Shandong University 2022 Ordinary undergraduate enrollment charter

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.15

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 In accordance with the relevant laws and relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, in order to implement the work requirements of the Ministry of Education, this charter is specially formulated.

Article 2 The name of the school is Shandong University, referred to as Shanda. The English name is Shaandong University, referred to as SDU for short. The legal residence of the school is No. 27 Shandan Road, Jinan City, Shandong Province. The school set up a campus in Qingdao and Weihai City. The Qingdao Campus of Shandong University is located at No. 72, Shibinhai Road, Qingdao City, Shandong Province.

Article 3 The school competent department is the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The level and type of school running: public undergraduate, full -time, national "double first -class" construction college.

Article 4: Shandong University adheres to the school motto of the school's school motto with the school motto of "storing talents in the world and. Task, dedicated to cultivating the best undergraduates and the most creative graduate students, accelerating the cultivation of the top talents and the country's urgent need of high -level talents, forming a multi -level and three -dimensional high -end talent training system with mountain characteristics.

Article 5 The code of the school headquarters and the Qingdao campus is "10422". School of Science and Engineering, School of Internet Space Security. The code of the undergraduate admissions college of Weihai Campus is "19422". Candidates fill in their volunteers separately and accept them separately.

Article 6 All graduates will issue a bachelor's degree in Shandong University uniformly, and those who are awarded the relevant regulations of the school's degree and a bachelor's degree certificate.

Chapter 2 Organizations and Responsibilities

Article 7 The enrollment committee of Shandong University is fully responsible for and supervised the various types of enrollment work of the school, and gives full play to the leading role in formulating school enrollment plans, determining enrollment policies and rules, and determining major enrollment.

The school has set up a leading group of undergraduate admissions work, responsible for undergraduate admissions, abide by and implement the various policies and regulations of the admissions committee, and reports to the admissions committee after the annual enrollment work.

Article 8 The Undergraduate Admissions Office of Shandong University and the undergraduate admissions office of the Weihai Campus of Shandong University are the permanent institutions of the undergraduate admissions work of the school. The main responsibility is:

Strict implementation of the provisions of the Ministry of Education's enrollment work and the supplementary provisions and implementation rules of the Admissions Committee of the provinces (autonomous regions, and municipalities); prepare and submit the school sub -professional enrollment plan in accordance with the annual enrollment plan approved by the Ministry of Education and the relevant regulations; Admissions charter; organize enrollment publicity and provide consulting services; objectively and fairly complete the enrollment admission work, coordinate the handling of admission related issues; organize the re -examination of new students; and the public responsibilities of public enrollment information.

Article 9 The undergraduate enrollment work of Shandong University is carried out under the supervision of the school's disciplinary inspection and supervision department, and candidates, parents and social supervision are accepted.

Chapter III Admissions Plan and Admission

Article 10 The undergraduate admissions work of Shandong University is led by the Ministry of Education. In accordance with the principles of "enrollment school responsibility, provincial enrollment supervision", under the organization of the provincial (autonomous region, municipal) admissions committee, the undergraduate admissions office is implemented.

Article 11 Shandong University enrolls students across the country, in accordance with national policy requirements and economic and social development needs, and strives to promote the fairness of regions and urban and rural admission opportunities. Combined with the goals of school running and school running conditions, graduates employment and provincial (autonomous region, municipalities) source status, the source of students (autonomous regions, cities) sources , Determine the sub -professional enrollment plan. The annual enrollment plan and the provincial professional admissions plan are prevailed by the Ministry of Education and the provincial enrollment institutions. The school uses 1%of the total number of enrollment plans as the reserved plan, which is mainly used to regulate the quality control of the source and solve the admission problem of candidates with the same branch.

Article 12 Admission Principles

1. When submitting the file, for the national college entrance examination bonus project stipulated by the Ministry of Education and the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), Shandong University recognizes the highest one of all bonus items possessed by candidates, and does not exceed 20 points; The addition of points is applied when submitting and sub -professional. All college entrance examination bonus items and scores are not suitable for enrollment projects that do not arrange sub -professional admissions programs.

2. Shandong University determines the transfer ratio based on the status of students (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the enrollment plan.

In accordance with the batches of parallel volunteers, the transfer ratio is controlled within 105%in principle. Candidates who have passed the file with qualified medical examinations and professional obedience will not be retreated after entering the file. The unfinished plan will solicit volunteer.

In accordance with the batch of volunteer files in order, the transfer ratio is controlled within 120%in principle. It is admitted from high to low according to the performance of the file. Candidates will be retreated. In the case of lack of students from the first volunteer candidates, the school will admit the non -first volunteer candidates from high to low from high to low according to high to low. Essence

Insufficient volunteer volunteers can be adjusted to other provinces with good quality of students to complete the enrollment plan.

