On the first day of the college entrance examination of the country -fine guarantee, the test should

Author:Report Time:2022.06.08


On June 7th, in a middle school in Daoxian County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, the teacher cheered the students before the first exam. Photo by He Hongfu (People's Vision)


On June 7, the candidate signaled to the parents outside the test site of the Beijing Normal University. Reporter Zhang Wujun

June 7, the first day of the college entrance examination. The reporter learned from the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education: This year, there are a total of 7753 conventional test sites and 330,000 conventional test rooms. Strengthen service guarantees in various places, and go all out to realize the tests.

—— Editor

Strengthening fine services to carry out escort operations

Our reporter Zhao Xuna Wang Mingfeng

The person in charge of the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education,, introduced, introduced, introduced, introduced, introduced by the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education. This year, for different types of candidates -related candidates, timely arrange \"hospital test room\", \"isolation point test room\", \"reset the test site\", etc., to ensure that candidates should take the test.

This year, Beijing, Liaoning, and Sichuan provided examination services for 12 positive candidates at the square cabin hospital; the nation's 120 centralized isolation candidates arranged for the isolation point test room, which arranged for more than 700 candidates in the sealing management area. Place the test room. At the same time, the health screening of pre -examination is categorized, and the local regions are guided by the local area to conduct a pre -examination nucleic acid test to ensure the safety and health of candidates and candidates for candidates and candidates.

According to reports, the college entrance examination examination work is heavy and arduous, and the operation and maintenance system is highly complicated. The Ministry of Education gives full play to the advantages of the National Joint Conference system of the Ministry of Education, integrated layout, integrated integration of resources, and integrated use of forces to effectively strengthen overall coordination.

Strive to provide fine services for candidates. To do a good job of admission, in order to check the situation of various health information, it may occur and gather, and to guide the use of big data technology to improve verification efficiency. Zhejiang implements admission tickets, health codes, itinerary, vaccination, nucleic acid testing, and body temperature \"six yards\", once passed. At the same time, strengthen the relief of the bottom of the pocket, and make a blind text test paper for the eight blind candidates in the five provinces. The national examination front provides reasonable and convenient and help for more than 10,000 disabled candidates. For candidates who are abnormal in health information at the time of admission, measures such as multiple body temperature testing, rapid testing and reissue are used to arrange for candidates to ensure the examination in the spare quarantine test room. The end of the exam is classified according to the guidance of the health department.

Sichuan classification of the organizational work of immune -related candidates, guide localities to refine the principles of special test spots, and implement the \"three days and two inspections\" measures for the 48 -hour nucleic acid test and examination staff. Different types of test sites.

Pay attention to candidates' mental health, guide localities to optimize teaching arrangements, rely on high school and psychological service agencies, do a good job of psychological counseling in candidates, alleviate anxietyEssence Carry out escort operations, guide localities to further optimize the examination services, and carefully do a good job of comprehensive guarantee for candidates' safety, travel, accommodation, and hygiene. Publish a warning of the college entrance examination fraud, remind candidates and parents to distinguish online rumors, and beware of being deceived.

Strengthening emergency processes and ensuring stability and power is also an important feature of this year's college entrance examination. According to the person in charge of the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education, the first is to formulate emergency plans and strengthen drill guidance. At the same time, upgrade the digital command platform of the National Education Examination, and associate information such as disaster forecast early warning with the test room database.

In Ya'an, Sichuan, in order to ensure the safety of candidates, Baoxing County's test site was transferred to Tianquan County for spare test sites. On the 7th, 418 candidates started the exam. Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi and other places have recently encountered heavy rainfall, and flood disasters have formed, which affects the travel of candidates.

In addition, there are many volunteers who have warm heart -warming tests and love to send exams in various places to help candidates to take the exam with peace of mind. Outside of multiple college entrance examinations such as Neijiang City No. 1 Middle School in Sichuan, many volunteers wearing small red hats and red vests provide candidates with drinking water, medicine, stationery, etc. at the volunteer service point of the college entrance examination. In Luzhou, Sichuan, Wanshun called Che Luzhou Branch more than 100 caring drivers to participate in Luzhou 2022 \"You Fight

I dedicate\" college entrance examination students free pick -up public welfare activities.

