Tang Jiyong: Lights of Plateau Education | Sichuan Excellent Teacher Typical Representative Style

Author:Sichuan Provincial Department Time:2022.08.04

No. 3

Jiaxiang Foreign Language School Beicheng Campus

Teacher Tang Jiyong's teaching feelings


In July of this year, the students of Xiaojin Middle School of Xiaojin County, Aba Prefecture ushered in the annual summer vacation. And this summer vacation is a bit special for Tang Jiyong, who has been teaching for 23 years. He will end his 4 -year support career and return to Chengdu from Xiaojin Middle School.

Standing at the door of Xiaojin Middle School, Tang Jiyong took a photo of his mobile phone. In the sun, Xiaojin Middle School was shining with a few words. Looking at the photos, he seemed to return to 4 years ago.

In 2018, in response to the call for the educational department of Sichuan Province and Chengdu City to "radiate high -quality education resources to weak areas", Sichuan Jiaxiang Education Group made a decision to accurately help Aba Prefecture, and adopted direct experimental classes and regular training. Guide, teachers and students studying and studying, and setting up assistance funds to help Xiaojin County improve the quality of education and teaching.

Tang Jiyong was one of the first teachers who went to Xiaojin. During the 4 -year branch education, he successively served as an English teacher, class teacher, grade leader, assistant to the principal, and head of the support team of Xiaojin Middle School. The dream of studying is added.

From Chengdu to Xiaojin

Embrace the road to the plateau for dreams

In the summer vacation of 2018, the members of the members of the Sichuan Provincial High -quality Education Promotion Association received a special proposal- "" Continuation of Love, Love Warm Small Gold "Education Assistance Proposal", recruiting young backbone teachers and experienced old teachers to go to Xiaojin County supports teaching.

At that time, Tang Jiyong was a junior high school English teacher at the Beicheng Campus of Jiaxiang Foreign Language School. After seeing the proposal, he didn't think much and immediately reported his name.

"It is my dream to go to ethnic regions, or it is a promise set up during college." It turned out that during the college period, because the school was close to Yunnan Province, Tang Jiyong went to the Yunnan ethnic area several times to support teaching in Yunnan Ethnic Area several times. At that time, he saw the problem of uneven education. After graduating from teaching, he kept thinking that if there is a chance in his life, he must go to teach.

Tang Jiyong recalled that although he was no longer satisfied with the "young teacher" of the proposal, he still wanted to work hard. After the group learned about the situation, he was very moved, so he happily agreed to go to Xiaojin Middle School as the first batch of teaching teachers.

Tang Jiyong (the third right in one row) is with the teaching teacher and students

Xiaojin County is located in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. It is subject to traffic and location. The economic and social development of Xiaojin County is lagging behind. For a long time, Xiaojin County's education has unreasonable teachers, difficulty in talent introduction, and low quality of education and teaching. Many families send their children to the developed areas of education in Chengdu and Mianyang to study. Education expenditure has become a heavy burden on many families. Being high -quality education at the door of the house is the most urgent wish of the general public in Xiaojin County.

Tang Jiyong still remembers that when he first arrived in Xiaojin, the students who wanted to have knowledge and the words of the parents were looking forward to, so he decided: must be with other teachers of the support team to help these children get out of the mountains and do not let let The folks are disappointed!

Tang Jiyong introduced Jiaxiang's English teaching to the teachers of Xiaojin Middle School

The change of the climate and the distance between the two places has become the first difficulties that Tang Jiyong and colleagues need to overcome. Xiaojin's sunlight was strong and the ultraviolet rays were strong. In less than half a month of Xiao Jin, when Tang Jiyong chatted with his family video, his son could not recognize him.

Chengdu and Xiaojin are more than 300 kilometers apart, and more than 6 hours of one -way drive, almost all mountain roads. There are many weather in winter and spring, and there are many sections of mudslides in summer and autumn. Going home has become the most "painful" thing of Tang Jiyong and other teachers.

When he left Chengdu, Tang Jiyong's daughter was in the sixth grade of elementary school, and his son was less than two years old. Xiaojin Middle School was going to class on Saturday, which was unexpected. As an educator, he deeply knew how much his father's emotional harm was to his child. Occasionally, he will adjust the class and bump back to Chengdu for six or seven hours. At home, it is Friday night, and he will return to Xiaojin on Sunday at noon. His daughter's homework sometimes needs him to counsel. The daughter only waits for him to be free.

Every time he hung up the phone, Tang Jiyong always felt that he owed his wife and children, but after a while, he continued to devote himself to teaching, because he knew that the group of children in Xiaojin Middle School needed him more.

From "foreign" to "integration"

Trust and true feelings

The second test faced by Tang Jiyong and his colleagues is a problem of integration. How to win the trust of students and parents faster, how to better cooperate with local teachers to help each other?

At the beginning, the teachers of Xiaojin Middle School "did not catch a cold" for this group of teachers. They saw more teaching teachers sent, and most of them were "gold -plated". Case.

In the face of this situation, Tang Jiyong and his companions not said much, just do things, do things, manage the class, and do a good job of teaching. As the head teacher of the first Jiaxiang experimental class and the new grade team leader, Tang Jiyong put the work of "moral education" first. He often organized teachers to hold a class teacher meeting to analyze the class of students and put forward rectification opinions. At the same time, the teachers of the experimental class insist on accompanying the students to study on the evening, and use the evening self -study time to communicate with the students more. At the same time, according to the time period, the teachers who correspond to the discipline are arranged to the classroom to guide the students to correspond to the discipline self -study, which greatly improves the great improvement of the discipline and greatly improves the great improvement. The learning efficiency of students' late self -study. At the same time, the discussion meeting for the support team to find problems and solving problems again and again was held late at night.

