South China University of Technology: Entrepreneurship drives employment "real moves" to help more students build dreams

Author:National Development Reform Co Time:2022.06.16

Employment is the biggest livelihood. In 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission welcomed the difficulties, and together with relevant departments, highlighting entrepreneurship drove the main line of the industry, organized 212 national dual -innovation demonstration bases, and carried out dual -innovation in the social service field to drive employment and college graduates to entrepreneurship and employment. , Large, medium and medium -sized enterprises have four special operations including integration and innovation, lean entrepreneurship drive employment. In the face of the impact of the epidemic, the innovation methods of various demonstration bases and do everything possible to do a good job in the employment of key groups such as college graduates, and many good experiences and experiences have emerged.

"Skills Achievement Life" -This is the goal direction of the new professional skills online education enterprise Shifang Ronghai Company. In the company's existing knowledge paid platform lychee micro -class, a farmer from Heilongjiang planting fungus planting fungus planting skills on the platform has become a "teacher" with a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan; a full -time mother uses her spare time to use her spare time Time learning has sound studio, and has become a part -time audio book studio. She has also had an amateur income of 10,000 yuan a month ... such examples and stories have occurred here, and it is not uncommon.

"Let the sound be‘ see ’” -The people with obstacle -free communication through artificial intelligence technology to help listening disabilities are the “original intention” of Guangzhou Yinshu Technology Co., Ltd., which is committed to creating a listening industry and a service platform for the speech rehabilitation industry. With their efforts, as of now, Yinshu Technology has served 1 million hearing -impaired users, providing 53 public welfare services for 16 public welfare institutions such as the Chinese Deaf Association to help more than 200,000 listening disabilities solve employment.

These two seemingly unrelated startups are actually deeply deepened: they all belong to the projects incubated by the Double Innovation Demonstration Base of South China University of Technology. Their founders are students from South China University of Technology. Their success is also South China Polytechnic The "microcosm" of university has continued to actively actively carry out dual -innovation work, promote entrepreneurship to drive employment, and achieve practical results.

Four dimensions to carry out entrepreneurship drive employment work

Back to the past, as early as 1999, South China University of Science and Technology took the lead in putting forward the goal of "three -innovation" talent training throughout the country, and adhered to it to this day. The so -called "three innovations" talents, that is, innovation, creation, entrepreneurship, and exploring the training of talents in cooperation between production, research, research. It can be said that this is also the beginning of South China University of Technology to carry out dual -innovation work and promote entrepreneurship to drive employment.

"Since being approved as a national dual -innovation demonstration base in 2017, South China University of Science and Technology has achieved remarkable results in the" Three Innovation "talent training, carrier construction, dual innovation incubation and results transformation. Leading and radiant work pattern. "Li Zheng, vice president of South China University of Technology, told reporters.

Li Zheng also briefly summarized the unremitting efforts of South China Institute of Technology in promoting entrepreneurship and driving employment from the four dimensions -from the breadth, expand the objects of the pairing object; from the depth, promote the content of Cooperation with other bases; in terms of strength, excavate internal potential. "Among them, especially in terms of strength, specifically, we focus on helping the team to play internal skills and help them improve their competitiveness; we also continue to dig and mobilize internal incubation companies to provide as much as possible to provide a group of jobs. It may guide, encourage and support platform -type entrepreneurial projects, and dock various resources for the development of the project. "

Driving employment with entrepreneurship and fruitful results

Over the years of persistence has allowed South China University of Technology to carry out dual innovation work and promote entrepreneurship to drive employment performance. Li Zheng told reporters that as of now, more than 400 student innovation and entrepreneurial incubation bases in the campus, more than 400 cultivation projects, more than 80 successful financing projects, the cumulative number of base settlements has directly driven the number of employment exceeding 1 million, indirect service employment exceeds 6.5 million people. Essence

It is worth mentioning that in 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments organized entrepreneurship to drive employment demonstration operations to drive employment demonstration operations. In 2022, South China University of Science and Technology actively played the role of the national dual -innovation demonstration base, carried out two special actions of "school -enterprise and enterprise", lean entrepreneurship driving employment, focusing on entrepreneurship, gathering for employment, and achieved solid results.

College graduates' entrepreneurial employment "school enterprise bank" special operations "see effective". South China University of Science and Technology takes the initiative to match or establish cooperative relationships with 10 corporate demonstration bases including Guangdong Agricultural Reclamation Group, China Resources Group, and China Petroleum to carry out various levels and forms of cooperation. High -quality organized 38 "school -enterprise banks" special docking activities, selected nearly 130 outstanding dual -innovation results to participate in docking, organized more than 130 teachers and students dual -innovation teams to participate in the unveiling of the company's needs, promoted the implementation of 17 scientific and technological projects, and drove investment in investment. 71.75 million yuan, the cumulative number of employment directly drove about 20,000.

Lean entrepreneurship drives special employment operations to "realize real moves". South China University of Science and Technology's innovation "point -line -noodles" combined with industry -university -research collaborative innovation models, give full play to the advantages of school engineering, enhance the development support for the advantages and characteristic industries of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and industrialization applications. Through the combination of multi -subject, an open and innovative technology transfer the full -chain service system, organize the "accurate docking" of both parties to the supply and demand of scientific and technological achievements, and the number of transformed technology exceeds 400 items. It is worth mentioning that South China University of Technology actively guides the science and technology parks, entrepreneurial parks, maker spaces, and incubation bases to actively participate in special actions, focusing on college student entrepreneurial teams, and venue discounts and professional incubation services, entrepreneurial entrepreneurship Guidance provides guidelines for team policy discounts to promote project implementation. Help more students realize the dream of entrepreneurial employment

South China University of Science and Technology has carried out dual -innovation work and promoted entrepreneurship to drive employment. The students who are the most beneficiaries feel the most profound.

"The school provides a lot of resources and help. For example, it is recommended that we participate in some innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, provide free office venues, and give us a lot of space to continue trying. These have greatly reduced our pressure and resistance in the early stages of entrepreneurship. "In April this year, I just returned to my alma mater to make a shared Shifang Ronghai founder and the outstanding alumni of South China University of Science and Technology, Huang Guan, recalled the hardships and persistence of the entrepreneurial period, and lamented.

Huang Guan told reporters that now, there are millions of registered lecturers. In addition, there are students who have established employment service centers, developed big data flexible employment platforms, and specialized in serving new vocational skills courses. "Although the employment data directly and indirectly driven is difficult to count, I believe that many people have a choice of employment because of this litchi micro -class platform and the new vocational skills courses of Shifang Ronghai." Huang Guan laughed.

The reporter noticed that Jizhen Technology, Yinshu Technology, Fangli Township Innovation Team, Township Drifting Team, Daqin Pin Sheng team ... For a long time, South China University of Science and Technology has actively encouraged students to give full play to their intellectual advantages, and devote themselves to artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, etc. Strategic emerging industries and modern agriculture, modern service industry and other industries, they have joined the front -line employment and entrepreneurship of the first -tier regions and grass -roots and rural rejuvenation, and fully realize multiple fields, diversified, and multi -channel entrepreneurship employment.

The road to entrepreneurship and employment is sometimes difficult, and for college students, this road is a bit "difficult". It is precisely because of the existence and efforts of a national -level dual -level demonstration base like South China University of Science and Technology that these students who dream of building dreams can rely on their strength and more confidence. We have reason to believe that in the future, more dreams will become a reality here, and more dreamers will benefit, employment, and success due to the development of these entrepreneurial projects. (Excerpted from the China Economic Herald)

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