Creative!Primary school students independently design nucleic acid detection card pattern out of circle

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.15

Jimu Journalist Wang Yuan

Correspondent Zeng 偲偲

Video editing Wang Yuan

"The card I arrived at the nuclear acid to the school today was designed by the school and was very creative." On June 13, students from Daxing First Experimental Primary School, Jianghan District, Wuhan City received a nucleic acid detection card after finishing the nucleic acid. This nucleic acid detection The school's students are designed independently, because the design of campus culture has been loved by many students.

Students' self -made nucleic acid sampling cards help epidemic prevention

Student Zhu Qingchuan's nucleic acid detection card

According to reports, this nucleic acid detection card is designed by Zhu Qingchuan, a student in the third grade (3) of the school. "I designed a card of the same series of five colors, which represents the time from Monday to Friday five days." Zhu Qingchuan introduced that the front of the card is printed with sharing, inquiry, bodybuilding, reading (Read) ) Thinking (Think) five keywords are the five core literacy that the school expects each student to own. It also attaches celebrities and famous quotes according to the meaning of keywords. And the date of nucleic acid detection.

"After learning the use of drawing software in information technology classes, the teacher taught us how to design the nucleic acid detection card of the campus." Zhu Qingchuan said that in the classroom, she learned the basic operation methods of the software and the basic elements of the design nucleic acid detection card. At the weekend, under the guidance of Dad, the design of the nucleic acid card was completed.

Zhu Qingchuan is designing cards

Zhu Qingchuan's father introduced that when he learned that the child wanted to design a nucleic acid detection card, he believed that the design was very meaningful. Not only could it strengthen the child's awareness of the epidemic prevention, but also helping the child to consolidate the knowledge of the classroom. The PS software was performed. "For example, the famous celebrity saying related to 'reading' is Du Fu's" reading through thousands of volumes, and the writing is like God. "The child likes this sentence, and we designed it in the card." Mr. Zhu said.

Creative comes from the story of war and epidemic in life

"Students have to detect nucleic acids at school every few days. I think that they can develop an information technology course independently and lead students to review the generation and evolution of the card." Zhang Ru, a teacher in the information technology teacher, said that the design of the course comes from the students from the students from the students. In life, the actual problems in life are easy to impress students, and it is easy to cause students to think. Deepening students' understanding of nucleic acid testing in the classroom can also enhance their awareness of epidemic prevention.

Students receive nucleic acid detection cards

Zhang Ru recalled an experience of participating in nuclear acid testing in the community -the back of the card she received was printed with a public welfare advertisement, which realized that the card was not only a record and proof, but also a role in promoting. The nucleic acid testing experience made her the idea of ​​incorporating the related elements of epidemic prevention in teaching.

"The nucleic acid detection card can also be used to promote campus culture." Tell reporters that the school's school motto and campus school running concept can be designed to the card. Students further experience the campus culture in the process of design and enhance their sense of identity in schools. She also guided students to add words and pictures that inspired people in the card to stimulate students' emotions. With the three dimensions of proof, emotions, and promotion, she allows students to form a comprehensive cognition.

The original card will be promoted in the whole school

52 students in the third grade (3) class completed the card production inside and outside the classroom. Jimu reporters noticed that, in addition to the conventional vertical card, student Wu Miaoxiang designed a horizontal version of the card, incorporated the cartoon element, and was loved by his classmates.

Students learn card design in class

When it comes to the design concept, student Wu Chuhang said that because the green code represents health, the card uses a green background color, and the image and slogan propagation of epidemic prevention is a long -lasting battle. Encourage everyone to have confidence and actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing. Student Sun Aotian said that the design process uses the drawing program, pastes the graphics and adjusts the size, and uses Pinyin input method to output text. Student Xu Muyan said that she took into account the cycle of paper, so she wrote five times. Painting a box after each date allows the user to tick, so that the user knows that his nucleic acid can do it for a few days. "Let the classroom activities truly extend and integrate into the life of the children." Zhang Ru said that the school collected and selected the students 'excellent works, printed into a card, and put it into use during the test of nucleic acids in the whole school. In the future, different students' works Have a chance to get it.

Nucleic acid detection card is put into use

Zhang Yanping, principal of Daxing First Experimental Primary School, introduced that the students saw that the cards designed by themselves were very fulfilled. The enthusiasm of nucleic acids was higher than before, and she also had a certain sense of responsibility. "The school shows and promotes the children's works, which is also the recognition of children's learning and growth to a certain extent. This idea is also very in line with the concept of educating people in our school, that is, to cultivate a sunny young boy. Hope the child wants the child In the future, we can enter the society for the development of the country. "Zhang Yanping said.

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