New liberal arts, new era, new training of television talents

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.06.16

New liberal arts construction is an important strategic measure to promote the innovation and development of liberal arts education in my country, and its central task is to build a new pattern of humanities and social science development guided by education materials. As the most close media major in the field of humanities and social sciences with the current public opinion, it also faces new transformation needs. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the party's news and public opinion work symposium that the key to media competition is talent competition. The core of media advantages is talent advantage. Establishing a high -quality TV talent team is a new requirement for the new era. The cultivation is also facing new opportunities and challenges, and innovation is urgent.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the development of higher education, and clearly states that the strategic position of higher education in the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must accelerate the construction of first -class universities and first -class disciplines. In November 2020, the "New Liberal Arts Construction Declaration" issued by the New Literature Construction Working Group of the Ministry of Education clarified the consensus of liberal arts education: the new era and new mission requires liberal arts education to accelerate innovation and development. In this context, my country's media colleges and universities have also faced major changes. For a long time, market demand has always been different from media graduates provided by media schools. The changes from the transition from the era of media to the era of the intelligence media have made them think about several issues. And quickly hand over the answer sheet: What kind of TV talents are cultivated? What are the new adjustments and new ideas of the training mode? How to cultivate TV talents in the new era?

1. New era, new model of TV talent training

In the new era, "new" refers to the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Under the historical background of the bright prospect of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the era environment has undergone fundamental changes. The continuous progress and development have developed new development. On the one hand, the construction of Chinese new liberal arts is an organic part of the world's new liberal arts construction, and on the other hand, it is also an organic composition of the Chinese cultural strategy in the new era. With the growing development of the country's national strength, China has moved towards the world stage. At present, my country has huge demand in international communication. It is a top priority to enhance the right to speak with the status of the country. Therefore, the cultivation of international media talents with international perspectives and cross -cultural exchanges is an important goal of the construction of new liberal arts.

From the 1.0 full media era before 2012, to the 2.0 integration media era of 2012-2017, and then to the current era of intelligent media, the continuous innovation of media technology to make new adjustments to the cultivation of talents. The real -time update of construction and knowledge must improve students' media literacy, establish a correct and stable political direction, and cultivate TV talents with continuous innovation in the context of media fusion. Based on this, the development of TV talents in the new era should be established. "Cultivate the model, build the" bottom ": the correct and firm political direction; through the" edge ": based on the media integration of the application -oriented talent training system, strengthen the" top ": sustainable innovation capabilities.

Building the "bottom": adhere to the people who stand up to the people and grasp the political training

With the advancement of science and technology and the popularization of digital communication technology, the spread of information and even the production of information have gradually become civilian. One of the significant features of the era of the intelligence media is greatly rich information and the true and false news. As a "manner" of massive information, TV people must first have a firm political direction. When the information of various information "disorderly flowers gradually want to be charming", they can firmly dig out truly high -quality information and deal with the network objectively and fairly. public opinion. And these require media colleges and universities to introduce curriculum ideas and politics into classrooms. Marxist news must be integrated into professional learning and education practice, and has cultivated a new era television person who has a firm position, loves the motherland, feels responsible, adheres to the people, and faithfully fulfills its duties. Media colleges and universities should carry out ideological and political education in each classroom and in -campus activities, and based on the fundamental starting point of all the work as a person in Lide. It is especially important for the full coverage, process, and full leadership of Lideshu people. The media is the vector of social value, the mouthpiece of the party, and a specific political means and political form. The media talents will be the producer of the media in the future, the communication of social thoughts. With the government's mouthpiece, the television programs they produced reflect my country's spiritual appearance and aesthetic taste, and they also need a firm political position and direction. Therefore, it is particularly important to lay a solid political base in the student days. At the same time, the TV talents who have popularized political language can tell Chinese stories on the stage of the world, sing the main theme and spread new sounds.

Permanently through the "edge": Construct the media to integrate the application -oriented talent training system

The fission development of information technology and the promotion of 5G technology have made the media industry usher in new transformation and upgrades. The changing media formats have continuously put forward new challenges to the media talent training system. The training system, on the one hand, allows students to have the basic content production capacity of the industrial needs of the Internet era; on the other hand, mastering digital and cloud -based technical capabilities, in line with the times and the market in the course settings, aiming at the cutting -edge dynamics, based on the application type, further deepen further deepening Talent training plans, establish industrial training bases and 1: 1 laboratory to restore docking industries, build platforms, concentric with industry needs, and cultivate applied TV talents that meet the needs of the industry.

