Jinan Union Bilingual Experimental School High Central High Central China to polish high -efficiency classrooms and cultivate qualified citizens

Author:Jinan Newspaper Education Time:2022.06.16

On March 30 this year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the primary and secondary schools of Jinan Nine District started online teaching. For more than a month, the high school curriculum is compact, the teacher is close to the top, and the teaching and research are accurate and effective. As a private boarding school, Jinan Union Bilingual Experimental School (referred to as "Concorde Bilingual") allows parents of high school students High school. For a long time, the school's high school has created "high -efficiency classrooms" in teaching to promote students' independent learning; implementing "all -member mentors" and "student conferences" in moral education, attaching importance to the growth of young people's physical and mental health; school opening schools to promote home school cooperation , Invite parents to enter the school "one -day experience" and take care of students to grow with sincerity.

Online and offline

Teacher "subcontracting" students stare at the learning process

During this year's online teaching, Bi Tong, a class teacher in the bilingual high school, was too busy. Every morning, he wants to check the students' self -study situation early. If there is "sleeping too much", he will also provide a "wake -up" service. During the day, in addition to his own class, as the head teacher, other teachers must also "lurk" in the class group during lectures, supervise the line of discipline and student learning status, and organize students to conduct online "cloud self -study" at night. The teaching life of online day seems to be busy than when I was in school, but this is the normal state of high school teachers.

"We ask students to wear school uniforms on the Internet during the Internet, and try to return the state of the offline teaching as much as possible; let the students open the camera and microphone for teachers and students to interact." Bi Tong said that after each class, teachers will be in the parents will be parents in parents. In the group, the students' performance is fed back. At the end of the day of study, the class teacher will feedback the situation throughout the day. "Students' boarding at school, parents may not understand the specific work content of teachers. Online teaching allows parents to see the other side of school teaching and management, and the relationship between home and school is closer."

In order to keep the teaching effect from being reduced by home learning, and to prevent online teaching from becoming a "raw rice", teachers in high school have moved a lot of brains. The school formulated online teaching courses and management related plans, and combined the various resources provided by the education department with the actual situation of the school, and digestive landing as the content of the school's characteristics. Li Lin, vice president of Concord Bilingual, introduced that every subject school organized online demonstration courses to standardize teaching content and classroom processes.

"Pre -class homework feedback, students' independent learning, teachers' explanation, and knowledge testing in the church. Based on the form of offline teaching, it also combines the characteristics of online teaching." Li Lin said that students' homework teachers must definitely It will be corrected on the same day, and it is not a simple judgment right or wrong. I want to write a targeted comment. "Every night the teacher submits the assignment correction that day, and the teaching manager will also conduct random inspections. Sometimes the teachers are busy until 11 or two in the night."

In order to let the students start their spirits and do not slacken because of their homes, the teachers let the students turn on the computer camera during class. Managers in high schools also conduct courses every day. Each person listens at least 4 lessons to comprehensively grasp and feedback the teaching progress, classroom effects, and teacher -student status. "We also distribute the student 'sub -packaging' to the teacher. A teacher assigned about 20 students to supervise and guide them. It turns out that the teachers are close to the school so that the students are not adapted to the school after returning to school. The school life has not declined because of this. "Li Lin said.

Forging autonomous learning high efficiency classroom

Cultivate the path of specialties to expand education

Learning in high school emphasizes the ability of autonomous learning. Every year's freshmen enroll in high school, Xiehe bilingual will conduct special lectures and training on the training of students' independent learning ability, preview, listening, notes, reviewing, sorting out wrong questions, testing skills, etc., seemingly seemingly. Students are familiar with learning methods, and they have to study here, because these links will be very different here.

Creating a more efficient classroom is a topic that the school has continued to study in recent years. Students have gradually become the "master" of the classroom, and self -study and thinking have continued to improve. Teachers in high schools take efficient classrooms as research topics, and conduct research on division types. Each grade teaching and research group "contains dry" a certain type of course to conduct targeted in -depth research. Senior three main attack practice classes, etc. What is the effectiveness of teaching and research? The school also holds a milling competition to improve the teacher's class control ability and the level of teaching.

How to improve students' autonomous learning ability? Group cooperation learning is "magic weapon". Each class of the high school will divide a number of learning groups. Before the new class, the teacher threw the problem. The students previewed the key content of the course by themselves. The group discussed in the class. And more understanding.

