, and they are still studying and exploring. This is a very important period of bred growth, and China and foreign countries are almost synchronized.

The second stage (2016 ~ 2020), the stage of popularization and promotion of hybrid teaching. At this moment, online education is in the period of thriving growth. Mu classes are formed largely, and most courses have found a more reasonable communication mode. Around 2016, the interest of teachers began to transfer to how to combine the mood classes with physical classrooms to better cultivate students in the school. Following, hybrid teaching has gradually become mainstream subjects. Especially with the "Implementation Opinions on the Construction of First -class undergraduate courses" accompanied by the Ministry of Education in 2019, the reform of mixed teaching has reached a climax.

The third stage (after 2020), the re -understanding stage of hybrid teaching, the rise of fusion teaching, and the epidemic prompting online education to enter the gene mutation period. Taking the rain class as an example, the launch of the rain class in 2016 has become an important platform for teachers to carry out hybrid teaching. By the epidemic situation in 2020, the rain class had a huge change: from the originally helping teachers and students in the classroom to conduct interactive discussions, to a large number of live broadcast functions, and after the online classroom recovery Fusion teaching mode.

The actual combat and conceptual change under the epidemic situation

"China Education Network": The epidemic is a very important node. How do you think it has an impact on the development of higher education online teaching? For yourself, what new experiences and revelations are this?

Yu Yanjie: The impact of the epidemic on online education is profound. In practice, the large -scale online teaching practice under the epidemic situation can be explained to the enlightenment of the educational concept of "students -centered" by teachers. For teachers who did not have much contact with online teaching before, they had to be "forced innovation" in this practice and thought about how to develop more efficient and more attractive students' teaching online. For teachers who have also been exposed to online teaching before, this complete large -scale line classroom is also different from previous experimental hybrid teaching practices.

As far as I am concerned, there are many new experiences and inspirations in the process. For example, before 2020, I have been using the rain class, but rarely open the barrage, and only when I do thinking questions. After all the epidemic class was turned online in 2020, I gradually opened the barrage every class. Essence

Of course, this is also very challenging for teachers, because the content of the barrage is complicated, and the teacher must have the ability to quickly judge: which ones are ignored, and which ones are stopped. Essence This ability requires training and self -training to obtain.

In addition, during the epidemic, we conducted many questionnaires to pay attention to the positive and negative feedback of students' online teaching. Unexpectedly, the most useful feature of students' feedback in the rain class is to watch the live broadcast. We never realized that it was so important to students. I think this actually reflects the mentality and learning characteristics of the post -00 students group. As a teacher, you must understand these characteristics in order to better bring students into the course.

"China Education Network": At first facing large -scale online teaching, what are the reflection of teachers? How does the school support and encourage teachers to change their ideas?

Yu Yanjie: At the beginning of the epidemic, teachers generally have a strong sense of anxiety about whether they can carry out high -quality online teaching. If they do not do innovation, teaching will face the danger of stranding. Although bumps, they can only meet the difficulties. After several months of actual combat, the teacher's online teaching ability has been greatly improved, and it will be better and better.

In early 2020, we did related training for teachers' online teaching ability. Is this training long for a long time? I also made corresponding assumptions at the time: If students have returned to school in autumn, how many people who have mastered online teaching skills, how many people will still use the teaching skills obtained by training in the first half of the year in the classroom scene? As a result, 50%of teachers meet the above requirements. Therefore, we say that online teaching under the epidemic has become a gene and will continue to influence the entire higher education teaching.

At the school level, since 2020, the application form of teachers at Tsinghua University has changed a lot. In the promotion of teachers' titles, teaching has become a very important consideration factors. Teachers should express their teaching work, including educational concepts, workloads, teaching projects, awards, and so on.

In addition, President Wang Xiqin emphasized that, especially in the teaching and research series, it is necessary to contribute to the educational, academic and industry circles. This has also continuously urged teachers to continue to improve themselves and contribute more for the education undertakings.