Expert analysis of the college entrance examination propositions-

Pay attention to basic examination and improve ability literacy

Our reporter Zhao Xuna

The first day of the national college entrance examination in 2022, for Chinese The proposition thinking of the subject, the reporter interviewed the college entrance examination proposition expert.

In 2022, the Ministry of Education ’s Education Examination Institute shared the national volume A, National Volume B, New College Entrance Examination, and New College Entrance Examination II. The test questions implement the fundamental tasks of Lideshu people, fully tap the contemporary value of the excellent traditional culture of China, and learn from the profound power of revolutionary culture and the advanced socialist culture; show the great achievements of the new era and stimulate the potential of young people; strengthen the connection of teaching examinations, effectively guide the guidance Teaching, inspiring students to lay a solid foundation and improve their ability.

Showing humanistic heritage and establishing cultural self -confidence

\"The test questions give full play to the humanistic advantages of the discipline, and the selection of materials focuses on reflecting the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture and revolutionary culture. On the basis of its connotation, drawing on the wisdom of the ancients, drawing spiritual power, establishing cultural self -confidence, and guiding students to based on reality, integrating ancient and modern resources, and facing future innovation. \"Experts of college entrance examination propositions analyzed.

The test questions look for the source of educating people from the excellent traditional culture of China, show the long history and humanistic heritage of Chinese civilization, guide students to accurately grasp the connotation and value of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and think in depth of Chinese excellent traditional culture in China. Contemporary \"creative transformation and innovative development\". For example, Volume B discussing text readingReading materials are excerpted from \"Chinese narrative: Logic starting point and operation program\", which explores the use of flow perspectives in traditional Chinese narratives in the comparison of Western narratives to help students understand the contemporary value of ancient narrative literature in depth. At the same time, the test questions are dedicated to deeply cultivating red culture, showing the power of example, guiding students to remember the glorious history of the revolution, feel the party's original mission, and continue the red gene.

Following the theme of the times and paying attention to the growth of youth

\"2022 to meet the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Youth League, the test questions are closely linked to the theme of the times, paying attention to the growth of youth, and reflecting the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The advanced socialist culture, guide young students to closely combine personal destiny with the country's destiny, encourage young people to love the motherland, strengthen their beliefs, forge ahead, and innovate. Shaohua, live up to the earnest expectations of the party and the people, compose a magnificent song of youth in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all -round way. \"Experts from the college entrance examination proposition analyzed.

New college entrance examination Ⅱ Volume Volume Language uses the material of \"Tiangong Class\". \"Tiangong\" is an independent space station in my country. The world, facing the future, chase your own \"flying dream\".

The composition questions of Volume II in the new college entrance examination, choose a typical typical character of different industries, and require students to write an article with the theme of \"selection, creation, and future\". The test questions show the spirit and style of talents in the new era, guide students to see the wisdom, and integrate the ego into the big self and the people of the people. Not only encourage young people to face up to realistic issues, do a good job of personal career planning, but also encourage young people to strive to be a great ideal chaser and strive to be the vital army of great cause.

Pay attention to comprehensive development and guide classroom teaching

Experts of the college entrance examination proposition expert analysis, the test questions emphasize the deepening foundation, strictly follow the curriculum standard, intentionally related to the teaching materials, innovative test questions; guide teaching in accordance with the curriculum standards, improve the course standards, improve the improvement The quality of the classroom, guide students to improve their ability, strengthen the role of school education, and create a good ecological environment for the comprehensive development of students, intellectual, physical and labor.

According to reports, the Chinese propositions of the college entrance examination in 2022 continued to explore in the \"change of relatively solidified test questions, enhance the openness of the test questions, reduce dead memories and 'mechanical brush questions' phenomena\", and use new questions. Expand the openness and flexibility of the test questions.

Reprinted: People's Daily

Editor: Fan Jing

Responsible editor: Su Zhan [ 123]

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