The college entrance examination was successfully started in 2022!54126 students in Zhanjiang City p

Author:Zhanjiang Published Time:2022.06.08

On June 7, candidates entered the test room of the first middle school entrance examination.

June 7, the 2022 college entrance examination arrived as scheduled. The city's 54126 candidates walked into the college entrance examination room with their dreams. Each test site in our city is good, and the first day of the test is safe and smooth.

Do a good job of examination management to ensure the safety college entrance examination. The city has strengthened the management of examinations in an all -round way, and strictly selected the monitoring and staff in accordance with the requirements. A total of 5,556 supervisors were established. On June 6, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted warning education for all examiners to ensure that each supervisor was familiar with the regulatory work requirements, processes and disciplinary requirements. After the meeting, all the supervisors went to the test site to train on the spot. The municipal education department established 10 inspection teams to supervise and inspect the entire examination area. In addition, the Municipal Command Center also has a video supervisor to conduct online examinations.

The traffic police maintain the traffic order around the test room in the rain.

At the love assistance service site, candidates receive free mineral water.

Do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic to ensure a healthy college entrance examination. This year, there are 32 test spots and 1852 test rooms in 10 counties (cities, districts) in the city. In addition, there are 185 segregation test rooms in the city, and 11 spare -quarantine test sites. The city's 10,851 test staff and 54126 candidates were tested by 100%nucleic acid testing 48 hours before the test.

Do a good job of service guarantee to ensure the warmth of the college entrance examination. There are caring tents outside the test site, providing free test stationery, drinking water, rain sets and other supplies for free; the test sites are equipped with sufficient amount of epidemic prevention materials and necessary summer heat -elimination medicines. Candidates will rest. Especially providing reasonable and convenient candidates such as disability and other difficulties. A total of 4 disabled candidates in our city, of which: extend 30%of the test time for two physical disability candidates, arranging a large -honored test papers for 1 vision disability and 1 intellectual disabled candidates and a person with intelligence disabilities and one intellectual disabled candidate and a large -scale test papers and papers with one intelligent disability and a person with intellectual disabled and a person with intellectual disabled. Extend 30%test time. The education department recorded psychological dredging and decompression videos in the media. The health department, the public security department, the transportation department, and the meteorological department all issued relevant tips. The public security department dispatched a large number of police forces to ensure the order of the test site; the market supervision department inspected the school catering service unit and the dining service units around the test site; the transportation department organized love to send the test; the industrial and information department conducted wireless signal monitoring. All departments at all levels in the city do their best in terms of safety and confidentiality, public security rectification, wireless monitoring, market rectification, medical services, food safety, fire safety, noise governance, hydropower supply, and convenient transportation.

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