War?War!Young, please believe that every effort is counting!

Author:Star Sand Times Time:2022.06.08

At the test site of the Middle School of Songya Lake, the first day of the college entrance examination was completed, and the students happily walked out of the examination room. Photo by Su Linghui

A mother held an umbrella with a \"war horse\" to cheer for her children. Photo by Li Jie

One hour before the exam, a candidate hurriedly reviewed the time to do his best for the college entrance examination. Photo by Li Jie

Changsha County Experimental Middle School test site, the vehicle arrived one after another. Photo by Sheng Lei

Candidates took the admission ticket and prepared to enter the examination room. Photo by Li Jie

The staff carefully checked the candidate's health code, admission ticket, and ID card. Photo by Sheng Lei

There are traffic police stations at the intersection of the traffic control sections of major test sites in Changsha County to maintain traffic order. Photo by Li Jie

Parents and teachers like the students who go to the test site. Photo by Liu Siyuan

◎ Huang Qianyi

June 7, 2022 college entrance examination.

After 00 after the SARS in 2003, this year, you are 18 years old, and the school has held adult gifts for you. From June 7th to 9th, the motherland hosted a huge adult gift for you.

In Changsha County, 10679 young students went to their own \"battlefield\".

teenagers, please believe that every second will become a future gift.

teenager, please believe that every time you work hard.

One day, you will thank the gritter to your self. What is proud, far from a paper notification, but the one who has never gained.

Youth has no regrets, come on the college entrance examination!

Seeing that today, there is no longer the force of \"thousands of troops and thousands of horses\", but it has also had the hardships of \"thousands of troops and thousands of horses\". After many years of hard work, it is precisely to allow the growth of knowledge to support the endless period of the future, and the college entrance examination gives the most direct path between dreams and reality. In this regard, everyone is full of expectations.

Each word in the test room is eighteen years old, you respond to the ideal. At the moment when the pen cover and the departure field, it turned into a score that was about to determine the distant place that was about to be revealed. In June, the senior year was coming to an end, youth is exciting, and the future invitation letter is on the road. New stories will happen.

The battlefield of youth has sounded.

Is the battle?War!Come on!Hold the original dream, go to a sea wide sky!

- END -

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