"Kung Fu is worthy of the people." Tang Jiyong and the team teacher soon were recognized by students and parents, and the reputation was spread. When the local people see them, they will be surprised to ask: Are you a teacher from Chengdu?

Teacher Tang Jiyong and the teachers of the support teachers used the weekend to cook, so that the teachers of Xiaojin Middle School tasted "Chengdu taste"

Xiao Jin's students are thin, but everyone has a strong interest in knowledge. In order not to fall down every classmate, after class, Tang Jiyong has to find several weak students to conduct one -on -one counseling.

At first, the children were "restrained" and always needed him to name "catching people". Later, it seemed to have formed a "tacit understanding", and they all took the initiative to go to the office to find him.

When he first arrived in Xiaojin, some boys in the class saw Tang Jiyong's thin figure, and always thought that he couldn't hold them "hold". He always wanted to find a chance to make him "ugly".

One weekend, several boys found him: "Teacher Tang, we prepared for you, go, compare with us!"

"Okay, no problem!" Tang Jiyong agreed.

After departure, he learned that in order to give him a "dismissal", the student had already planned the route for him. The destination was Xinqiao Town, all the way to the mountain road, and there were many ramps.

However, after riding a while, some students withdrew. In the end, Tang Jiyong led the lead and "defeated" the students. After catching up, they gasped and said, "Teacher Tang, can't see, you are so good, really admire!"

In addition to normal teaching, Tang Jiyong also often conducted home visit to contact students who love people to fund family economic difficulties, organize students to study, so that students can get out of the mountains, have been trusted by parents, respected students, and formed a deep friendship. "Mysterious gifts" often appear on his desk, sometimes the apple and cherry planted by the students, sometimes a few pieces of biscuits, a box of milk, and sometimes a few Cordyceps that students are unwilling to sell from the mountain.

From "blood transfusion" to "hematopoietic"

Helping education improvement in ethnic regions

The days of Xiao Jin, for the colleagues of Tang Jiyong and the support team, are struggle and passionate days. The first team to teach in Xiaojin Middle School has returned, but they left a lot of things.

In the experimental class, Tang Jiyong had an unwritten rule. Every morning, school students must run in the morning. In the past four years, the class has not stopped a day. Even if you enter college, students in this class have always maintained this habit. Today, almost all students from Xiaojin Middle School have started to run in the morning.

Tang Jiyong (two rows of the first left) took a group photo with student military training

In Chengdu, many schools have colorful activities to provide children with comprehensive development platforms. After the grade team leader, Tang Jiyong secretly resolved to bring these excellent models into Xiaojin Middle School. Every month, he will carry out a theme moral education activity in the grade, such as grade fun sports games, grade basketball games, grade singing red song competitions, "One Two Nine" activities, visiting the elderly activities in the welfare home, and so on. At the same time, according to the characteristics of Xiaojin students who can sing and dance, he organized music and dance elective courses at the grade to allow students' specialty to be professional guidance. Today, Xiaojin Middle School has his own choir and dance team, often winning awards on behalf of the school.

Tang Jiyong led students to visit the elderly in the elderly

In the past, when Xiaojin Middle School held a course evaluation activity, there was a phenomenon of picking and not talking about the problem, but after the teaching teachers came, they mainly talked about it and improved. Thick, the teachers of the support teachers have carried out the advice of the new performance assessment system and carried out educational seminars. The business level and dedication of teachers have greatly influenced the development of the teacher team of Xiaojin Middle School. In the past three years, a total of 86 teachers from Xiaojin Middle School have been rated as state -level backbone teachers, state -level discipline leaders and prestigious state teachers.

In the past four years, Tang Jiyong and his teaching team have paid hard work, and finally got good results. The class they taught, the college entrance examination achieved a 100%undergraduate rate, greatly promoted the improvement of the quality of local education, and allowed more altitude students to fulfill the university dream. In 2021, Tang Jiyong was rated as "Excellent Teachers" by the Xiaojin County Party Committee and the County Government.

"The arrival of teachers brings us the biggest change to us is the change of ideology. The teachers have a square management and a sound system. All work is operated according to the process, standardized and enforcement. A large steps are on. "Speaking of the changes brought by the opposite assistance to the school, Yuan Shunqiao, the president of Xiaojin Middle School, said.

"These 4 years have been unforgettable for a lifetime. It is not a simple support experience, but that I have seen the road of education very long." Recalling this branch of education, Tang Jiyong always felt very emotional. In the past 4 years, he has been from the past 4 years. From the plains to the plateau, I saw the uneven education of education in first -tier cities and nation -areas. They also realized that the responsibility of teachers' profession was great, and the road of education was far -reaching. The photo of Xiaojin Middle School was covered by Tang Jiyong for the cover of the WeChat circle of friends. He said that this is a memorial, and it is also a kind of encouragement and spur. The 4 -year -old Plateau support road will strengthen the original intention of his teaching.

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导 Source of this article: Education Herald (Text | Ni Xiu Picture | Provided by the respondent)

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