Use the ice cream bouquet to open the flower -like childhood Guandu District doll to usher in the "colorful holiday"

Author:Kunming Education Time:2022.07.28

On July 25, the "Seven Color Holidays Star Yao Childhood" summer care of young people's volunteer service activities was held at the Xingyao Group Building.

At 2 pm, the teacher led the children to start a creative handmade lesson -making ice cream bouquet. The teacher teaches the children to roll the cardboard into the shape of the ice cream. You can write or draw on the tube, and then wrap the double -sided glue around the ice cream tube, and then stick to the various lace made of handmade paper. Finally, the child, the child We need to pick up the scissors to trim the lace, and then tie the repair lace and stuff it into the ice cream tube. In this way, a beautiful bunch of beautiful ice cream flowers are ready.

Since entering the summer vacation, under the guidance of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Communist Youth League Guandu District Party Committee Coalition District Federation of Federation of Trade Unions, District Women's Federation, District Civil Affairs Bureau, and Xunliu Street, relying on Social organizations such as Guandu District Runtu Youth Affairs Service Center, and other social organizations The Times Civilization Practice Center (institute, station), youth home, children's home, community juvenile palace, colorful cottage, psychological health counseling station and other activities, carry out special activities, and strive to do a good job of various care volunteer service activities in the jurisdiction.

The 8 -year -old Wu Si made the ice cream bundle for the first time. Although this task has some difficulties in her, with the help of the teacher and volunteers, she quickly completed the production of the bouquet and painted it on it. Beautiful princess. Wu Si said, "I want to give this bunch of flowers to my favorite mother." The 11 -year -old Long Yizhen first drew a kitten on the paved handmade paper, and then made handmade paper into ice cream tubs. She said, "I like kittens, and the kittens drawn this will be more beautiful. I want to use this ice cream bouquet as a gift to give me a kitten group."

Teacher who is responsible for classing for the children said: "Here, I hope that every child can have their own ideas and thoughts, because it is not a math problem to do handicrafts, and the children can do whatever they want, so during class, I am in class. Will not limit them, let alone deny their creativity. "

At 3 pm, the children started a new course under the leadership of the teacher -children's shape shape. From the beginning of their tension and shyness to gradually expressing confidence and generosity, they eventually showed a good "reporting performance". Zhou Keyu is a volunteer from the Biotechnology of Biotechnology from Yunnan University. She said that through the activity, she explored the trick to get along with her children -patience. She wanted to accompany the children to spend a happy summer vacation with her love and patience.

The "Colorful Holiday" volunteer service project is a caring for rural left -behind children's volunteer service projects jointly implemented by the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the Central Civilization Office, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the Chinese Youth Volunteer Association. Rural left -behind children, urban relocation children, and children of medical staff in the first -tier epidemic prevention of psychological education, family companionship, quality expansion, self -protection education, interest classrooms, outdoor games and other services. The "Colorful Holiday" volunteer service project has become an important starting point for grass -roots group organizations to serve local economic and social development, and become an important carrier for college group organizations to participate in precision poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and become an important brand for the Communist Youth League to care for rural left -behind children and relocated children.

The "Colorful Holiday Star Childhood" activity course held in the New Asian Sports City community lasted for one month, focusing on caring for young people in the jurisdiction and relocation children. The activity fully considers the age characteristics and service needs of young people, set up colorful content such as graffiti painting, scientific popularization, culture and art, sports, handmade production, and body shape shape, and classification, ecological environmental protection, self -protection education, and cultural heritage of garbage, ecological environmental protection, self -protection education, and cultural heritage The spirit of patriotism runs through the activities, so that young people are educated silently in the cheerful game experience.

In the next step, the Communist Youth League Guandu District Committee will continue to increase efforts to care about the healthy growth of young children and children, integrate high -quality resources to meet the diversification and multi -level needs of young people's growth and development, develop holiday special service projects according to local conditions, tap the potential of young people themselves themselves , Further improve the level of ideological and moral construction of young people.

Reporter: Yang Yanping, Yang Xinyuan (internship), Yu Yanwei (internship)

Photography: Yang Xinyuan (internship), Yu Yanwei (internship)

Photography: Picture

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