Extra -school training in sports and aesthetics is included in the "discipline"?Ministry of Education Answer

Recently, the Ministry of Education responded to the 2617th meeting of the Fifth S...

@吸: Do not miss these preferential policies!

Attention to employers!Adjust the employment of college graduatesThere are these p...

The cultural level of the country exceeds 218 million!Data announcement

The Ministry of Education held a press conference this morning to introduce the effectiveness of my country's education reform and development since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party o

Sign up after the Putonghua level test!The qualification to apply for teachers must reach the second and above or above

The reporter learned from the Municipal Education Bureau that the Putonghua level test of our city in 2022 signed up from September 29th to October 7th, and paid from October 12th to 16th.It is unders

The highest bonus is 20,000 yuan!2022 Luzhou Vocational Skills Contest began to register

To speed up the construction of the city's high -skilled talent teamStimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of workers to learn skills to practice skillsIn 2022, the Luzhou Vocational Skills Competit

Anhui Lingyu: "Anxin to the Young" action "to solve the parents" care "

Anxin Tobu is one of the 10 warm people's hearts deployed by Anhui Province. Since...

Xie Xiaoyun: Build the "Hefang" garden teaching and research model to help teachers' professional growth

Xie XiaoyunAuthor: Xie Xiaoyun, deputy head of the kindergarten in Liangjia Temple...

The TOEFL and GRE test will open the Chinese test in China on September 28th

China Education Daily (Reporter Liang Dan) Recently, the American Education Examin...

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