\"Jiangsu Province Children and Adolescent Pinkstance Prevention and Control Manual (Second Ed

Author:Jiangsu Education News Time:2022.06.08

This newspaper (Trainee reporter Yang Xiao) June 6 is the 27th \"National Eye Love Day\". Hosted by the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Health and Health Commission, the \"6.6 Eye Eye Day\" theme organized by the Provincial Children and Adolescents Research Center, and Nanjing Medical University and other units was held in Jinling Primary School in Nanjing. Li Jinquan, a second -level inspector of the Provincial Department of Education, attended the event and delivered a speech. On the same day, the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Health and Health Commission issued the \"Jiangsu Province Children and Adolescent Popularity Prevention and Control Manual (Second Edition)\".

From October 25th to December 10th, 2021, the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Health and Health Commission guided children and adolescents to prevent and control research centers and other departments to adopt random sampling methods to 13 districts and cities in the province , 26 counties (cities, districts) 156 primary and secondary schools and 52 kindergartens were monitored. The results showed that the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in the province decreased by 6 percentage points from 2020.

Li Jinquan emphasized that myopia prevention and control focuses on grasping early, group defense, and group prevention. It focuses on continuous efforts and long -term contributions. The school should fully implement the \"dual reduction\" policy, coordinate the \"five management\" of mobile phones, assignments, sleep, reading, and physical fitness, moderately increase outdoor activities and physical exercise, improve teaching facilities and conditions, and create comfortable, bright, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, and healthy. Teaching environment. Teachers should take student myopia prevention as an important responsibility, discipline together, integrate into the classroom, and be the \"guardians\" of the healthy children's eyes. Parents usually put down their mobile phones and tablets as much as possible, and spend more time to guide their children to develop good use of eye habits and build the first line of defense from myopia prevention and control. Students should strengthen their eyesight and eye protection consciousness, develop healthy learning and living habits, scientifically use eyes, healthy eyes. The whole society must jointly care, support and participate in the prevention and control of myopia for children and adolescents, and make a group force to form a joint force.

In Jinling Primary School in Nanjing, the reporter saw that the lights in the classroom were bright and soft, and the children were sitting upright and seriously learning to prevent close knowledge. \"As early as 2018, we replaced the classroom lighting light with LED eye protection lights. The desktop illuminance was 500 Lax, and the blackboard illumination was 800 Lax, which were better than the municipal equipment standard.\" The light improvement has created a good eye environment for children. In order to allow children to deeply understand the anti -proof knowledge and do the master of vision protection, the school also cooperates with the provincial child and adolescent myopia prevention and control research center. Children's vision.

\"Primary school is the most critical stage of myopia prevention and control, especially at the stage of six or seven to 11 years old. The eyeball development is the fastest. If the eyes are not protected, the child's myopia rate will increase.\" Xue Jinsong, deputy dean of the Ophthalmology Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, said, \"As much as possible to allow children to participate in outdoor activities, regular eye inspections and archives.\"

It is understood that compared with the first edition, \" Jiangsu Province Children and Adolescent Pinkstance Prevention and Control Handbook(Second Edition) The content is more detailed, and it is divided into three age groups in children, elementary and middle schools, and given targeted guidance.At the same time, there are also \"care of the eyes, standard accompanying\" primary and secondary school classroom visual environment standard operation demonstration films. This film includes operation methods such as classroom lighting detection, classroom lighting detection, classroom blackboard detection, desk and chair distribution meetings and other operation methods and measurement measures and other operation methods and measurement measures and other operation methods.Evaluation standards are used to guide the transformation of the visual environment of classrooms in primary and secondary schools, promote the improvement of teaching facilities and conditions, and provide students with a learning environment that meets the requirements.

Li Jinquan attended and spoke

Theme activity scene

Shen Xinyu Photo

Editor: Shen Xinyu

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