"China Education Network": What do you think of the significance of higher education during the epidemic period? Taking Tsinghua University as an example, how does it affect Tsinghua's future teaching planning?

Yu Yanjie: In the past two years, online education has substantially become an important part of higher education, and even some moment is the most important part. In the post -epidemic era, although the importance of online education cannot be compared with the epidemic period, it will never return to the stage of promoting the fairness of education and the learning of students on campus only to assist support. The regular higher education teaching system occupies an important place.

It can be said that after the epidemic, our teaching can no longer go back. Higher education has entered a new stage of combining deep or shallowness with online education and teaching anyway.

After this "epidemic", the form of the future classroom of Tsinghua University and other universities will definitely change. A very lively example. In the fall of 2020, Tsinghua University carried out integration teaching for the first time. At that time, the school carried out overall transformation. For example, the sound of multiple microphones in the classroom can be passed to the remote classroom in real time. At the same time, many cameras are installed. Remote students can clearly see the blackboard.

So some students mentioned in the circle of friends that when they were sitting behind the big classroom, they could not see the teacher’s book. Sitting in the classroom but seeing the teacher's desk content more clearly online. I think this is an excellent case of online and offline teaching cases.

In my opinion, the current schools are constantly promoting the new foundation, and the campus has become more beautiful. But I think the transformation of the classroom is not enough. The information function of the classroom can be better done so that students can better learn and discuss.

Teacher's role and challenge

"China Education Network": For teachers, how to create a curriculum that attracts students' participation?

Yu Yanjie: To create a good class, you need to recognize your value and role in teaching first. An ordinary front -line teacher may not be as eye -catching as famous teachers, but this does not prevent him from performing well in the classroom. He can solve the key issues of students in learning through the design of the curriculum. Combined with teaching experience, I think the core value of teachers in classroom teaching is mainly reflected in these aspects:

First, do simple questions and find bottlenecks.

During the teaching process, most students can understand the knowledge taught by teachers, but understanding and mastering are two concepts. There is not a causal relationship between the two, and there is no necessity. Therefore, the class must conduct real -time simple question tests every time in the class, and the test results should be displayed with the columnic diagram. Based on this, teachers can find students 'learning bottlenecks in time in the classroom, and this is unable to achieve the students' self -studying classes, and it is also unable to replace the famous teachers of Mu class.

Second, joint discussions and share perception.

During the curriculum design, teachers can design more scenes and problems that allow students to discuss together, so that students can use barrage or submission to express their views, communicate and discuss together. In the process of students' smooth spoken, they can inspire each other and develop their thinking. At the same time, students share their feelings together, form a classroom conclusion together, and will continue to enhance students' sense of participation, substitution and experience. Compared with science, this model is more suitable for liberal arts. Liberal arts problems often have a variety of views. When sharing insights, the collision of thinking helps to achieve the bloom of wisdom, and can effectively promote the cultivation of innovative talents.

Third, use tools to solve confusion.

In the classroom, no matter how well the teacher speaks, there will be a situation that students do not understand. For the content or knowledge points that are not understood, it used to answer questions after class or gradually forgotten. But now, students can ask in real time in the form of barrage, and teachers can answer them in time.

The three points of discovering bottlenecks, sharing of perception, and solving confusion are the current value of teachers in teaching. In the process of teaching "students -centered", teachers need to clarify the effectiveness of students' learning, so that they can adjust the teaching progress or process at any time to help students have a better learning experience and effect.

"China Education Network": Do you think there is a difference between the online teaching of the big lesson and the small lesson? As far as you are concerned, what is the idea of ​​designing fusion classrooms?

Yu Yanjie: In fact, small lessons online teaching is not much different from offline classroom teaching. The camera can make everyone's state clear at a glance, and the classroom aura can be passed on. But if it is a big lesson of more than 100 people, it is completely different. Teachers cannot understand the learning situation of all students in real time, so some methods must be designed.

