bring it on!780 people in Sichuan recruits

Author:Renhe Rong Media Time:2022.08.02

The recruitment of firefighters in 2022 officially launched

Focus on

★ The national comprehensive fire rescue team recruited a total of 1,7625 firefighters, of which 780 were recruited.

★ Recruiting objects require men, aged 18 to 22 (part can be relaxed to 28 years old). For specific requirements, please refer to the announcement attachment.

★ The registration time is from 23:00, July 29, 2022 to 18:00 on August 29th; please recognize the national comprehensive fire rescue team firefighter recruitment platform ( Essence

★ Recruitment call (Sichuan): 028-63003189 (fire); 028-86117332 (forest).

Announcement on the National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team of the Emergency Management Department in 2022 recruited firefighters to the society

In order to effectively fulfill the responsibilities and mission of preventing and resolving major security risks and dealing with various disaster accidents, in accordance with the "National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team Firefighters Recruitment Measures" and other regulations and policies, the national comprehensive fire rescue team is recruited for the society in 2022 to the society. The announcements of the recording and dispeller are as follows:

1. Recruitment plan and organization

With the approval of the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the national comprehensive fire rescue team recruited a total of 1,7625 firefighters (both men), of which: 6,279 fresh graduates of colleges and universities, 5673 retired soldiers, and social youth 5673 name. See Annex 1 for the specific recruitment plan.

The National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team Firefighter Recruitment Office uniformly organized the implementation of the recruitment work, and the provincial firefighters recruited work office was responsible for recruiting specific work.

2. Recruitment conditions and scope

(1) Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Comply with the constitution and laws, support the leadership and socialist system of the Communist Party of China;

(3) Volunteer join the national comprehensive fire rescue team;

(4) Age is over 18 years old, under 22 years old, and birth is from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2004. The college degree or above, the retired soldiers of the PLA and the Armed Police Force, and the government full -time firefighters and the government's full -time forestry firefighters with more than 2 years of fire extinguishing rescue experience. The age can be relaxed to 24 years old (born on September 1, 1997) Essence Special professionals that are urgently needed for fire rescue work can be further relaxed after the approval of the emergency management department. In principle, it does not exceed 28 years of age (born after September 1, 1993);

(5) The cultural level of high school or above;

(6) physical and mental health;

(7) Has a good line;

(8) Other conditions stipulated in laws and regulations.

Fresh graduates of colleges and universities must participate in the unified examination of enrollment in ordinary colleges and universities (including graduate training units) across the country, and obtain a full -time college degree or above and corresponding degrees fresh graduates in 2022. The national unified enrollment in 2020 and 2021 The graduates of ordinary colleges and universities have not implemented the work unit when they leave the school and during the career selection period (the national regulations are two years). Graduates from the employment authorities at all levels (graduate employment guidance service centers), talent exchange service agencies at all levels, and public employment service institutions at all levels may be treated as fresh graduates.

Retired soldiers must be retired for the PLA or the Armed Police Force (including the national comprehensive fire rescue team with a firefighter), mainly for the retired compulsory soldiers of the combat forces.

A full -time government firefighter and government forestry fluttering players who are relaxed to 24 years old must work at the grass -roots front -line fire extinguishing rescue positions (according to grassroots stations and team fighting team members). Essence

3. Online registration and qualification review

The recruitment of firefighters adopts online registration, and the qualification review is carried out by the online preliminary review and on -site review.

(1) Registration online. The recruitment object can be logged in to the national comprehensive fire rescue team firefighter recruitment platform ( before 23:00 on July 29, 2022, and inquire and browse browse Recruit information and register.

According to my identity category, the recruitment object corresponds to the type of personnel type (fresh graduates, retired soldiers or social youths), fill in personal information for account registration and real -name certification. The recruitment target of retired soldiers must not conceal their service experience to choose "fresh graduates of colleges and universities" or "social youth" registration.

The recruitment object enters the corresponding registration channel with the registration account and password. According to the system prompts, enter the application intention, adjust the volunteer, academic experience, commendation and reward, and upload pictures of certificates, residence permits, veterans and other pictures. The registration certificate includes my recent 1 -inch crown -free frontal color photo (must be blue or white background, 295 × 413 pixels, JPG or JPEG format) and ID card photos (horizontal shooting ID card positive, negative, ID card must be in the middle of the central center Location, do not leave the border to ensure clear, JPG or JPEG format), the photo photos must be uploaded after passing the system tool verification. Recruitment objects with a full -time university degree or above must fill in the majors and professional code of the academic and or above (you can inquire in the notice board in the firefighter recruitment platform). Affordable government firefighters and government -taught forestry firefighters who are younger to the age of 24 must submit proves that the actual work experience of fire rescue work issued by the personnel department of the higher authorities must be submitted to the personnel department of the higher authority. If you provide false registration information, the recruitment is eligible. Recruiting objects can be registered in the provinces of household registration or provinces in the place of residence in accordance with their personal intent. If you register in the province where the household registration is located, you can choose the intention to apply for the examination according to the recruitment plan; if you register a residence permit in the provinces of the regular residence, you can only apply for a local fire rescue team or a forest fire team. There is a adjustment option for the registration intention. If you choose to obey the adjustment, you can cross the "cross -team" according to personal intent (volunteer in the province's fire rescue team and the forest fire team to adjust the army), Choose the selection team to regulate nationwide) and "cross -provincial and cross -team" (volunteer to adjust the two teams nationwide) options for selection. The admission probability of obeying the regulatory personnel is higher.

