In mulberry!Xiangtan Institute of Technology's "Warm Yang Volunteer Group" support children left -behind children

Author:Xiangtan Institute of Technolo Time:2022.07.24

From July 8th to 15th, the "Warm Yang Volunteer Group" of Xiangtan Institute of Technology walked into Tianhe Village, Tianhe Township, Maping, Maping County, Sangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City to carry out a week of care for the "Sanxiangxiang" social practice activities for the summer of the left-behind child. Actual actions interpret the social responsibility of contemporary college students.

In Tianhe Village, the "Nuanyang Volunteer Team" investigated the income level and the status quo of life in Tianhe Village through the form of visiting investigations and targeted interviews. According to the village cadres, Tianhe Village has been committed to improving the per capita income of the villagers. It has created industries such as white tea planting and fishery breeding according to local conditions. Dividends with insurance subsidies and ensure the basic social benefits of villagers.

Most of the students of Tianhe Village are left -behind children. In order to broaden the vision of these children, some members of the "Warm Yang Volunteer Group" formed a small team of supporting teaching teams. In the conference room of the village department, the children were given scientific experiments, interesting sports, fire prevention, and fire prevention. Disaster prevention exercises, English teaching, origami painting, and girl protection courses. Education and guidance to children should pay attention to the improvement of comprehensive quality while learning textbooks and the protection of personal safety.

In scientific classes, the "Warm Yang Volunteer Group" guides children to operate scientific experiments such as "will become larger balloons" in person; in English classes, children are encouraged to go to the podium to speak loudly in English; safety education In the class, lead children to carry out real fire exercises and so on. These diverse and interesting courses have made children feel a different classroom atmosphere and inspire their interest in learning.

At the end of the event, the secretary of the Tianhe Village Branch and the parent representatives highly thanked and sincere gratitude to the hard work of the "Warm Yang Volunteer Group". "I hope the students of Xiangtan Institute of Technology will come here next year to experience the changes and development of Tianhe Village with us." Children also wrote "Thanks to the Letter" to express their love and reluctance to volunteers.

"If it wasn't for the" Sanxiangxiang "event, I might not come here all my life, but it was this activity that let me have the status quo of the people in the people who just poverty alleviation and the current status of the current life of left -behind children. A deeper understanding. As contemporary college students, we need to do a lot! "Said Luo Siyi, captain of the volunteer service team.

This "Sanxiangxiang" social practice, members of Xiangtan Institute of Technology's Nuanyang Volunteer Group deeply penetrate the countryside, experience the lives of grassroots people, investigate the current situation of rural society, care for rural left -behind children, help rural education, strengthen social practice ability, and truly achieve it. The knowledge learned is used in practice.

(Correspondent: Chen Yafang Wang Wenping)

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