The Education Director of 26 County, Zhejiang Shan District Sitting together proposes to set up this educational development alliance

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.06.15

Zhejiang News Client reporter Jiang Xiaorong Correspondent Zhu Hui

On June 13, the 26 County Education Communist Development Forum and Zhejiang Normal University's 26 County Education Development Action Promotion Meeting were held on the rooftop.

The meeting advocated the establishment of the "Permanent and Development of 26 County Education in Zhejiang Province" and the establishment of the "26 County Education Development Alliance in the Mountain District of Zhejiang Province" to provide a "symbiosis, co -construction, sharing" collaborative communication and promotion platform for 26 counties and universities in mountainous areas , Actively explore the "regional experience" and "Zhejiang model" of basic education in the context of common wealth.

The meeting released the "Zhejiang Normal University Services Mountains 26 County Education Development Action Plan (2022-2025)", which includes the actions of regional education and governance capacity improvement, teacher quality improvement actions, county-level teacher training institutions, co-construction of union schools, etc. Ten items.

The relevant person in charge of the 26 County Education Bureau of Zhejiang Provincial Mountain District also participated in the round table meeting of the Communist Development Forum Director to discuss the creation of "Zhejiang Province 26 County Education Development Alliance", and on the training of outstanding teachers in the "Zhihui Mountains together" Exchange with employment.

"Promote the integration of education development policy mechanisms, integration of work systems, and integration of helping forces, and focus on stimulating the vitality of education development in 26 counties in mountainous areas. It is one of the key to building a common prosperous demonstration zone to build iconic results." The Normal University will give play to the advantages of teachers' education to make more iconic and recognizable education models for Zhejiang to promote high -quality development and construction common prosperity demonstration zone.

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