Lake teachers and students joined hands with the cloud support to teach in the clouds and start lectures on artificial intelligence specialty courses

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.27

Jimu Journalist Zou Hao

Correspondent Wang Mengyue

"How does artificial intelligence change our lives? What is the computer helped in the" Ask Sky "?" On the evening of July 25, the Party Committee of the School of Computer and Information Engineering, Hubei University, participated in the summer of Zhaojiashan Village, Baokang County, Hubei Province to participate in the summer. Primary and secondary school students with online religions have sponsored a specialty teaching course with the theme of party history learning, artificial intelligence and computer knowledge popularization. This course was lectured by Professor Zeng Cheng, Secretary of the Party Second Party Branch of the College, and Hao Yongyu, deputy secretary of the party branch of the "Hubei University-Guizhou Taxation" Graduate Workstation and a graduate student of 2021.

"Artificial intelligence has risen into a national strategy. It is applied in all walks of life. It is hoped that through this easy -to -understand introduction, students in Zhaojiashan Village can understand artificial intelligence and feel the strength and infinite charm of artificial intelligence in life. "Zeng Cheng introduced that the classroom adopted a variety of lectures such as pictures, videos, instance demonstrations, to stimulate students' interest in listening, and at the same time let them feel the strength of artificial intelligence and the convenience brought by life.

As the first party branch in the school, Hao Yongyu took the party day activity carried out by the party branch as an example to lead the "cloud" immersive visit to the "cloud" of primary and secondary school students. Introduce the history of the Zunyi Conference and lead everyone to deeply feel the great revolutionary spirit. "As a young student, a student party member, I have the responsibility and obligations to actively spread red culture, make good use of Guizhou red resources, integrate local party history learning and education into this teaching course, and help students understand the party more deeply to understand the party’s party. The glorious history contributes his own power to the revitalization of rural education. "Hao Yongzhang took the follow -up experience of Guizhou Graduate Workstation as an example to introduce the computer in Zhaojiashan Village through the application of the computer in the" Ask Sky "as an example. The role played in daily life has deepened the students' understanding of the computer.

"The development history of artificial intelligence is longer than I think. Computers can solve so many things in our lives. I am curious whether artificial intelligence will replace humans in the future. The way to pass. "Student Jiang Chenchen said after listening to the class.

After the event, the online branch teaching WeChat group released the college's outstanding party members, members, and group branches representatives, and recorded 7 interesting artificial intelligence, computer and other special science popular science videos.

"In order to play the leading role of party building and fully integrate party building with rural rejuvenation, professional education, and volunteer services, the college party committee relying on professional advantages to give full play to the advanced nature and specialties of teachers and students, and organized this summer online special course." The college Qin Mingjun, the secretary of the party committee, said, "In the later period, the college party committee will continue to play a leading role of the pioneer of party members of colleges and universities to help rural revitalization."

It is understood that in June 2020, after Hubei University and Baokang County signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement between the two parties, the School of Computer and Information Engineering began to carry out volunteer service activities with Zhaojiashan Village, Baokang County since the winter vacation of 2021. Three holidays online teaching and two computer -based courses were carried out. In addition, the college also actively raised books and organized a "green pigeon" volunteer activity to send books and full tender letters for primary and secondary school students in Zhaojiashan Village. It has received strong support from the local government and parents. So far, 418 college student volunteers have participated in the docking volunteer activities. The person in charge of the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the College said that the "continuous line" volunteer service activities will continue to organize the "zero distance" to approach the countryside and be on the youth track of youth. Strive to run and help rural revitalization with practical actions.

(The picture is provided by the correspondent)

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