Wang Shen: The skills of writing and submission of law papers

Author:Democratic and Legal Times Time:2022.08.04

Special writing | Wang Shen

Editor in charge | Xue Yingjun

There are 2884 words in the text, and it is expected to read 8 minutes

For many graduate students in law, life is not only poetry and far away, but also a long way to scientific research. I have been engaged in scientific research for more than thirty years. The biggest feeling is that although the road of scientific research is full of hardships and challenges, there is no lack of joy and gain. But the premise is that "scientific research must be based on a hobby. Scientific research is a very bitter job. If there is no fun, you will never be able to succeed from it. , Will make scientific research full of happiness. "

For many young scholars or graduate students, there will be a lot of discomfort in the scientific research process. Sometimes they have paid a lot of efforts. The results written are not recognized. At this time, some people think of going to "the" Tips "of the" Tips "of the paper writing and submission. Are there any skills? My answer is: It is important to maintain a good attitude when you encounter setbacks. It is necessary to "enjoy" to balance, stick to it, and learn to contact the journal editor. If you know that the manuscript is rejected, you can make progress.

Be a heart -interested person to find problems, analyze problems, and solve problems

How to write a good paper? To be honest, I did not master the essentials of writing the dissertation before I was engaged in the editorial work of French academic journals. After many years of struggle, I found that law is different as social sciences and general humanities. The purpose of law research is to solve the problem, and its thinking is a critical way of thinking. Therefore, the premise of writing a law papers is to find problems, and this problem must be controversial. Because there are controversy, there will be the focus of contradictions, and the focus of contradictions can be discussed and demonstrated. The process of writing is the process of systematic argumentation of the issues raised.

In reality, a legal event and a specific case may be continuously presented in daily life. These events and cases may reflect legal problems. Of course, the argument of the problem requires theoretical accumulation and a lot of reading. This reading should be purposeful, and it is best to read from the perspective of law. During the reading process, learn to build new problems through thinking.

For all researchers, especially students who are exploring academic truth, they must be a careless person, pay more attention to the different evaluations of the same events, and observe what methods they use to evaluate, controversy, and discuss issues. Learn how others refine, summarize, and organize your views. This reflects the ability of a person to use knowledge, and the cultivation of this ability requires us to accumulate and practice more. In this sense, paying more attention to the incidents in life, paying more attention to public opinion and hot issues, which is conducive to discovering problems, finding problems that can be studied, writing the arguments of thesis, and learning to evaluate and discuss problems.

Compared with other disciplines, law is a relatively young discipline. At the beginning of law, it was not recognized by nature, humanity, and social sciences, because it had no its own theory at the time. The basic theory of law is constructed with the help of other disciplines. Therefore, the theoretical of the law is not particularly strong. The general legal theory can be initially grasped with a certain cultural level, and you can use legal treatment of daily life problems. In this case, why are there many people studying in graduate students? This starts with the relationship between knowledge and wisdom. Because the purpose of our learning is to master the ability to use knowledge. For example, in the face of a news incident, beginners of law majors to analyze may not be aware of legal relationships, but legal experts can analyze it so that ordinary people who do not understand the law can also understand. Why is this? This is the ability to use knowledge differently with each other. The ability of legal experts to use knowledge is stronger than beginners. Therefore, students should focus on learning how to improve their ability to use knowledge. From a philosophical point of view, this ability is a kind of wisdom.

