Heilongjiang Province's 2022 college entrance examination opening examination Xu Qin made instr

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.08

On June 7, the National Unified Examination of the National Unified Examination of General Colleges and Universities in 2022 in Heilongjiang Province was launched. 182,900 candidates in the province entered the examination room and wrote important answers at the critical moment of life.

Xu Qin, the secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, issued a instructions, emphasizing that the college entrance examination is related to the majority of candidates and has thousands of households. Relevant departments in various places should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on education, conscientiously implement the work deployment of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, carefully organize arrangements and carefully serve the guarantee, coordinate the college entrance examination and epidemic prevention and control work, and create to build The warm and safe examination environment, serious discipline, effectively maintain the order of the examination room and the safety of the college entrance examination, and ensure the smooth and successful college entrance examination in the province. I wish the candidates in the province a good result!

The deputy secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the governor Hu Chang before going to the Provincial Admissions Examination Institute and the Provincial Experimental Middle School Examination Point Inspection and Guidance of the College Entrance Examination Preparation, emphasized that the responsibilities of all parties should be pressed, and the various items should be taken into account. Work, work hard to ensure the service guarantee, and protect the college entrance examination.

It is reported that the candidates who participated in the college entrance examination this year increased by 17,000 compared with last year. The province has a total of 102 test areas, 212 test sites and 7078 test rooms. 1216. Organize and conscientiously organize and organize all parts of the province, strongly support and cooperate in all sectors of society, coordinate the test group test and epidemic prevention and control, carry out a series of \"college entrance examinations\" series, and strive to allow candidates to take good status and achieve good results.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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