In the specific training process, technology, content, and operation should be taken as the starting point to create a new path for the cultivation of media talents. First, open the technical blocking point. With the development of media integration, the overall monopoly of traditional radio and television media has been broken, and the Internet audiovisual "application" -The short video application such as fast hands and Douyin is constantly expanding the scale of the audience, encouraging more and more individuals and groups to enter In the process of the production and diffusion of audiovisual content from the media, the media industry faces unprecedented technological integration and innovation. In view of this, the technology training of talents of media colleges and universities should also "go up", and gradually transition from the "Tongcai" of the traditional director production process to the composite talents that understand the process and be proficient in a single link technology. Essence Second, the foundation of the content. In the context of media fusion, the audiovisual content is extremely rich. Many contents have become redundant information. The audience has initiative in audiovisual receiving. You can choose the audiovisual content according to your preference. The audience's audiovisual preferences began to profoundly affect the production and dissemination of visual content. Therefore, not paying attention to audiovisual needs will inevitably lose the market in the audiovisual content choice of audiovisual content of the audience. Such a cruel market pressure forced colleges and universities to continuously deepen the attention of content. The production of high -quality content and maintaining leading creativity is the fundamental guarantee for media talents to be invincible in the future. Third, play the way to operate. Technology and content are the background of the media, but professional operations are the "last mile" of the audience. There is a lot of uncertainty in audiovisual demand. It provides targeted audiovisual content and meets the personal needs of the audience. Cultivate media talents through comprehensive considerations such as LBS, data analysis, and traffic trends, and then provide more accurate positioning of the audience, further segmentation of their audiovisual needs, and all are good for users' thinking and create explosive services. Strengthen the "Top": Cultivate sustainable innovation capabilities

The fundamental task of higher education is to cultivate and create a large number of senior talents with innovative spirit and practical ability. The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the cultivation of innovative talents. Educational talents and training talents must first focus on cultivating students' awareness and innovation ability. Traditional media classrooms simply simply popularize knowledge and instill knowledge. If it is not reforming, it will not be beneficial to the cultivation of television people's innovative ability. Based on the new era, from a macro perspective, the reform of the new liberal arts is an effective means to enhance the national soft power and the international competitiveness of the country; superior. In the long run, it is also to ensure that the national innovation talent with continuous innovation capabilities is also to ensure that China ’s innovation ships are stable and far away. As a media college that cultivates applied innovative talents, it is necessary to actively face the tremendous changes in the industry, and the cultivation of sustainable innovation capabilities runs through the training of TV talents. Ability training mode. "1" represents the "era lead", which is also the era of the era of intellectual media for the cultivation of applied television talent innovation capabilities. In addition to the establishment of the system, in addition to mastering the basic content of the Internet era, students can also have the improvement of professional "high -level" content, such as refining the content of the vertical field, and creative innovation production capacity after subdivisions. With the cultivation of the innovation ability and sustainable innovation capabilities of TV people, the new situation, new knowledge, new technologies, and new cases of the media industry are integrated into the cultivation of TV talents in a silent way.

2. New liberal arts, new integration of TV talent training

At the National Education Conference, General Secretary Xi proposed "the big plan of the country and the party of the party", which highly summarized the important position of education in the new era, reflecting the general secretary of the general secretary of the education work "what kind of person cultivation, how to cultivate people, who for who for the education work, and whom for who for who for the educational work, who to cultivate people, and who for who for who is for others, who for whom, and who for who for who is to cultivate people, who for who, and who for whom for others, and who for whom, and who for whom for the education work. The fundamental concern of cultivating people "is far -sighted and distant, and the construction of new liberal arts is imperative. The construction of new liberal arts has broken the barriers between different professional disciplines, enabling the discipline and disciplines to achieve mutual reference and integration and development, which is conducive to laying a solid foundation for students' future development. Students are no longer sticking to their familiar disciplines. The effective integration of knowledge between disciplines allows students to have a complete, systematic, comprehensive professional knowledge and ability, and the knowledge learned is no longer isolated and split. Therefore, the realization of deep cross -integration between disciplines is a significant feature of the construction of new literature. For the School of Media, based on the construction of new liberal arts, it is necessary to integrate from three perspectives.

"Production and Education Integration" as the orientation

"Integration of production and education" is not a new method and model. From the first stage of the early universities as the main promotion, to the second stage of the dual promotion of universities and industry enterprises, to the government -led and industry enterprises to promote In the third stage, the country attaches great importance to the training of talents and strategic models, but in the process, the iteration of media technology updates is faster. With the trend, college education should be guided by the same frequency resonance with the industry's trend of the same frequency, and to achieve four consistency: first, the university curriculum system and industrial development needs are consistent; second, the basic standards of colleges and universities and the threshold of industrial talent and the threshold for industrial talents In line with; third, the university teachers' team consistent with the backbone elite of the industry; fourth, the hardware environment of colleges and universities is in line with the actual scene of the industry. Media colleges and universities should focus on promoting the integration of industry, university, research, and improvement of teachers and students' innovative ability, and allow teachers and students to actively study and explore in the "Classroom -All Media Studies Center -Studio" From basic to comprehensive to the three levels of innovation, we can play the positive role of the market's positive role in the allocation of media resources, so as to solve the conflict between the media and the market by the footprints in one step. Premature media integration

In the speech of "August 19", General Secretary Xi pointed out: "To adapt to the new situation of continuous promotion of social informatization, accelerate the integration and development of traditional media and emerging media, make full use of new technologies and new application innovation media communication methods, occupy the high point of information dissemination system . "The essence is driven by the national will. Traditional media, as the main part, continuously introduces digital technology, continuously enriches the form of communication, and strengthens the interactive social network. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the world structure has changed, and the new needs of the society's talent for talents have caused the shortcomings of the talent system of a single knowledge system to be exposed. Compound talents are needed today. In the face of such a new environment, the cultivation of TV talents can be adjusted from several aspects: First, teachers teach in the teaching process with diverse media methods, so that students immerse themselves experience different effects brought by different communication methods; second , Continuously update the teaching cases of media integration to improve students' media sensitivity; Third, create and provide students with as diversified media integration practical operation opportunities for students, and the learning content is adjusted from early recording, editing and broadcasting to the "network feeling "Cultivation and data processing, TV talents must not only master multimedia communication forms, but also learn the expression and cultivation of data processing of" humanity ". On the one hand, we must understand and master the form of new communication, and on the other hand, we must also use the means of communication means that are in line with the current user aesthetic taste.