Those who apply for special professionals to relax their age shall submit a written application and related documents to the provincial firefighter recruitment office before August 8th, and organize the review, publicize and report it with the provincial firefighter recruitment office. After approval of the Emergency Management Department, apply for online registration. See Annex 2 for standard conditions and procedures.

The recruitment targets can also go to the national comprehensive fire rescue teams, brigades, and fire rescue stations (squadron) to receive publicity materials and fill in the registration information on the spot. The recruitment object must print the admission ticket with the registered account and password, and inquire the recruitment progress. Please keep in mind.

(2) Initial online trial. During the online registration period, the provincial firefighter recruits work office simultaneously conducted the preliminary review of the registration information of the recruitment object. In principle, the registration information was completed within 5 working days after submission. After the recruitment of the firefighters, the registration objects that were not unauthorized after the recruitment of the recruitment and the unauthorized review of the political assessment review were not passed.

Before the online preliminary examination, recruiting objects can modify the registration information or cancel the registration information by themselves.

After passing the online preliminary examination, the registration information shall not be modified in principle. If the recruitment object finds that the registration information or the type of registered personnel is wrong, it is necessary to modify it, and I must submit an application and explanation in the registration system. Register again after cancellation. If the registration information is incomplete or the type of registered personnel is not approved by mistake, the recruitment object shall modify the information on its own to submit or cancel the registration according to the prompts of the registration system. If the preliminary examination finds that the eligibility scope is not met, the recruitment object can submit a modification information application in the registration system, explain in detail the reasons for the modification, and report to the provincial firefighter recruitment office for review, the national comprehensive fire rescue team firefighters recruitment office approval office approval Later, the information was revised for the review or cancellation of the registration. The application information application is limited to only once. The recruitment object must be declared before August 24th, and will not be accepted from 00:00 on August 25.

(3) On -site review. According to the results of the preliminary review of the online review, the report of the work office of the provincial firefighter recruits the notice of the work office, the original and the certificate of the ID card (residence permit), the hukou book, the graduation certificate (degree certificate), the veteran certificate, the award of the award Participate in the on -site review. Government -wide government firefighters and government full -time forestry fluttering players who are relaxed to the age of 24 must provide a certificate of fire rescue work experience and labor contracts for more than 2 years of fire rescue work. Through the review, we must carefully read the "National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team 2022 Firefighters Recruitment Inspection Book" (Annex 3), and signed and confirmed in the "National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team Firefighters Recruitment Registration Form". If you refuse to sign, the qualification for registration is canceled.

If the registration information is not true or does not meet the scope of recruitment conditions, the review will not be approved.

Fourth, physical examination and assessment test

The recruitment objects that pass the qualification review, holding ID cards and admission tickets to participate in physical examination, political assessment, physical fitness testing and job adaptability testing, psychological testing and interviews, specific order, time, and place arrangement. Recording work office released.

(1) Physical examination. It is carried out in a comprehensive hospital at or above the designated municipal level. The standard is implemented with reference to the "Standards for the Inspection of Citizens' Physical Physical Physical Examination" (Lu Qin personnel). If the recruitment object has doubts about the results of physical examination and apply for re -examination, it can be re -examination with the consent of the provincial firefighter recruitment office. The items that affect the results of the inspection will not be re -inspected. Based on the special requirements of the fire rescue occupation, if it is not suitable for the rating of disability and severe injury treatment records, it will not be recruited. (2) Political assessment. Refer to the requirements of the political assessment of the recruitment.

(3) Physical energy testing and job adaptability test. It is implemented in accordance with the "National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team 2022 Firewood Recruitment Recruitment, Job Administration Test Project and Standards" (Annex 4). The physical fitness test is a quantitative score, and the effective score of the single item is 1 point to 15 points (if the effective results are not enrolled), the total score is up to 40 points. The score of the job adaptive test must be above the "general" standard.

(4) Psychological test and interview. Psychological testing adopts a firefighter recruitment psychological survey system, and the system automatically judges "qualification" or "unqualified". The interview reference public institutions 'public recruiters' practices are implemented, and quantitative scores are implemented, with a full score of 100 points, and less than 60 points are "unqualified". There is a "unqualified" psychological test and interview results that will not be recruited.

Five, publicity and recruitment

(1) Publicity. According to the physical fitness testing, total interview scores and direct interviews, direct recruitment, priority recruitment rules of college graduates, retired soldiers, and social youth. The number of 130%of the record plan (determined by the provincial firefighters recruited office) is classified and determined the list of personnel (to be supplemented) personnel. Essence Before the recruitment object, he must sign a letter of commitment to the team and refuse to sign the cancellation of the promise.

