Facing the employment season in the positive attitude | Yangtze River comments

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.16

There are as many as 10.76 million fresh graduates of colleges and universities this year, the most historical. According to media reports, there are more than 2,000 resumes a day in the person in charge of corporate human resources.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Helping fresh graduates to achieve employment is the requirement of "steady growth" and "employment". After the employment of young people has income, there is consumption. Helping college graduates employment deserves great attention in all aspects.

The employment problem itself must also be dialectical: First of all, with a world's second largest economy like China, its demand for various types of talents is also huge potential; second, we can exert the subjective mobility of the subject in various aspects. Employers, including universities and relevant departments actively actively actively.

The whole society should look at the number of fresh graduates with a positive attitude. College students and young people are the most active production factors. As long as the enterprise fully mobilizes them, they are the vital army of innovation and creation, and it is an important factor in continuously improving social productivity. China's aerospace and high -tech research and development departments are often picked by young people, which also shows the huge potential of China's development. Enterprises absorb more young people, and they are also investment in the future.

Universities should further strengthen the training of employment capabilities of fresh graduates. In recent years, colleges and universities have generally strengthened the employment guidance of the corresponding graduates, and the media has also helped young people understand the application matters and related skills. In addition to the broad professional knowledge, employment ability also includes strong practical ability. Therefore, colleges and universities should understand the needs of the production and development of related industries and help college students to "get started" to have certain potential to solve practical problems.

For college graduates themselves, on the one hand, we must strive to improve their ability, on the other hand, we must plan their lives with a longer -term perspective, and truly excellent talents have never lack of martial arts. A institutional "2022 College Student Employment Report" shows that only half of the college graduates choose units for employment this year, 18.6%of freelance occupations, 15.9%of slow employment, 11%of the postgraduate entrance examinations are increased from the previous year. Every young people have their own planning and arrangements for the future. For example, choosing a freelance profession is equivalent to participating in entrepreneurship. "Slow employment" will not be idle, and the postgraduate entrance examination is a long -term investment. The creativity of young people will surge in the environment.

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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