Fuzhou University 2022 General College Entrance Examination Recruitment Articles

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.15

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 In accordance with the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations, and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education, in order to further regulate the enrollment of schools and ensure the smooth progress of enrollment work, this articles of association are specially formulated.

Article 2 Fuzhou University (National Standard Code 10386) is a provincial public full -time general college. It was founded in 1958. It is a combination of work and science and engineering. The national "double first -class" universities, the national "211 project" of the national "double first -class" university, the national "211 project" of the National Construction University, the Fujian Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Education have jointly established universities.

Article 3 The main body of the school is located in the Qishan Campus of Fuzhou City. It has multiple campuses in Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou and other places.

1. All majors (except for this entry 2-4 points special explanation) The first school year is trained in the Tongpan Campus of Fuzhou City, and the follow-up school year is trained in the Qishan Campus of Fuzhou.

2. Xiamen Institute of Arts and Crafts (including art, design, and industrial design specialty) in Xiamen Jimei Campus.

3. Advanced Manufacturing College (Joint Cultivation of Talent Projects of Fujian and Taiwan University) adopts two models of "3+1" and "4+0" to train in the Jinjiang Campus of Quanzhou City. Among them, the "3+1" model, except for irresistible factors Outside, in principle, the third academic year went to Taiwan to exchange and study for one year.

4. Mengsus International Engineering Institute (Sino -foreign Cooperation School Project) and the School of Music of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences are trained in the Qishan Campus of Fuzhou.

Article 4 The school's enrollment work follows the principles of "fair competition, fair selection, open procedures, and comprehensive assessment, comprehensive evaluation, and selection admission" of morality, intellectual, physical and labor. The enrollment work takes the initiative to accept the supervision of the disciplinary inspection and supervision department, news media, candidates, candidates, and all sectors of society.

Chapter 2 Organizations and Responsibilities

Article 5 The school establishs an enrollment committee and a leading group of admissions work to review and formulate enrollment policies, enrollment scale, enrollment plan, and research and decision to decide major matters in the recruitment process.

Article 6 The Admissions Examination Center is a permanent institution for school organizations and enrollment work. It is responsible for admissions and daily work.

Article 7 The school establishes and improves the admissions supervision mechanism, clarifies the channels for supervision and reporting, and strictly prevent enrollment power for rent. The school disciplinary inspection and supervision department effectively strengthened the supervision and inspection of admissions work.

Chapter 3 Admissions Plan and Requirements

Article 8 The school's admissions majors and plans to be announced by provincial enrollment examination institutions in that year shall prevail.

Article 9 Except for candidates who only recruit English language in English, other majors have no requirements for foreign language test language. Students of Xinjiang "People’ s Examinations "must take the national unified college entrance examination foreign language examination. The school uses English as a public basic foreign language arrangement to teach, and does not set up curriculum or curriculum substitutes for non -English language students; Menus International Engineering College (Sino -foreign Cooperation School Project) uses "4+0", "Double Teaching Degree" and English teaching training mode. Candidates of non -English language please fill in carefully.

Article 10 The school's counterpart supports Xinjiang Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Chongqing Wanzhou District Orientation Admissions Plan, as well as the enrollment plan for the art category for Xiamen and Petrochemical to Quanzhou. Candidates who signed up for the college entrance examination locally.

Article 11 There are no restrictions on the proportion of men and women in each major of the school. Candidates 'physical health requirements are required to be issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and the implementation of the enrollment medical examination work of ordinary colleges and universities (Teaching [2003] No. 3) and the implementation of supplementary regulations Attachment "Requirements for the Medical Examination of Undergraduate Admissions in Fuzhou University"). Within three months after the new student enrollment, the school conducts a re -examination of physical health and professional skills re -test according to the relevant requirements of the admission. No. 41) Cancellation of school status.

Chapter 4 Admission Principles

Article 12 The school determines the proportion of file transfer in accordance with the relevant policies of various provinces, and in principle, the province batch of the provinces of parallel volunteers will be adjusted at 100%of the number of enrollment plans.

Article 13 The school recognizes the relevant bonus policy formulated by the provincial admissions examination institution where the candidates are located, and the comprehensive scores are allocated or calculated with the additional score scores. All college entrance examination bonus items and scores are not applicable to high -level sports team enrollment projects that do not arrange sub -professional enrollment programs.

Article 14 Principles of admission principles for general majors

1. Within the scope of the provincial admissions examination institutions, the candidates are sorted from high to low according to the results of the candidates and the candidates' professional volunteers and admissions programs are conducted (all professional adjustment candidates are lower than those with professional volunteers) There is no score -level difference between the volunteers of each professional. If the professional volunteers reported by the candidates are not accepted, those who obey the professional adjustment shall be from high to low -key agents to absence majors according to the score of the file. Internal tone agent.

2. In the batch of provinces that vote in parallel volunteers, determine the same division of candidates in accordance with the grade sort rules stipulated by the provincial admissions examination institutions; The secondary candidates, if the batch does not have the same score sorting rules, refer to the implementation of the general undergraduate parallel submissions; if it is still the same, refer to the comprehensive quality evaluation selection. 3. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region adopts the admission rules of "enrollment plan 1: 1 in accordance with professional volunteers".

4. Relevant provinces (cities) for the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, and the requirements and admission rules of each professional selection subjects shall be implemented in accordance with the schemes and relevant measures published by relevant provincial admissions examination institutions.

Article 15 Principles of Admission Principles of Arts Professional

Candidates' cultural results and professional unified examination scores must reach the provincial art undergraduate admission control score line. The method and proportion of the artistic submission are based on the principles of the formulation of various provincial enrollment examination institutions. For other requirements, please refer to the art enrollment chapters announced by the school that year.

