Beijing: Candidates of migrant workers will submit online application from October 12

The reporter learned from the Beijing Education Examination Institute yesterday that from 8:00 on October 12th to 17:00, the qualified and chose to participate in the high -vocational enrollment exami

Lide Shuren Performance "Five Education" integrates newcomers -Municipal Experimental Primary School explores the road of high -quality development

63 are windy and rainy, and they are determined to be educated for the party; In r...

Dongying District 7th Youth Science Literacy TV Contest was held

On the afternoon of September 23, the seventh youth scientific literacy television...

Cindaa, history and culture are rejuvenating in her pen

From the translation of Liangzhu Capital to the translation experts of Chinese Pai...

Xiangyin's first university Xiangxiang Xing College started school welcoming the new

Yueyang Evening News All -Media (Correspondent Peng Liu Pengya reporter Huang Chen...

Ningcheng County Squadron took multiple measures and inspired the new vitality of ideological and political education

In order to further grasp the transformation of the construction of the team's ideological and political courses and strengthen the quality of the teaching and research management of the squadron, rec

Du Jihuan: Thirty Years Following the Good Direction and Nourishing Newcomers

Photo by Du Jihuan reporter Jia MingleiDu Jihuan is an excellent teacher in the Se...

It is said that 52 -year -old college students "waste educational resources", there are 3 unreliable

Text | Lu Xiaodong (researcher at the Institute of Education and Economics of Pekin...

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