3. Shandong University arranges candidates for admission to candidates in accordance with the results of the candidates and professional volunteers. When the professional distribution, the professional volunteer is not bad. Within the scope of the scale of professional enrollment, the school will appropriately adjust the professional enrollment plan arrangement according to the professional volunteers of the candidates. In the same case of submission of the files, it is implemented in accordance with the comparison rules of the same province; for provinces that do not clearly compare the rules of the same score, those who have prioritized college entrance examinations in turn, those who have high mathematics scores in college entrance examinations, high college entrance examinations, and high school entrance examinations, and those with high college entrance examination Chinese scores, and those with high college entrance examinations. Those who have high foreign languages ​​in the college entrance examination will be recorded until the source plan is full.

At the time of admission, there is no difference between the previous students and the fresh graduates; the proportion of all male and girls in all admissions majors is restricted.

4. Shandong University implements the "Admissions Plan 1: 1: 1: 1: Professional Volunteer Entry" in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The specific rules shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Inner Mongolia Education Admissions Examination Center.

The admission work of Shandong University in the province of comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination is implemented in accordance with relevant provincial and municipal documents. Candidates should comply with the corresponding regulations of the school's admissions majors (categories). In accordance with the batch of the college's professional group, according to the candidates' volunteers, they arranged their majors in the professional group of the same college in accordance with the principle of "score priority".

5. Special types of enrollment projects such as guaranteeing students, strong base plans, comprehensive evaluation admissions, national special plans, university special plans, art, sports, high -level sports teams, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan overseas Chinese, etc. Require for admission.

6. Shandong University Nursing Sciences only recruit candidates with volunteers with the major, and must not be transferred to other majors after entering the school.

7. Candidates who are admitted to Tibet, such as strong base plan, art, sports, high -level sports teams, non -Tibetan students, and other types of employment. ; Chinese and foreign cooperative school candidates must not be transferred to non -Chinese and foreign cooperative school majors.

8. Shandong University Weihai Campus Sino -foreign cooperative school and international political majors. During the study period, some courses will be taught in English. It is suggested that foreign language unified examinations are non -English candidates to fill in the professional volunteer carefully.

9. The medical examination standards shall be implemented in accordance with the "Guidelines for Admissions Medical Examination Work" issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Chinese Disabled Persons' Federation and related supplementary regulations.

Chapter IV Attachment

Article 13 After the enrollment of freshmen, a review of enrollment qualifications shall be conducted in accordance with relevant national and school regulations. Those who fail to qualify shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the admissions work.

Article 14 In accordance with the spirit of relevant national documents and the actual situation of the school's sub -system system, the school will implement the credits of the total daily general undergraduate students. Tuition fees are composed of professional registration tuition and credit tuition fees. Professional registration tuition fees are determined in accordance with the annual charging standards stipulated by the provincial price department. The credit tuition fees are based on the actual credits. The credit tuition standard is 100 yuan per student.

According to the professional training plan, the tuition fees for undergraduate majors in the school are generally about 5,000-7800 yuan/year; the tuition fee for art majors is about 9,000 yuan/year; 12,000 yuan/year; the tuition fee for Chinese and foreign cooperative schools is about 35,000-45,000 yuan/year.

The accommodation fee is different according to the accommodation conditions, generally 800-1200 yuan/year.

If the charging standard changes, the school will be implemented in accordance with the latest policies of the country and Shandong Province.

In order to effectively ensure the successful enrollment of students in family economic difficulties, the school has established a "green channel" for new students, and has a variety of awards to provide national school loans, diligence and student schooling, and fund students with financial difficulties to successfully complete their studies.

Article 15 Shandong University does not entrust any intermediary or individual to conduct enrollment and admission, and does not charge any expenses other than the state. Intermediaries or individuals who conduct illegal enrollment publicity and publicity in the name of Shandong University reserved the right to investigate their responsibilities in accordance with the law.

Article 16 This charter is explained by the undergraduate admissions office of Shandong University.

Article 17 This charter shall be implemented from the date of announcement, and the original enrollment charter is abolished at the same time.

Consultation and contact information

Undergraduate Admissions Network of Shandong University:

Consultation (Supervision) Tel: 0531-59626977

Fax: 0531-88564787

Discipline Inspection and Supervision Report Tel: 0531-88364422 (Reporting of Control of violations of regulations and disciplinary)

Undergraduate Admissions Information Network of Weihai Campus of Shandong University:

Consultation (Supervision) Tel: 0631-5688282

Fax: 0631-5688282

Campus Discipline Inspection and Supervision Report Tel: 0631-5688364 (Report of Acceptance of violations of regulations and disciplinary)

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