Fudan Qiangji plans to be delivered today!4 outstanding candidates shared their learning experience

Author:Fudan University Time:2022.07.29


Fudan's first batch of Shanghai Qiangji Program notice

Submit to the hands of 21 students one after another

Why do they report strongly?

What are you learning well?

Four Fudan Qiang base programs freshmen

Share their experience

Lin Ziyun

Admission to mathematics and applied mathematics majors

Graduated from Fudan University Affiliated Middle School

This morning, I got the notice of admission to Fudan University. Although I already knew the admission results, when I took the red envelope, I still couldn't restrain my inner excitement. The admission notice is an affirmation of my twelve years, and the familiar school motto of "learning and aspiration, asking for a close thinking" will guide me to a new stage and a new life.

From an early age, I have been curious about mathematics, and love in mathematics. When I was studying at the Middle School of Fudan University, the math teacher would expand a lot of mathematical knowledge to us. The more I learned, the more I felt the charm of mathematics. I started to love mathematics very much. On the one hand, mathematics is rigorous and derives strict seams step by step; on the other hand, it is full of imagination. The conjecture and genius proof are the crystallization of human inspiration.

Fudan University strong base plans to gather high -quality teaching resources. There are teaching arrangements such as small class, mentor systems, etc., which makes me very exciting and longing. I believe that under the strong base plan cultivation system, I can expose more cutting -edge knowledge, get more and better explore learning opportunities in the field of interest, and appreciate the beauty of mathematics.

Fudan University Affiliated Middle School taught me the ability to plan learning time. I will continue to enjoy the fun of exploring mathematics in the university with this good habit.

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First of all, do not ignore the exchanges between students in busy learning. Collective wisdom can often produce new opinions and good methods that a person can't think of. At the same time, exchanges ideas and insights are also a process of clarifying their thoughts and a very efficient way of learning.

Each discipline has basic knowledge points. It is necessary to build and clarify the basic knowledge network first, and supplement the knowledge network in the process of constantly doing topics to improve the knowledge network system. The construction of the knowledge network can be structured in the brain, such as Chinese and English majors, and can also strengthen memory by taking notes.

In addition, it is necessary to formulate your own learning plan flexibly and reasonably, maintain a peaceful learning mentality, and follow your own learning rhythm without being affected by the outside world. Finally, it is also very important to have sufficient sleep.

Li Haoen

Admission to philosophy

Graduated from Shanghai Qibao Middle School

I associated with philosophy, and Fudan started three years ago. I have come to Fudan to participate in the philosophy class for three consecutive years. In the classroom, I can not only feel the spiritual strength of philosophy in reflection and criticism. Sex, true ethical posture and social care.

After approaching the charm of philosophy and perception of philosophy, I chose to use philosophy as my college major. The philosophy of the Fudan Qiangji program has a coherent and in -depth teaching model, such as comprehensive mentoring system, small class teaching, and masterpiece training. Space and international vision.

After studying, I often read philosophy books, from the introduction of multiple philosophy history and modern philosophy to the original classics of philosophers, and then to special fields in related fields. At the same time, I followed the philosophical WeChat public account and read the high -quality articles in it. In addition, I often listen to some online special lectures related to philosophy and experience the atmosphere of philosophy and academic seminars. I am happy to travel in the world of philosophy.

As you wish to enter Fudan, I hope that I can continuously improve the philosophical literacy and exercise academic research ability, and become an academic researcher in the field of philosophy in the future.

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First of all, maintaining adequate sleep while learning efficiently, we must exclude external interference, but also refuse to stay up late. Secondly, we must be good at summarizing and reflection, and to understand the principles of knowledge in time, which is more important than the title itself.

Cao Lixing

Admission to history major

Graduated from Shanghai Jinshan Middle School

In my childhood, I came into contact with history through children's reading. When I was a teenager, I learned more about history through documentary, books, etc., and gradually I gradually became interested in history. In the future, what kind of person do I want to be? I often ask myself like this. I don't think I can only stay at the level of historical enthusiasts, but to learn well, learn history, and strive to become a historical researcher.

