[In -depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] Jinta County: Continue to consolidate the results of the "double reduction" work

Author:Golden Tower Propaganda Time:2022.06.15

Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the Education Bureau of Jinsha County has worked hard to implement the implementation of the "double reduction" work, and effective, and fully played a good job of "double reduction" and consolidating the results of the "double reduction" work.

Focus on doing good things and comprehensively coordinate arrangements. The "dual reduction" work is a major measure to implement the fundamental task of Lide Shushu, and it is a people's livelihood project that solves the problem of "urgency and sorrow". The main leaders and leaders of the county party committee and county government have carried out a special research on the "double reduction" work on the school. Organized the county's "double reduction" work promotion meeting six times, and printed and distributed the "Double Subtraction" Work Implementation Plan of the Jinta County Education System "and" Implementation Opinions of the Primary and Middle and Middle Schools after Primary and Secondary Schools in Jinda County ". 19 member units have the requirements of the benchmarking work, focus on target tasks, and comprehensively promote the implementation of the "double reduction" work. The county education bureau has held a special meeting arrangement eight times to guide the formulation of work plans for various schools, implemented steadily, and fully promoted.

Focus on quality and efficiency, ensure efficient advancement. The county education bureau launched a "double reduction" work questionnaire survey in primary and secondary schools in the county. Increase the effectiveness of the "dual reduction" work into the school quality evaluation, explore the improvement of teaching quality evaluation, and comprehensively implement the quality of paper -free and mathematical quality tests in the first and second grades of primary schools in the county. The tendency of scores effectively eliminates the phenomenon of "fast and slow classes" and "key classes" with scores as the sole standard. It has carried out the work of "classroom teaching reform in the background of" double reduction '"in the county. Continuously improve the effectiveness of classrooms in curriculum reform and construct high -efficiency classrooms. Explore the cooperation model of school and social forces, promote special sports into the campus, and open up new paths for further enriching the school's after -school service content and enhance students' physical fitness.

Focus on strict governance and standardize off -campus training. Organize the information of "business reform and non -disciplinary" and transfer to non -disciplinary institutions to improve the information on the comprehensive platform of off -school education and training and service. Joint Market Supervision Bureau and Civil Affairs Bureau conducted on -site investigations on a "business reform non -" institution, and conducted a (replacement) "Certificate of Registration for private non -enterprise units" for private non -enterprise units; Change and change the "Business License". Printing and issuing a letter to the parents of the county students reminds parents of students to recognize the prevention and control situation of the epidemic, strictly abide by the provisions of the epidemic prevention and control, and send their children to off -campus training activities in accordance with relevant regulations. At the same time, actively study and understand the "dual reduction" policy, assist in social supervision, and actively report illegal school running behavior. As of now, 30 out -of -school training institutions approved by the original, one of the subject training institutions has been reduced by 6, and the reduction rate has been reduced by 85.7%. (Wang Ge)

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