1. Direct employment rules: graduates who participate in the enrollment examination of ordinary colleges and universities (including graduate training units) and graduates who have obtained a full -time university degree or above and corresponding degrees. The fire rescue team has the withdrawal of the firefighters with a reward of the individual's third -class merit or above, the direct recruitment of the recruitment of the evaluation, the priority is the level of the academic qualifications, the urgent need of professional (see attachment 5), the award of the individual's third -class merit, in The plan indicators are hired in order from high to low (the same below) in accordance with the ranking. The awards of personal third -class merit or above shall be implemented in accordance with the "Disciplinary Standards of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" or "Interim Regulations on the Interim Regulations of the Emergency Management System Reward".

2. Preferential recruitment rules: Full -time universities need to prioritize professional graduates. For those who have commended the Communist Party of China and the "Three Good Students" and "Excellent League Members", and special professional talents who relax the registration age conditions are preferred under the same conditions.

(2) Receiving and employment training. According to the publicity, determine the list of hired personnel. If there is no problem or the problem does not affect the hiring, the recruitment procedures shall be handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures; those who have serious problems and have realities shall not be hired; there are serious problems in reflection, but it is difficult to verify for a while. Determine whether to be hired after conclusion.

The newly hired firefighters participated in one year of employment training. Within 3 months of admission training, organize political assessment review, physical examination re -examination, and psychological test re -test. Lumbar disc herniation, half -moon plate injury, ligament damage, and anumitis, etc., are included in the scope of physical examination and re -examination. If they are unqualified, they are canceled. If you have not reported it after the hire, or withdraw from the employment within 2 months, you can make up the records from the publicized reciprocity personnel. The review of the review of the re -examination of the re -inspection and re -test, clarify the rights and obligations of the two parties, and go through the filing formalities. If the assessment of the employment period is unqualified, or there are other cases that are not suitable for fire rescue work, the recruitment is canceled.

If the new recruitment firefighters work for 5 years (including the training period), they shall not resign. If they leave the job without authorization, they shall not participate in the recruitment of firefighters again, and record the credit records of relevant personnel. If the non -proper reasons leave without authorization during the training period, you must refund the personal salary and pay the physical examination of the re -inspection fee, and the training fee.

Recruiting the entire process of strictly implement the prevention and control measures of the local new crown pneumonia, which causes the recruitment procedures, time, place and other arrangements to adjust and change, please recruit objects to understand and cooperate.

6. Professional development and guarantee

Firefighters approved for approved and qualified for the evaluation of the training period shall be awarded the corresponding fire rescue titles in accordance with the "Regulations on the Fire Rescue Rescue of the People's Republic of China", which will be uniformly allocated in the administrative area of ​​the province (autonomous region and municipality). At the full period of work, according to personal ability quality, realistic performance, and post vacancies, it can be promoted step by step according to the prescribed proportion. Excellent firefighters are selected to be preferred to the China Fire Rescue Academy for targeted training through separate enrollment. After graduation, they are hired as cadres. Firefighters with a bachelor's degree or above with a full -time university can also be directly appointed as cadres through special exams.

Firefighters implement a wage -waiting guarantee policy system that connects with their positions and meets the characteristics of fire rescue occupations. During the one -year training period, the treatment is temporarily implemented in accordance with the preparation fireworth (first gear) standard. The Ministry of Emergency Management, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Retired Military Affairs jointly issued the "Doing a Good Notice "(Emergency [2019] No. 84)," Notice on Protecting the National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team Personnel Traffic Tourism Promotion Related Equality "(Jianyong Regulations [2019] No. 4) and other documents, clarify the national comprehensive fire rescue team Personnel enjoy special treatment policies in casualties, exit resettlement, employment and entrepreneurship, family preferential treatment, children's entry, housing medical care, transportation, visiting, and visiting.

Firefighters implemented the full exit mechanism. It is not suitable to continue to engage in fire rescue work and approve the approval of the organization for other reasons. Among them, the work is less than 12 years old and the exit needs to be arranged in accordance with the regulations; the government arranged by the government for 12 years, and the government is arranged by the government. Based on my wishes, they can also choose to receive subsidies and employment; reaches the arrangement of retirement conditions.

Seven, discipline and supervision

Firefighters recruits information disclosure, process disclosure, and disclosure, and actively accept social supervision. The recruitment does not specify the test counseling book, and does not hold or entrust any institution to hold an examination counseling training course. The national comprehensive fire rescue team firefighters recruitment office and provincial firefighter recruitment office announced the reporting telephones, timely accepting report complaints and investigations in accordance with relevant regulations.


1. National comprehensive fire rescue team 2022 firefighters recruitment plan

2. Special professional talents relaxing age registration conditions and procedures

3. National comprehensive fire rescue team 2022 Firefighters recruiting informed letters

4. National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team 2022 Firefighters Recruitment Records, Job Adoving Test Projects and Standards

5. National comprehensive fire rescue team 2022 Firefighters recruiting urgently needed professional catalogs

6. National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Team 2022 Firefighters Recruitment Work Contact Information

Emergency Management Department

July 28, 2022

For details, please log in: National comprehensive fire rescue team firefighters recruitment platform (

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