When reading historical books, I usually think about reading and try to build the correlation between each event. History taught me a lot. It not only allowed me to form the ability to think about comprehensive thinking, but also cultivated my country's feelings.

Before applying for the strong base plan, I learned that the purpose of the strong base plan was to select students who are willing to serve major national strategic needs and strengthen the construction of basic disciplines. Fudan University attaches great importance to the strong base plan and train students to train students through separate classes and tutoring systems. After some studies, I think that the training model of the strong base plan is very suitable for those who want to work in basic disciplines like me, so I did not hesitate to sign up for the strong base plan of Fudan University.

"History" took me into Fudan. After entering college, I will continue to make progress, study historical knowledge carefully, and strive to become an excellent historical researcher at an early date.

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There are many things in the study of each discipline. Careful preview before class helps us to grasp the difficulties in advance. The details of inconspicuous attention in the class, do not miss the knowledge points, carefully complete the exercises after class, answer questions in a timely manner, and check the lack of missing shortages. Do this unremittingly every day, we can learn more at ease. Moumu

Admission to physics major

Graduated from Shanghai Nanyang Model Middle School

As a physical competition student, participating in the Fudan University Strong base plan is my best choice. First, the training model, educational resources, learning atmosphere and environment of the strong base planning class of Fudan University are greatly attractive to me. The second is that as a basis for physical competition but lack of liberal arts ability, the strong base plan is undoubtedly a good choice for long -term and avoiding weaknesses, giving me a chance to sprint against Fudan.

Choosing a physics major is not just because physics is my learning strength, but more importantly, my pure love for physics. In the process of learning physics, I feel sincere happiness. This happiness not only comes from my sense of accomplishment after my answer, but also from a sense of fullness after I am learning and mastering the physical model, which makes me tired in my studies.

After entering college, I will continue to work hard to learn about physical knowledge. In the future, I hope to combine the physical knowledge I have mastered with the needs of the country, make research results in the physics field, and contribute to the national basic discipline.

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My learning principle is to listen carefully in get out of class and do it seriously after class.

The basic criteria for listening carefully are the teaching ideas of the teacher in the class. They can understand and understand what the knowledge of the teacher said and how to use it, and then build a complete knowledge framework in their own brains. If you don't understand in class, keep asking until you understand it thoroughly. The way to test whether it is mastered is to try to tell the classmates. If the classmates understand it, it means that I really understand it.

The criteria for earnestly are to strive to become a "topic." In the case of being able to do the topic, I will also consider which knowledge points this topic has covered, whether these knowledge points are connected, etc., and then understand the idea of ​​the question -why this question comes out like this like this. Essence This is exactly the case. I can quickly see where the "pit" of such topics are and what method should I use to answer.

Link: What is a "strong base plan"?

The "strong base plan" is also called the pilot reform of basic discipline enrollment. It was implemented in some universities in 2020. It is mainly selected as students who are interested in serving major national strategic needs and excellent comprehensive quality or basic disciplines.

Fudan University's "strong base plan" serves major strategic needs of the country, strengthens the selection and training of top -top innovative talents, explores the multi -dimensional assessment and evaluation model, selects a group of young students with ambitious, interested, and talented Scientific and technological innovation and the heavy responsibility of science and education have mastered the Fudan people in the future.

The "strong base plan" enrollment of Fudan University includes 8 majors in Chinese language (ancient text), history, philosophy, mathematics and applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological science, and basic medicine. The first -level discipline of the 8 majors was evaluated by the Fourth round of disciplines of the Ministry of Education.

Payment: Rong Media Center

Text: Zhang Peilin

Photo: Provided by the respondent

Cover drawing: Niu Ruizi

Responsible editor: Zhang Peilin

Edit: Wang Yang

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