How can artificial intelligence promote future education development?

Author:China Education Network Time:2022.07.28

Since the Industrial Revolution, the development of human society has been moving forward in the interaction of technology and education. As the core promotion of the development of human history, technology competes with the "human capital engine" as the "human capital engine" as the main force to promote economic and social development. As a significant label of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence is gradually shaping the new business forms of social, economic, and living fields, and has also continuously brought disruptive, rich and innovative new formats. Facing the stimulus of artificial intelligence technology to the development of the entire society and how education develops has become an important issue worth thinking.

Artificial intelligence highlights the challenge of innovative talent development

As the core technology that triggered the fourth scientific and technological revolution, artificial intelligence promotes the exponential development of socio -economic and scientific and technological, and has a new demand for the quality and supply of human capital. The tension, the advancement of education is even more challenged by unprecedented. First, the development of knowledge growth has great uncertainty to what aspects of future talents need. Second, the proportion of intellectual workers has increased, and innovative talents have become just needed for the development of the times. The deep integration of artificial intelligence technology and production process will greatly reduce the needs of practitioners in the production field, especially those areas where artificial intelligence wins. Third, the rise of artificial intelligence technology has caused a broader development space for high -tech industries, emerging industries, and new service industries, so that innovative talents, composite talents, and high -tech talents have surged in labor structure. The creative, flexibility, and humanity that artificial intelligence technology cannot be replaced will become the key to talent competition in the intelligent era. Education shoulder the mission of cultivating innovative talents and the early layout of talents in the future. Back to history, the experience we can get is that only by leading education in the pace of technology and the layout of human resources for the promotion of technology in advance can the development of society be stamina. Therefore, in today's rapid development of artificial intelligence to promote the rapid development of society, it is necessary to answer what kind of education to carry the mission of layout of human resources in advance in order to deal with the issue of talent challenges of unknown society.

Artificial intelligence gives birth to new knowledge production methods

Under the influence of artificial intelligence, the production of human knowledge has intensified, and the increase in knowledge has shown an index level. The inheritance development of education will no longer be limited to the teaching and inheritance of knowledge, but emphasize knowledge creation and innovation, and the intervention of artificial intelligence has spawned new knowledge production methods. First, the ability to discover the strong knowledge of artificial intelligence has shortened the knowledge production cycle. With the development of new machine learning algorithms such as deep learning and strengthening learning, in addition to accelerating the production, access and utilization of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence can also extract hidden, unknown, potential, and useful information (knowledge (knowledge (knowledge (knowledge (knowledge (knowledge (knowledge ), Thus expand the ability to create knowledge. Second, the intelligent mode of human -machine coordination expands the opportunities and possibilities of knowledge creation. Artificial intelligence technology not only promotes people's group intelligence collaborative innovation, but also can realize human and artificial intelligence agency collaboration. Innovation. The challenge of new knowledge production methods born of artificial intelligence is that education is no longer limited to knowledge inheritance, but also innovation of knowledge. In the future, school education must teach students how to cooperate with artificial intelligence technology, care for learners to "learn", and attach great importance to the cultivation of students' ability to identify knowledge, summon learners to "learn", promote learners to realize knowledge in human -computer interaction, Update and creation.

The way of artificial intelligence reform brings creativity and vitality release possibilities

Artificial intelligence has caused profound changes in many fields and industries, and the systemic changes in education are even more likely, which brings possibilities for changes in learning methods. First, artificial intelligence technology brings personalized possibilities for large -scale education. The intelligent learning environment constructed by artificial intelligence not only creates a flexible learning space, but also perceive the learning situation and identify the characteristics of students, and provides students with individual learning support. Secondly, artificial intelligence technology brings adaptability under standardized education. The adaptive learning mechanism of artificial intelligence through dynamic learning diagnosis, feedback and resource recommendations can meet the learning needs of students 'dynamic changes, thereby breaking standardized education restrictions and release of students' creativity and vitality. Finally, artificial intelligence improves structured and guided methods to release teachers' creativity and teaching vitality and focus on humanized learning and design. Teachers' cumbersome and repetitive work can be replaced by intelligent machines. Intelligent analysis technology can accurately locate students' learning problems and needs for teachers. Teachers' roles will turn to better learning designers. Cultivate students' ability and thinking, use more time to learn activities and personalized interaction with students, and provide students with personalized learning support services. The development of artificial intelligence and the in -depth integration of education and teaching brings more choices to the reform and innovation of education. Education needs to give full play to the empowerment of technology, enhance energy, and enable advantages to satisfy the function of education. The original intention of education and mission conveys humanity value, and explores the more vitality of education through artificial intelligence to release the more vitality of education through artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence trigger the field of fields and industry transformation to give birth to educational ecological upgrades

