Education must have the knowledge and kung fu of "slow and slow"

The implementation of double reduction has achieved a series of gratifying achieve...

Rural aesthetics should better absorb local resources

Recently, there are media reports that a township central elementary school aesthe...

Dongfeng Campus Carry out "Passionate Red Heart ignite Dongfeng's immature smile and gives the motherland" National Day theme series

In order to strengthen patriotism education, the sense of pride and belonging of t...

Xiuyu: The education of music donation shows great love, the love is Sangzi reported Chunhui

Diligent and intelligent Xiuyu childrenTravel all over the country, open up entrep...

How to teach Confucius in Wanshi Watch

How did the Confucius of Tao Li Man in the world teach?▲ Kong carpConfucius is th...

Shouguang: The corn celebrates the "soil"

In order to allow students to experience the happiness of labor and feel the joy o...

32 junior high schools in the urban area to open the third junior high school student evening self -study city education bureau director responding to hot topics such as enrollment, junior high school self -study and other hot topics

In 2023, Qingdao will usher in the peak of elementary school enrollment, 150,000 to 16 million grade freshmen enrolled in school. Can the degree problem be solved? In the next three years, a large n

Global Mathematics Competition, Peking University first!

September 262022 Alibaba Global Mathematics CompetitionAnnounce the winning listTh...

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