Three academicians and Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao young scientists talk about scientific and technological innovation

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.08.03

China Wankang News reporter Mai Wanhua Correspondent Luo Rui Xian Mai Yiming Peng Youyou to promote the exchange of young scientific and technological talents in the three places in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and stimulate young people's interest and enthusiasm for scientific research. On July 30, the Secretary of the Science Forum of the Bay Area The "Famous Teachers' Lecture Hall" jointly hosted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong was held simultaneously in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau. Bai Chunli, academician, chemist and nano -tech experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qiu Chengtong, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a well -known international mathematician, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and computer science expert Yao Qizhi, and exchanged with young scientists.

Academician Bai Chunli reported on the theme of "Energy Science in Carbon and Vision", which introduced the three problems that promoted green and low -carbon development and achieved the "carbon neutrality" goals: First, the cleaning of fossil energy and efficiently efficient Use; the second is to improve the application of clean energy scale; the third is to achieve carbon neutrality and targets to deepen the capture and transformation of carbon dioxide. Faced with the questions from young scientists in the energy field, he said: "The use of energy science to drive to the road of carbon neutrality in the future needs to further strengthen basic research and strengthen original innovation!" At the same time, he hopes that scientific research units, colleges and universities, and enterprises can Hardly cooperate, work together and go hand in hand, make greater contributions to achieving the "double carbon" goal.

By reviewing the basic science development of Hong Kong, Academician Qiu Chengtong believes that science and technology are the most important part of the well -being of the modern society. The importance of basic science is self -evident, but its influence cannot be manifested in a short period of time. Therefore, he encourages today's scientific youths to continue to lay a good scientific foundation. "We need to rely on the motherland and lay a good foundation for science in the environment of a crescent day of science and technology. , Continue to embark on a new path in the knowledge of science and technology, industry and digital economy, and leave traces of China in the history of science and technology. "With the attention and support of the country, he hopes that the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area will become national development science in the future. Important base of basic scientific research.

With the theme of "Cross -domain Science and Technology Innovation", Academician Yao Yizhi has summarized the three keys of scientific and technological innovation in cross -disciplinary fields through cross -disciplinary fields through cross -disciplinary fields such as quantum computers and artificial intelligence: the accumulation of modern science, interaction of cross -domain disciplines, The combination of scientific achievements and industries. "In recent years, we have seen a lot of exciting scientific and technological development in the scientific community, such as artificial intelligence to help generate new drugs, driverless cars are developing, etc." He said that the new era of cross -field science and technology creation provides more to society and individuals more to society and individuals. Development opportunities and space, but at the same time, you need to face issues such as "how to face the new era" and "how to grasp the opportunity to choose directions". Professor Yao suggested that young students who are trying to explore innovation in the cross -crossing field must strengthen collisions with students in other professional fields on the basis of building their professions, maintain curiosity, and actively communicate with professors and scholars in cross -field.

It is reported that this famous teacher lecture hall is the Overall of the Greater Bay Area Science Forum in response to the "Overall Plan for the Deepening of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Comprehensive Cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao," in the Bay Area, Cooperating Hong Kong and Macao, and facing the world. One of the special activities organized by the exchange of youth talents in Hong Kong and Macao. More than 5,000 young scientists and colleges and students from more than 100 universities and research institutes participated in the event online and offline.

Edit: Yu Hongyang

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