Autonomous learning is not only available for new lectures, reviewing and practicing lessons. "The first 5 minutes of the review class, students recall the content of this lesson and repeat the key content. After multiple groups review and sort out, the knowledge context of this lesson basically clarified. Finally Check the students' ability to migrate the knowledge points. "Li Lin said.

In addition to the efficiency of the classroom, the school has also carried out "Pei You for the weakness" to take care of the special needs of students. The "subcontracting" of teachers during the online teaching period can be seen. Usually, the teachers of each class will also form a "class instructor meeting". The collective learning of the students in the class is "responsible" to form a joint effort and coordinate the students' learning.

Under the new college entrance examination model, high school students have a few ways to enter into a number of ways. Xiehe bilingual gives full excavation of their own resources and cultivates students to take the most suitable path for them. The high school focuses on the training of students 'specialty, and has established the Ministry of Arts and Sports. Some candidates have been admitted to famous universities such as Shandong University through art examinations and other channels; they also carry out colorful elective courses, communities and other activities to expand students' spare hobbies, release the pressure of learning, help them help them Facing growth with a positive attitude of sunshine. Student conference let students sing the protagonist

All mentors make growth

Although the study of cultural classes is an important task of students in high school, but for children in adolescence, physical and mental health is sometimes more important than academic performance. Union Bilingual High School is the primary position of students 'moral education and psychological education, attach importance to the leadership of students' ideas, and let high school students grow healthy through various methods such as moral education theme activities, creating moral education positions, and all mentoring people. Cheerful and upright citizen with the feelings of the country.

On June 5 this year, before entering the "Battlefield" of the college entrance examination, Xiehe bilingual high school students ushered in their grand graduation ceremony. Under the welcomes of teachers and students in other grades, under the leadership of the class teacher, senior high school students walked along the red carpet to welcome their "highlights". All teachers in the third grade are holding sunflowers to give students students, which means that the gold list sends "Kui".

Such a "sense of ritual" can often be seen here. Schools can let students witness their growth in different ways. The school will carry out a variety of activities around a moral education theme every month, such as the monthly reading month in April, the psychological health month in May, the Teacher's Day event in September, the patriotic education month in October, the safe month in November Wait, even during online teaching, related activities have not stopped.

There is also a unique moral education position in the high school -the student conference, which is also held once a month. The Student Conference is the main character of the student. The members of the Student Union notified the regular inspection of the past month and conducted various commendations. Each student conference will also carry out inspirational education, which will be reported by grade director and parent representatives. Li Lin introduced that in the next step, they will also explore the representatives of students to be "spokespersons", telling the stories and ideas in their eyes, "this may be more meaningful than the preaching of the adults 'high -end'."

In addition to educating people, each teacher in the Concord Bilingual High School is a "expert" of moral education, and the "all -staff mentor education" mechanism demonstrates its unique role. When I first entered the school, the teachers quickly became familiar with the students through monthly examinations and class activities. Each teacher allocated about 5 students as their "mentor". Students guidance to students, such as guidance, academic guidance, etc., and regularly write records of mentor education. They are the people who know the students the most. They let students talk anywhere anytime, anywhere. Parents do not have to worry about students who encounter "growing troubles" when they leave their homes without asking for help.

In addition to daily teaching and research activities, in order to make teachers more scientific in educating people, the school also regularly organizes the class teacher's salon to formulate a theme. And experience reserves, when you encounter new problems in the growth of students, they are even more ease.

As a boarding school, parents' understanding and recognition can give the school a lot of motivation. In order to allow home schools to stand in the same "camp", Xiehe bilingual opens the school gate and invites parents to take turns to experience a day of life. "Parents can listen to students with students. , Eating, activities, see any links and places such as cafeteria, dormitory, etc., and leave opinions when leaving. "Li Lin said that sometimes parents can see what teachers can't see, and some parents carefully leave suggestions PPT, expressed recognition of school work, "Seeing these we think everything is worth it."

School Address: No. 5677, Lingang North Road, Lingang Development Zone, Jinan High -tech Zone

Consultation Tel: 0531-81307196, 0531-81307197, 0531-81307198

School website: www.xiehefz.cn

(Reporter Cao Mo)

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