The impact of artificial intelligence on other fields and industries will also extend to the field of education, because education is a cause related to social development. On the one hand, the role of enhanced, replacement, improvement, and change played by artificial intelligence is highlighted, which is highly reflected in the reshapeing role in industry production and life, as well as the release of manpower. On the other hand, the release of these rebuilding and human resources has triggered the change of social fields and the industry, and promoting the turn of social talent needs; and education is an important territory of social talent resource output. Education ecological upgrade. Artificial intelligence accelerates the process of deepening education and promotes the renewal and reconstruction of the system. Digital technology has profoundly affected teachers, courses, teaching methods, learning experience, evaluation, management and other educational elements, and changed the education ecosystem through gradual reconstruction education processes. In the process of further accelerating artificial intelligence, with a subversive innovation situation, expanding the connotation of various elements in the system, improving and extending internal relationships of the system, and reshaping the function and form of the education system. Artificial intelligence has expanded the educational boundary and promotes future school construction. In the future, schools will use the power of technology to include the places of off -school learning (such as science and technology museums, museums) and online learning venues into the scope of "schools", integrate educational resources in various fields of society, and form a new education environment. At the same time, new technologies such as digital twin promote the interaction between real space and virtual space, and achieve two -way mapping, dynamic interaction and real -time connection of physical space and digital space through creating people, physical, and environmental digital twins. The upgrading and transformation of the education system and the expansion of spatial resources can make it better connect with the social field and better provide innovative talent growth places that adapt to future life and work. Artificial intelligence is related to the strategic goals of a strong country

Education should serve the national strategic layout, to seize the opportunity of artificial intelligence development, and build a leading advantage; to output innovative talents for international competition and social development, and support the independent research and development of science and technology. At present, countries around the world have raised the development of artificial intelligence to the height of the national strategy to seize the high point of the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and the initiative in global competition. The "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" proposes that my country should "become the world's main artificial intelligence innovation center" strategic goal, and the entire bureau has deployed important aspects such as economic, education, science and technology, social development, and national security. The strategy of education to strengthen the country is the logical starting point of important strategies such as the strategy of rejuvenating the country, the strategy of the power of the talent, and the innovation -driven development strategy. Artificial intelligence puts forward higher requirements for education talent training capabilities. In recent years, while developing artificial intelligence, countries around the world have also faced huge challenges, such as innovative talents, high -tech autonomy and controllable problems. The essence of artificial intelligence in international competition is a contest of talent, which requires education to respond strategically. Therefore, education leads to leading the strategic role, which must give full play to the advantages of intelligent technology to promote the upgrading of the ecosystem of education, but also layout to provide talent support for national development. Based on the perspective of technology and education in the competition, the exploration of artificial intelligence to promote future education development needs to be strategically grasped strategically. Through education, innovative talents are exported to various fields of society, supporting the transformation and upgrading of various fields of society and manual artificial artificially. The innovative development of high -tech such as intelligent technology injects continuous vitality and energy into the strategic strategy of the country.

Education will promote the development of society in the competition with technology. Education has the characteristics of advanced, humanistic, inheritance, strategic and ecological. In the face of the index development of artificial intelligence technology, the advancement of education has become difficult to maintain; the humanistic humanity that needs to work in a small work and the instrument of social employment needs to show time and space tap and contradiction; the inheritance of human knowledge changes As a historical inheritance, interpersonal co -creation, and human -machine co -creation. With the acceleration of the development of artificial intelligence technology, the development strategy and forward -looking plan of education are important issues that are not me and have a long way to go.

Source: "Guangming Daily" (July 27, 2022, 11th edition)

Author: Gu Xiaoqing (Chief Expert of the National Social Science Fund's major project "Artificial Intelligence Promoting Future Education Development Research", Professor of East China Normal University Education Information Technology)

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