Based on the integration of teachers

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "cultivate high -quality teachers and advocate the whole society to respect teachers and teach." The "Outline of the National Medium- and Long -term Education Reform and Development Planning (2010-2020)" mentioned in the construction of teachers' teams to improve the level of teacher business. Improve the training system, do a good job of training training, optimize the team structure, and improve the professional level and teaching ability of teachers. Through training and training, academic exchanges, project funding, etc., the backbone of education and teaching, "dual -teacher" teachers, academic leaders and principals, creating a number of teaching teachers and discipline leaders. Create a multi -level and diversified teacher team is the guarantee of new talent training. First, to open the gradient, the teacher team must include both senior professional expert teachers and young teachers who maintain innovative vitality. Second, we must maintain diversity. Elite teachers must also include full -time teachers based on the academic "college faction". It complements each other and complement each other.

Third, new audiovisual, new ideas for television talent training

With the advancement of media integration, various new audiovisual terminals and audiovisual applications have emerged endlessly. The audience's audiovisual initiative and creative desire have been released. A variety of audio -visual communication subjects are connected to each other, forming a three -dimensional open audiovisual network. The innovation of visual shapes, video and audio production and related technologies affects people's emotions and cognition through human vision and hearing, creating new audiovisual effects. The huge transformation of the new and hearing trend not only shows the new trend of the industry's development, but also sounds the new corner of the cultivation of media talents in colleges and universities.

Adapt to multiple new audiovisual media ecology

The original audiovisual content of the application platform has continued to emerge, the influence of professional audiovisual websites has continued to expand, and nodes spread into normal state. Many changes that emerge in the response reminds that the industry and media universities should be integrated into the new and hearing change. The training of media talents should take 5G express, professional integration technology embrace changes, build a new communication ecology and infrastructure for students, guide active students to actively integrate, find incremental, and stimulate innovation.

Deep cultivation of high -quality audiovisual content

The construction of the mainstream audiovisual media requires the support of high -quality audiovisual content. Therefore, it is necessary to guide students to continue deep cultivation on the basis of the value of audiovisual content. First of all, it has "big events" sensitivity.引导学生要紧跟重大事件、重大主题、热点事件、热点问题,做出有价值的相关视听内容,要能够把握重大事件、热点事件、矛盾的发展规律,把握它们本质和发展趋向;其次,要Cultivate students' ability to lead the mainstream aesthetics, meet the needs of the audience's preference "listening to stories", give full play to the advantages of the production of radio and television media, and make the theme events, events and stories, characters, personalized characters, details of the stories, characters, and details in audiovisual content creation. Touch the hearts of the audience; in the end, to cultivate students' "humanistic feelings". Let students get close to the emotional needs of the audience, associate humanistic care with people's needs, integrate the mainstream value of value into the audiovisual content, use warmth to evoke the resonance of the audience, and increase the added value of audiovisual content. Promote multi -platform integration linkage

The habits and methods of the audience using the media are rapidly changing, and moving to mobile terminals such as smartphones and tablets are constantly moving. The media is also continuously developing new APP application platforms around the mobile terminal to provide more audiovisual functions, better audiovisuals, audiovisuals Experience. In the face of this situation, the training of media talents in colleges and universities also needs to be surprising. On the one hand, it is necessary to guide students to extend the credibility and authority of the long -term accumulation of traditional media to the integration of various platforms based on the Internet network, and to build a variety of rich video resources such as collection entertainment and news. The comprehensive communication form of integration; on the other hand, it is necessary to cultivate students to provide audiovisual content suitable for the scene through platform integration and linkage according to the audience's audiovisual needs, break through the one -way viewing channel, and achieve the optimization and sharing of audiovisual resources Stronger, creating a new audio -visual experience.


In the new era, the world and the country have sounded the horn of the reform of the new liberal arts. The high -quality television talents delivered by the Media School for the country as an important part of the new literary talents. On the other hand, it also plays the important role of the public information to receive the "Chuankou". Under the grand back of the construction of new literature, media colleges and universities should continue to promote discipline integration and innovation, and go to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the external and internal communication of Chinese culture.

This article is the research results of "Research on Traditional Media, Innovation and Cross -media Transformation Path" (Sichuan Media Institute [2021] No. 122 — 94)

Author: Liu Wu Duo, teacher of Sichuan Media School, engaged in film and television media research.

Editor -in -chief: Li Yang

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