Published by China | Can the rotation of teachers in an all -round way really achieve "a good school at home"?

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.04

China Net August 4th (Reporter Liu Jia) Last year, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and other places issued a new policy for teachers to invest in a balanced compulsory education. After a year, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission again released the "Teacher Rotation 2.0 Plan". Since the beginning of September, the regions of Beijing have comprehensively promoted the rotation of teachers, and the proportion of each school should not be less than 15%. As a result, the "heavy hammer school district house" and "school no longer divide good or bad" and other heated discussions. What is the rotation of teachers? Will it affect the balance of education balance?

Policy review: Teacher's rotation, how to rotate?

According to the previous policies released by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, teachers can be summarized as three groups of keywords- "compulsory education stage", that is, teachers participating in rotation are primary and junior high school stages; Gang cadre teachers must go to a school for more than 6 years or retire for more than 5 years; "15%to 20%", that is, teachers participating in rotation of each school must be less than 15%of the total number of teachers, and the Education Group must (Here referred to as "Group") No less than 20%in the school.

In terms of specific rotation methods, according to the specific areas and schools, it can be summarized as two forms: the rotation of the group can achieve cross -zone and cross -school districts; non -group rotation is limited to the school district.

Teachers' rotation "no routine", backbone teachers are "standard"

In September, a primary school in the north of Haidian District, Beijing will send four teachers to participate in the first batch of rotations, covering English, art, sports and information technology. In terms of selection, Wang Gang, the principal of the school, told reporters that the school will be arranged in accordance with the descendant of the rotation requirements, and the first batch of teachers will send the first batch of rotation from the teachers with the longest teaching time, and then provide the discipline and teacher list to the school district to provide the list of disciplines and teachers. Essence "In terms of disciplines, the schools in the school district will match each other. The school sent an English teacher, and there must be an English discipline teacher in the school district. Do not care whether it is a core discipline, but because of needs.

Guan Min, the principal of another school, told reporters that according to Beijing's regulations, the backbone teachers in the rotation teachers must account for a certain proportion. Therefore, they can be guaranteed in quality. "Backbone teachers need to fulfill the obligations of the" Teacher's Rotation "when participating in the professional title evaluation of the three -year round of title, which has become the rigid requirement of the backbone teacher." Guan Min said.

The teaching and research process "love each other and kill each other", promote the classroom to improve quality

"I still remember the process of preparation and grinding lessons, which really benefited me ..." Sun Li, a primary school Chinese teacher in Huairou District, one of the members of a group of members, told that the group started the internal teacher's rotation. The school where she was located also ushered in a group of famous Beijing -level teachers sent by the group general school to the school to in -depth teaching and research teaching. This process made her feel deeply.

She admits that before the rotation of teachers, teachers in the school rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with external teaching resources and platforms. In the class, it is taught in a "one chalk, a textbook". It is not flexible in the application of teaching methods and methods, and it is difficult to inspire students' thinking. At the same time, it is subject to some objective factors, and there are not many opportunities for teachers to show themselves on the open platform. Over the past year, the group's head -of -general teacher has handled teaching and research and helping teachers to sharpen lessons. "From the preparation to the final grinding lesson, it can be changed to dozens of the lesson plans." But after the grinding lesson, the lesson of the Chinese teacher has become a sample in the school. The "National Smart Education Platform" is the same as elementary students across the country. For her, this is a rare "professional upgrade".

For weak school teachers, rotation is a "innovation", and is the same. "We hope to make teachers aware of the gap between students through cross -school or even cross -district teachers, and constantly adjust their education and teaching methods to adapt to more students." Qu Wenru, vice president of the education group, said Essence Other primary school principals believe that teachers 'rotation is an effective way to alleviate teachers' occupational burnout, especially for some teachers with long -term teachings, and they are even more "good than disadvantages."

Which one is more effective for the group's rotation and single fight?

"Now, there is no single school in Dongcheng District. Li Yi, deputy secretary and spokesman of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, expressed this view in the media interview.

From the current implementation level of teachers' rotation, it can be seen that it is roughly divided into rotation in the group and rotation in the school district. Taking the Houhou area of ​​Haidian District as an example, the school district includes two group -based school -based school members, a 15 -year consistent school, and 3 ordinary primary schools. In the process of teachers' rotation, the two group members of the group participated in the group's rotation, and the main body of the school district was 3 ordinary primary schools. These three primary schools are relatively weak schools. The communication rotation between each other has to promote the improvement and complement of the level of teaching and scientific research. The effect needs to be observed.

How to unify the standards for teachers' daily management?

At the specific implementation level, the form of teacher rotation is also different. Yona, deputy director of the Education Commission of Beijing Dongcheng District, said in an interview with the media: "The combination of full -time, follow -up, intermittent, and long -term combination is used. The month, even a few weeks, focus on completing the task of exchange rotation and achieve the expected effect and purpose. "This brings a lot of challenges to the daily management of the school. China Net reporters have learned that in areas and schools that have launched teachers, there are two forms of part -time jobs and full -time rotation. For schools, there are some difficulties in the management of specific teachers. Zhao Xin, the person in charge of human resources of a elementary school, told reporters that, including teachers' attendance, leave, and management system, they could not clearly determine which school was responsible for it, and the school's management goals and methods, and they also appeared in "disconnection". What is most worried about him is that during the rotation, the teacher can choose to transfer the personnel relationship to the other school. "For weak schools, it may cause teachers to flow out." He said.

Teacher management can refer to the "district management school" method

In response to the management and overall planning of teachers' rotation in the specific implementation process, Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, told that it can refer to Dongcheng District, the first batch of pilot teacher rotation systems in Beijing. The district actively promotes and explores the management system of "district management schools", that is, in terms of the coordinated management of teachers, it actively strives for support from relevant departments such as finance, personnel, and compilation. He suggested that the school district or district should establish a unified management standard and evaluation plan to reduce the management cost of the school on specific details.

In terms of rotation of teachers and districts, each school and district should also adopt the principles of tolerance and openness to actively contribute their own high -quality resources to the balanced compulsory education, expand the coverage, and break the "small circle" of rotation.

(The interview objects Wang Gang, Guan Min, Sun Li, Quwen, and Zhao Xin are all pseudonyms)

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