As far as I am concerned, I will take 20 minutes of interactive learning in each lesson, but the class time will not change, which means that it must be reduced from the teaching session for 20 minutes. Study outside the class. This requires teachers to redesign the curriculum. It is clear what content should be discussed and interactive in the classroom, and what content can guide students to master in advance by moody -class.

New mission of higher education classroom

"China Education Network": At present, my country's higher education smart education platform has been put into use. What do you expect about this?

Yu Yanjie: The National Higher Education Smart Education Platform can be regarded as a good start of my country's online education development. For an online education platform, if you want to develop better, I think there are mainly these three aspects:

First of all, I hope that the smart high education platform can realize knowledge -based search as soon as possible. The current search is mainly aimed at the curriculum name, which is thicker. It is suggested that the smart high education platform and the platforms of the Mu class are actively cooperated to bring all the knowledge maps of each course together, and then automatically generate the learning path, and make Momo learning across different platforms possible. Only by achieving learning across the Mu class platform, can the smart high education platform really become a whole.

Secondly, I hope that the intelligent high education platform can open up the data interface of learners in various Mu class platforms as soon as possible. More currently provides learners with entrances to various Mu class platforms. It is recommended that the smart high -education platform can further strengthen national behavior, lead the establishment of a learner's cross -platform data interface and provide data services for learners and certified teachers, and ensure data guarantee for the smart education platform that truly serves teachers and learners. The data obtained by students on this platform can easily migrate to another platform. In this way, students can get a complete learning trajectory on the Chinese Mu class platform. Only by implementing a unified data interface can it really mean that the smart high -education platform can provide smart education services.

Finally, I hope that the smart high education platform can connect the smart teaching tools and Mu class platform as soon as possible. At present, most intelligent teaching tools can only call resources based on their own moody platforms, which greatly limits the flexibility of teachers' teaching, and often forces teachers to be bound to a tool or platform. It is suggested that the intelligent high -education platform leads the establishment of the call interface of smart teaching tools and the Mu class platform, which not only promotes benign competition, but also helps the long -term development of my country's mood classes and smart teaching tools. Only by realizing the seamless call between tools and platform resources can the smart high education platform can provide a truly powerful guarantee for the classroom revolution.

These three things are things that may bring important contributions in the future, but it is also difficult to achieve. If you can realize more intelligent education resources based on higher education smart education platforms, then China's education digitalization and education informatization level will reach a new level. "China Education Network": From the perspective of teaching, what teaching functions do you hope to help you achieve? Can it be achieved?

Yu Yanjie: For the platform, I hope to obtain realistic and credible student class input and output data in a very lightweight way. In this regard, there is still a big gap between the distance of various online teaching platforms, which is mainly manifested in the collection and analysis of data. It is hoped that in the future, with the advancement of technology, the teaching platform can collect richer data and implement subsequent data analysis and performance prediction based on rich data, and then achieve active intervention in schoolwork.

"China Education Network": Combined with the current teaching development of colleges and universities, what is the future blueprint of higher education teaching? What kind of thinking do you think about the future development path of higher education teaching?

Yu Yanjie: From the perspective of micro -level, higher education courses and classrooms need to be transformed. In the past, classrooms were the most important places and carriers of knowledge teaching, and they were offline physics classrooms.

But in the future, I think the attributes of the classroom will definitely change, and the effects of teaching and learning will be further improved through high -quality combinations of online and offline. Moreover, the school is different, the positioning of itself is different, and the talent training path may be different, and teaching and learning will be different.

For research universities, cultivating a large number of innovative students is the main goal of current talent training. To this end, from school to teachers, we must change their own assessment mechanisms and teaching methods around this goal, and cultivate students' innovation ability into the main task of classrooms. For applied universities, the study of theoretical knowledge must be transferred to the class, so that there will be more time in the class to conduct training.

In short, in the tens of minutes of the precious classroom, the current status of knowledge teaching as the main teaching method of the university is urgently needed. Research universities are facing changes: from knowledge teaching to knowledge discovery; applied universities also face change: from knowledge teaching to skill improvement or skill training. This is something I think will happen in the future.

Reporter: Chen Yongjie

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