The misunderstanding of the paper and the requirements of a good thesis should be

As a legal journal editor, we often need to recommend good articles to the editor. But to recommend a good paper, first of all, where to say where it is "good", that is, you must know what the "good thesis" must have. First of all, it is clear that writing papers is researching problems rather than sorting data. As an object, the scholars of any discipline can study it, but law studies have their own requirements. The discipline of law is a very practical discipline. It must solve the problem. Law research is usually carried out on the basis of comprehensive data. Therefore, based on the research methods of humanities, the data is described and sorted out the context of the development of legal or legal practice. This is not a paradigm of legal papers. Some students usually read textbooks and mistakenly believe that the law papers can be written according to the textbook mode. Textbooks are different from papers. The readers of textbooks are targeted at the students of law majors. However, the readers of law papers are mainly experts and scholars. It needs to use theoretical knowledge demonstration to solve the problem. Therefore, it also needs to show the process of author demonstration. And everyone's evaluation of academic papers is also based on whether it is reasonable.

The writing of thesis is like learning swimming. It needs to learn and practice. It is not possible to learn only theoretical knowledge without practicing. Therefore, you need to practice more. On the basis of grasping the technical form structure, use the knowledge of mastery to try to analyze the problem. Of course, a good paper must also have rich content, accurate expressions, accurate words, rigorous logical reasoning, and valuable conclusions. What kind of papers are good papers? A good paper must grasp the following questions. The formation of the paper is important. The format of law papers has now been fixed, that is, asking questions, analyzing problems, and solving problems. As long as you master the technical requirements of the paper writing, you can write a paper that meets the basic requirements. If the form of a paper does not meet the standards, it is even harder to talk about improvement. Of course, the form of the paper is a manifestation of the logic. The form does not meet the requirements, and it is easy to express that the logic of the argument is unclear.

Two points of writing on the thesis thesis: one is the proposal of the problem, and the other is the solution of the problem. The paper must first have a "problem" worthy of demonstration, that is, "some target", and this "problem point" requires controversial, and there must be two parties that contradictions and opposite. Discuss. From this sense, law papers are discussions on the issue of disputes. If there is no "dispute point" in the selection, it can only be written as a promotional article, which is difficult to demonstrate.

The title of the paper is the object of the argument. therefore. The topic should be clear and clear at a glance. Do not complicate; the thesis topics must not be ambiguous or even produce ambiguity. Specifically reflected as: as a thesis topic, you can use the punctuation without punctuation without punctuation. You can use the subtitles without the subtitles, because the title needs to be intuitive, clear, and accurate.

Each law papers generally have an introduction or asking questions. Introduction to reflect the authenticity, urgency, and urgent solution of the problem. If the topic of the discussion is a problem that can be solved today or tomorrow, it can be solved this year or the problem that can be solved next year. So who will pay attention? Therefore, the introduction must be news and timeliness. In addition, it should be noted that the function of the introduction is only to lead the problem so that the analysis can be launched in the next way, no need to demonstrate. The argument should stay in the analysis of the problem.

The purpose of the paper is to solve the problem, and the problem is reflected by the point of view. The title of the paper is the object of each paragraph demonstration. Therefore, all the titles of the thesis must reflect the point of view. The main title is the main problem to solve the whole papers (in general, a paper can only solve one problem). There must be steps to solve the problem. This step is reflected in the first -level title. If the problem is solved through three steps, the first -level title can be set up. Similarly, the second -level title is set up to solve the problem of the first -level title in this part. Therefore, the second -level title must also constitute the demonstration logic of the top -level title. Whether it is a first -level title or a second -level title, it should be reflected in the form of views. A good paper should be composed of three to four first -level titles, and they must constitute a logical relationship of a argument. If we simply summarize the first and second titles of the paper, we can find a complete demonstration logical relationship of the paper. A good paper usually reads the thesis (first, second titles) of the dissertation first. Through the first and second -level titles, we can probably understand how the author has, explaining methods, and how to solve the problem.

The conclusion is the last part of the thesis. The author explained to the reader "I raised this problem, and after my analysis solved this problem." Therefore, the conclusion must respond to the issues raised in the introduction, summarize the perspective of the paper, and improve the height of the thesis. For the specific author, there is always a certain height for the specific authors, and the author should increase the height of the thesis as much as possible. Of course, it is not an infinite improvement, and it is necessary to stop.


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