1. Provincial provinces that implement parallel volunteer files. When the school enrolls, the submission rules determined by the provincial enrollment examination institutions will be admitted from high to low scores to low scores. There is no score -level difference between professional volunteers. There are professional volunteer candidates. If the performance of the file is the same, according to the provincial enrollment examination institutions, the same scoring rules are sorted and admitted. If the same is the same, refer to the comprehensive quality evaluation selection. If the professional volunteers reported by the candidates are not accepted, those who obey the professional adjustment will from high to low -key to the absence of professionalism.

2. Implement provinces with non -parallel volunteers, and within the scope of the provincial enrollment examination institutions, according to the comprehensive score of candidates (100 points) from high to low, selection of excellent admission. The comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination is the sum of the total scores of the three subjects), the order of foreign languages, and mathematics is determined to determine the ranking of candidates, and a comprehensive grading difference between the first and second majors is 2 points. If the professional volunteers reported by the candidates are not accepted, those who obey the professional adjustment will from high to low -key to the absence of professionalism according to the comprehensive score.

The comprehensive score calculation method is as follows:

Comprehensive score = candidate cultural score ÷ culture full points × 40 + candidate professional score ÷ professional full score × 60

Article 16 High -level sports team, university special plan, national special plan, local special plan, Xinjiang high school class in the Mainland, Mainland Tibet High School Class, Minority Preparatory Class, Southern Xinjiang Line Program in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Provincial Admissions Examination The relevant regulations of the institution and the enrollment of the school's high -level sports team and college special plan this year.

Chapter 5 Student Management

Article 17 In accordance with the "Fuzhou University Student Management Regulations" and other documents, those who have completed the content of the training plan and meet the graduation requirements within the prescribed period of the school shall be issued by Fuzhou University to issue an undergraduate certificate of general higher education; Bachelor's degree awarded by Fuzhou University.

Article 18 Students of Chinese and Foreign Cooperation Schools and Fujian and Taiwan Universitys who jointly train talent projects, orientation, and high -level sports team students must not be transferred after entering school; Students in engineering, mining engineering, mineral processing engineering) can only be transferred to the majors of the same enrollment college after entering school; students of art majors can only be transferred in art in art after enrollment; Implementation in accordance with the "Implementation Measures for the Management (Interim)" and other documents of the "Fuzhou University undergraduate transfer professional management (temporary).

Chapter 6 Charging Standard

Article 19 The standard of general scientific fees for schools:

1. General majors of 5460 yuan/student. Academic year (software engineering specialty third, fourth grade 13,000 yuan/student); school year; school year);

2. 8900 yuan/student in music science, school year, art majors 9360 yuan/student. School year; school year;

3. Fujian and Taiwan universities jointly cultivate 15,000 yuan/student project. Academic year;

4. The Chinese and Foreign Cooperation Schools of International Engineering School of International Engineering 60,000 yuan/student. Academic year.

Article 20 School accommodation fee (including air conditioning) standard:

1. 1300 yuan/student in Qishan Campus. School Year (4 people) or 1020 yuan/student. Academic year (6 people);

2. 1300 yuan/student in the Bronze Plate Campus. School Year (4 people) or 990 yuan/student. School Year (6 people);

3. Jimei Campus 1300 yuan/student. Academic year (4 people) or 1070 yuan/student. Academic year (6 people);

4. Jinjiang Campus 1300 yuan/student. School Year (4 people).

Article 21 If the above expenses have changed, it is implemented in accordance with the final approved charging standards issued by the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission. The relevant provisions in the relevant provisions of the issues related to the management of the charging management of secondary vocational schools "(Fujian Various [2005] fee No. 435) are implemented in accordance with the actual situation. The refund during the epidemic period shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Fujian Provincial Department of Education's Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission on the Fujian Provincial Department of Finance on the prevention and control of school toll management during the prevention and control of the epidemic "(Fujian Cai [2020] No. 9).

Chapter 7 Student Awards System

Article 22 In order to help students with economic difficulties to successfully complete their studies, the school insists that "not allowing a student to drop out of school due to family economic difficulties" has established a national scholarship, a national inspirational scholarship, a national student aid, an excellent student scholarship, a national aid Learning loans, diligence assistance, tuition and exemption, new green channels, orphans' full -process funding plans, temporary difficulties subsidies, and social awards, and social awards. Chapter 8

Article 23 This charter will take effect from the date of announcement, and the specific implementation process shall be implemented in accordance with the corresponding policies formulated by the Ministry of Education and the provincial enrollment examination institutions of the year. The school has not commissioned or authorized any intermediary or individual to conduct enrollment or admission related work, and does not organize any form of profitability for profitability. For institutions or individuals who conduct illegal enrollment publicity in the name of school, the school reserves the right to investigate its responsibility in accordance with the law.

Article 24 The Fuzhou University Admissions Examination Center is responsible for the specific interpretation of this charter.

Qishan Campus, Fuzhou City: No. 2, North Avenue, Fuzhou University Town, Fuzhou County, Fuzhou City, Fuzhou Province

Fuzhou Tongpan Campus: 89-1, Software Avenue, Tongpan Road Software Park, Gulou District, Fuzhou Province

Xiamen Jimei Campus: No. 852, Polytechnic Road, Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province

Jinjiang Campus, Quanzhou City: No. 1, Shuocheng South Road, Jinjing Town, Jinjiang City, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province

Consultation Tel: 0591-22866857 (fax), 22867800

Appeal Tel: 0591-22991792

Mailing address: No. 2, North Avenue, Fuzhou University Town, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

Fuzhou University Admissions Examination Center

Postal code: 350108

Fuzhou University Website: https://www.fzu.edu.cn

Recruitment center website: https://zsks.fzu.edu.cn

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