Shaanxi: Advertising for educational training during the college entrance examination

Author:China Consumer News Time:2022.06.08

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau issued the \"Notice on Strengthening the Related Advertising Supervision during the College Entrance Examination\" (hereinafter referred to as the \"Notice\") Strengthen advertising supervision during the college entrance examination, and make every effort to ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination.

The \"Notice\" requires the key supervision of the following units: out -of -school training institutions, examination training institutions and other key subjects; mainstream media, its new media, network platforms and other key media; public places, residential areas, campuses, and Key areas such as campus around the campus.

The \"Notice\" requires market supervision departments at all levels to strictly investigate relevant illegal behaviors: containing \"official designated\" and \"guarantee\" and other content, which explicit or implied the guarantee of the effect of further studies and training; I suggest that there are relevant examination institutions, staff, and examination proposition personnel to participate in training; use the names or images of academic institutions, education institutions, industry associations, professionals, beneficiaries as recommendations and certificates; release the advertisements of cheating equipment for the college entrance examination and related to college entrance examinations related to the college entrance examination Other illegal advertising behavior.

The \"Notice\" requires the market supervision departments at all levels in Shaanxi Province to conduct key inspections on outdoor advertisements, various training institutions and publicity prints issued around the college entrance examination, and seriously investigate and deal with various advertising violation cases. In investigation and punishment and regulating a group of illegal agencies, punishment and deterring a group of criminals, cracking down on and exposed a number of illegal advertising releases.

Produced by China Consumer Newspaper New Media Editorial Department

Source/China Consumer News

Reporter/Xu Wenzhi

Edit/Du Ke

Producer/He Yongpeng Ren Zhenyu

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